Live L.A. High Speed Chase - Now!
(43 posts, started )
#1 - (SaM)
Live L.A. High Speed Chase - Now!

The audio ain't worth listening to (28k8 anyone?), but it's fun to watch him drive like a nutcase. I think the police are waiting for a piece of road with less traffic to perform a PIT maneuver.
Random but thanks.
#3 - (SaM)
So their chasing him because he didn't stop at a Stop sign?
Compared to the other drivers around him, high speed isn't exactly the right word. Looks more like a normal drive to work
Quote from ATHome :Compared to the other drivers around him, high speed isn't exactly the right word. Looks more like a normal drive to work

Yeah, and where are the cops exactly? This isn't like in the movies
lol@ the van

What did he throw out, or what did he do?

half an hour and still no cops on his tail?

What is this?

You would be out of the country here in that time.
stupid news crews.
Who is this guy in the tan SUV that keeps following him around?
people in LA suck at driving!
It's more like escape the news crews than escape the rozzers...
Worst cop chase ever...

Sheriff John Bunnell is not happy.
Is this police escort or car chase?
WTF ist the Police doing?
Maybe the police are waiting for him to die of old age?
lol hes getting gas!
Being in the middle of a chase seems like a perfectly good time to get some gas. HAHA.
He's refuling. Rofl
This isn't a chase, it's "follow a random civilian till he goes paranoid day".

Who posted this?
Lol, 2 helicopters, TV van's, what the hell did this guy do, and who is paying for all this?
Quote from Boris Lozac :Lol, 2 helicopters, TV van's, what the hell did this guy do, and who is paying for all this?

Probably a sponsored event by Dunkin Donuts.
I dont understand, why there are chasing hin?, why there is no cops near or something...
Were there any cops chasing him to begin with?

Live L.A. High Speed Chase - Now!
(43 posts, started )