Im going to cancel my league server and get the refund that I still can back after confirming other details 1st. Then ill invest in a proper server for the league.
franky has just pmed me with some news, none of it being his fault.. so I will refrain from my agrevating annoyances until wednesday (which is the projected date for all to be fixed)
Dean has notified me that the cpanel has failed, not his fault ; rather the companies.
Dean has also said servers are lagging because he cannot transfer to new network ; because cpanel is down.
that being said I see why dean has not answered, he does not want to be flamed
Please submit a cancellation request through the billing system if you want to cancel, I have told you this several times and sent you your login details on at least 2 occasions.
For those waiting for the CP it will be up shortly, Servers will be moved tonight.
I asked u several times about it, and sent many mails about it...
Now... watch pls customers!
Now U sent me after that post(13:30@me), at 13:58 a mail with new password... man, i want it about 1 or 2 weeks ago...
At 14:00 u updated the support ticket... great time too... 1-2 weeks old.
Just for the TRUE STORY, here is the ticket:
AT 20:30 the system sent me a notification on payment...
I think he is trying to say... he wanted to cancel services but his login wasnt working, and now his invoice has been reapplied, and he wanted to cancel before he had to pay again.
I'm not sure if Franky still has his boxes with the same people that he used to, however if he does the DC that they're hosted in are currently experiencing power issues.
- website is down
- 4 of 8 servers are down
- I only can see that 4 servers that are down with "unknown" in CP
- I can´t access our Airio install to enter the new IPs...