Oh man, Scawen. What to say...
For starters, there are still many of us who remember the very beginning of this game and will always hold LFS very dearly.
It was back in, what was it, 2002 ? Back then it was one of the most realistic sims evah ! I still play from time to time
and im always amazed at how natural it feels. Sure, the tire physics arent perfect, nothing is, but the whole 'game' has always
felt natural to me (the gui, the online racing, the setups, the multiple options, the close contact with the devs, the community
well, the old one...lol...etc..)
A vote for LFS is a vote against deadline-driven faceless global companies buying each other until they merge into this one big
ugly entity sucking the life out of us. Forget about technical support. Just format, reinstall or buy a better PC. With this comes
compromises many are not willing to live with. Many have gotten used (or were simply not alive before that..) to this instant
society where you can blame others for your impatience. That's a shame really, because many of us can asure you, happyness
doesnt come from instant gratification.
I for one feel lucky to have found LFS when i did. I've always felt priviledged to be part of this community ( although my
beginnings were disturbing to some..) and i'll continue to support the devs whatever they ultimately do with LFS. Sure, its
easy to sit here and bitch on a forum because you didnt get the xmas gift you wanted. Then again, did you act nice ALL
year ? Really ? What about those 'links' i see in your browser....mmmm. I thought so.
So, yeah, of course i'd love to have ANY 'alpha', 'beta', 'test' patch. I mean, that's always been a part of LFS, the constant
progress and the feeling we were part of it. That is, unfortunately, the thing i miss the most. This tyre physics is a pandora's
box ( it is even for people MAKING real tyres...). While i doubt Scawen can attain the level of perfection he is aiming for in
reasonable time, im sure he knows that and will eventually find a compromise he is confortable with. When that day comes,
i'll still be here and i'll be happy to go online and try it . :P
Until then, Scawen, Victor, oh and Eric (we barely knew ya), i wish you a happy christmas and a happy new year. Take a
break from the stresses of LFS, go drift your cars in the snow while NOT visualising the tire and what it must be doing
(im talking to you Scawen...lol) and let the ingrate kids complain, they always will.