Oh wow...
Such high expectations from me for this title. I was really missing a game where I could just get in and cruise around in some awesome cars. Not to be it seems though...
I will start off saying I did not expect amazing sim-like physics. However, what they have in the game is beyond terrible. It made me feel like going and playing NFS instead because freaking Shift felt better than this.Its difficult to explain. The car feels glued to the road, but at the same time feels like its floating. All combined it makes for some awful driving.
There also seems to be quite a big delay in controls. Like it takes a second for the game to realise you commanded to turn right...
The damage is a joke by the way.
Graphics dont shine either. Compared to what we are being fed from other games, it is very simple. The shadows alone make me want to uninstall this game. For example the damn tree shadows on the car lag behind and just appear out of nowhere sometimes.
Dont get me even started on AI. Is it just at the beginning that they are so slow? I went off the track on every lap and still won by 10 seconds... Speaking of AI... Storyline. Why am I forced to play it?! I just want to cruise around, dont bloody force me to do some shitty intro races and whatnot when I dont want to. The "Sims" aspect isnt brilliant either to be honest. Voice overs are decent, but the characters lag behind A LOT and the overall emotions and gestures just seem so out of place...
What can I say. A failure overall. Such a shame as well... Really did hope it would be a good game...