Thank you Live for Speed.
(58 posts, started )
#1 - RE12
Thank you Live for Speed.
Live for Speed is really amazing. It always has been. A huge thank you to all those involved. Massive respect to you guys.
#2 - Mysho
^^ So random. Nice first post.
#3 - RE12
After eight years I thought it was time I showed my appreciation.
2003 user with his first post, neat
RE12 is a fake account from one of the devs. And This Thread is a part of one huge marketing campain.:hypnotize
Well i made more friends thancks to LFS
#8 - sjava
Quote from Martin Deutschland :RE12 is a fake account from one of the devs. And This Thread is a part of one huge marketing campain.:hypnotize

Man,u guys sure know how to make me laugh but this wasnt even joke ..
I'm up for this
Thanks guys, for what it is and not what it could be as that will be somthing diffrent!!
OP sarcasm?
I agree with OP I was thinking about making a similar thread lately.

Many many hours and 10's of thousands of km's driven. Great sim
We need more nice threads like this.
And some more threads in Test Patch Forum
Quote from RE12 :Live for Speed is really amazing. It always has been. A huge thank you to all those involved. Massive respect to you guys.

Quote from re12 :live for speed is really amazing. It always has been. A huge thank you to all those involved. Massive respect to you guys.

Quote from re12 :live for speed is really amazing. It always has been. A huge thank you to all those involved. Massive respect to you guys.


Quote from amynue :and some more threads in test patch forum

Thank you Live for Speed for making me be willing to pay a fortune for iRacing
Quote from baSh0r :Thank you Live for Speed for making me be willing to pay a fortune for iRacing

I think he said blessed are the physics makers?
#20 - RE12
No sarcasm or fake accounts guys. It occurred to me the other day how good LFS actually is, so I thought I'd make this thread. For me, LFS has provided so many hours of entertainment and even though I have been out of the "scene" for a while, I still really appreciate that. In a world of multi million dollar budget platform games, LFS still comes out shining. This is what I find so amazing, especially considering the size of the development team . LFS is truly something special and always will be.
Aight, I'll follow then.

Thanks LFS, for the fun and the new friends you've given me. It has been a pleasure, and some money well spent. However, the fun is now over, so its time to move on to iRacing. You gotta pay more for a bigger house. Im paying more for a better sim. The base LFS has is really good, but you need the stuff around the base as well. iRacing simply has that, and their "base" is just getting better as well, with their new tyre-physics coming out in 2011.

But yeah, thanks, it has been fun while it lasted.

Quote from BOSCHO :Well i made more friends thancks to LFS

Yes I made alot of friends in lfs like about over 200
Quote from Tomhah :Aight, I'll follow then.

Thanks LFS, for the fun and the new friends you've given me. It has been a pleasure, and some money well spent. However, the fun is now over, so its time to move on to iRacing. You gotta pay more for a bigger house. Im paying more for a better sim. The base LFS has is really good, but you need the stuff around the base as well. iRacing simply has that, and their "base" is just getting better as well, with their new tyre-physics coming out in 2011.

But yeah, thanks, it has been fun while it lasted.


+1 Except i aint spending my monies on iRacing.
Quote :No sarcasm or fake accounts guys. It occurred to me the other day how good LFS actually is, so I thought I'd make this thread. For me, LFS has provided so many hours of entertainment and even though I have been out of the "scene" for a while, I still really appreciate that. In a world of multi million dollar budget platform games, LFS still comes out shining. This is what I find so amazing, especially considering the size of the development team . LFS is truly something special and always will be.

well said!

My reflection...
I meant
Wow, yes!
here btw.
LFS is nice.
I tried to remake an XJ220 today.
I don't know if it worked, but a 550 BHP Turbocharged 3.5L V6 was nice though.
I like LFS because of the compatibility with this things.

You can make tires twice as wide or engines 4 times as nice, put them in the back etc.
I really like that.
It's a pity that the devs don't try to make (ultra/super)cars like that.
However, the ability to make cars like that is awesome.
I mean, LFS is so wide (with mods), it's really crazy, if there were more people to contact car manufacturers, there would probably be more cars.
The only thing LFS needs is an offer:
However, there is a difference between everyone driving the same car against eachother and
Everyone driving a different car to each other.

Therefore, LFS is nicer to drive in multiplayer:
There wil be more people driving the same car against you.
The supercars would be nice to have in LFS though, but there is a small chance it will.
There would be so much variety in cars that there wouldn't be many people driving on a combo.
If or when LFS will be big, it would be nice to have supercars on tracks to race to eachother, but now GTR's on AS National is the best thing we can think of, because it gives competition.
The competition in LFS is really nice, and although the simulator itself isn't bad either, it's probably not a good idea to add a lot of cars, since it will make a lot of people drive that combo.
LFS makes driving (some sort of) a XJ220 possible, without needing to really model that car.
You know the physics of the ty/ires are ok, you know the engine is ok, like the suspension.
You can change it, if needed, and also you will need aerodynamic changes and things like that.

The problem is: You can make ANY car in LFS without a problem.
The problem is: You would be RACING any car LFS would be able to make, which would probably be the best car on the combo you were driving.

Therefore, more cars means less competition (1 on 1 car driving, or at least same model against same model driving)
While less cars means more competition (choose 1 of 3 cars, and try to win with a car which corners better, gets better speed at the end of the gears, or an overall good car which you need to shift (taking FXR, XRR and FZR for example))

LFS is nice, but because it's not widespread, it's logically impossible to make the game soo much bigger, and more "forever alone" to play.

If it would be as popular as GT5, it would be possible to make and race more cars on track.

But now it is impossible to keep many people on a track on an interesting combo.

Bottom line:
LFS is nice, but it needs to have more members to grow...

Also, I am drunk, and this is probably my longest post ever.

Thank you Live for Speed.
(58 posts, started )