The online racing simulator

The 8th RTFRi event will be run with community's car of the year 2010 - FZ50 GTR - LFS's fastest saloon car! The venue will be tight and twisty streets of South City using it's 3,1 km long Town course configuration. Respect to everyone who will manage to finish 26 laps without a single scratch on his car!
Results of 8th RTFRi:


Event rating and other statistics

Unfortunately 8th event was ruined by server failure when leaders started lap 24 of 26,which caused massive connection loss. So the results have been taken from last fully completed lap - 22 and I had to make them "manually",that's why they're different from usual in-game screenshot.
In this event Cargame's Litro scored his 3rd (2nd succesive) Pole position. He managed to held his lead until the end of race to become 6th different winner of RTFRi! STO's Kars scored 2nd place to extend his top5-only finishing streak - 7 top5s in 7 finishes,also securing his lead in event rating.

LV - E.Pūliņš gets 2 event ban for causing incident on lap 8 with lapping car!
Another good race for me i was little worried about race setup, did not manage to check it before the race, but it was fine

Gratz Litro

Quote from kars19 :Another good race for me i was little worried about race setup, did not manage to check it before the race, but i was fine

Gratz Litro

Yeah, Congratulations to you too At last i could finish without any problems for me. But that T1 crash was awful, looked in mirrors/map...
P.S. A screen before T1
qualification was good, but I messed it up when i took the wrong setup for the race, my front tyres were burning, then i got crashed ( :irked: ) and i had to pit = lost everything + on 23rd lap one of my front tyres popped
Willing to see this weeks combination
Every second week - so next race is in april 26th. But will be some nonslick car,let's see,what kind of mood I will have then...
UF1 @ KY6 (if patch is out :X)
To be honest - I had that sadistic idea... But wasn't sure it's a good one...

Event number 9 will be held on slightly easy track,but not really for these cars - fastest road going cars in LFS - the LRF class! All of these three cars in this track according to world records are pretty much similar,which one is faster is up to you! Driving sideways is fun,but keeping the car straight and putting all power for acceleration is the key to success!
Results of 9th RTFRi:


Statistics / Group photo / Event rating and other statistics

RTFRi number 9 was clearly dominated by STO's Krabits,who took the lead in 2nd lap and never gave away,adding himself as 7th driver,who has won this event. Despide dominating top speed table,non of the FZ5 drivers were able to put this advantage for good finish position,but most due to some car unrelated problems. Because of lost connection Kars now ended his 7 successive top5 finish streak,but in qualification managed to score his 3rd pole position,tying up with Litro for most of them.
I have already planned something slightly different for 10th RTFRi,but won't tell you anything yet! Can tell only,that it's time for a slick tyre car again,and I hope that after 2 weeks there already will be new testpatch enabling qualification on open config tracks...
Kars Lost Connection on start, and i forgot to put fuel, because I was eating dinner before start. 2 away from grid In the end started battle with Muc, but I couldn't pass him, because I could catch him only in the end of stright, but in T1 I lost grip and he was again past(2 or 3 x this happened).

As I promised,10th RTFRi will be slightly different - it will be held on an open configuration track based on Fern Bay's Rallycross' configuration,but using the other RallyX Green part than usual and having an alternate final turn. Named it Oldskuul because it somehow associates with old days,when not every track was paved with tarmac or concrete,if you're interested,added it as an attachment. And this time you have a different car choise - you can choose between both 4-wheel-drive cars,so what do you think,which is faster - car with rallycross tyres or a way more powerful car with downforce and slick tyres?

To take part in this event,you'll need Test patch Z30 or later (preferably Z31 or later,because it has positioning based on splits).
Because there is no qualification possible in open configurations,it will be held in practice mode for one hour using Airio for timing.
Attached files
FE5X_Oldskuul.lyt - 1 KB - 657 views
is it still free to join? Im interested in the fe5x race
Of course - it's a free event! Come to server at qualifying (or earlier if you want),run a decent lap,stick to basic rules and you're a participant!
ok maybe some restriction on the fxr, its quite abit faster
I'm really sorry - I guess,I've overrated RB4 and underestimated FXR in this track,tried RB4 just now - and it's around 10 seconds per lap slower and there's problems with RB4's tyres... So basically it's a FXR race with an option to drive a slower and somehow easier-to-drive alternate car RB4.
So I decided to give some bonus points in events rating (not really a motivation for most drivers) for best RB4 drivers in finish: 3 for best,2 for 2nd and 1 for 3rd best RB4 driver.
Results of 10th RTFRi:


Statistics / Group photo / Event rating and other statistics

The 10th event turned out to be the least attended RTFRi ever,I guess because of this inappropriate combination - slick tyre car on partially gravel track.
Anyway there was a winner - he's estonian,his name is Reno and he dominated this race - not only set the best laptimes in both sessions,but also lapped everyone else by at least a lap in the race. With this performance he is now 2nd multi-event winner of RTFRi and driver with most fastest laps!
Next event will be held with non-slick tyre cars,if there won't be a new patch,which allows qualification on open configurations,then race will be on some standart track. Otherwise I most likely will choose some custom track,so there's something new,so noone can say "been there,done that"!

Little recap after 10 events:
Total of 55 drivers participated from 20 countrys,29 of them managed to finish (or complete full 50% of race) to score at least one point in event rating. 7 different winners from 3 countrys,2 of them multiple (Kars and Reno),5 different drivers scored a pole position,7 drivers managed to achieve fastest lap of race and 21 drivers finished in top 5 at least in one race. Fastest race was with FOX at AS6 with an average speed of 178 km/h,but slowest was 10th event,held with FXR at FE5X,averaging just over 100 km/h mark - 108 km/h. Most attendance received FZR event held at SO5 - 21 qualified,18 started,14 finished!
Thank's for the race Rony and for saving my helpless FXR

11th RTFRi info

"Fast like lightning" says the car's paint scheme at event poster and lies as much as possible - 11th event will be held with the slowest car in LFS - UF 1000! Despite cars slow speed,narrow South city streets won't give you a chance for relaxing cruise if you want to finish in high position and chicane will punish you hard for making mistakes!

Little advertisement - if you somehow like the skin,you can get it HERE (UF1_Rs-Superfast)
I hope, when you going to do similar event to this sh$t you will get admin next time, who will watch race, and wont let people drive wrongway on a road and crash other people, i know its a Fun Race, but those people dont made me to be happy when they drove wrong way and hit me ;]
Results of 11th RTFRi


Statistics / Group photo / Event rating and other statistics

LUKEY#386 (LFSW name: luke_the_stig) - receives a 6 month (until 24.11.2011) ban from RTFRi events (or any other I happen to organize) for intentional crashing, unsportsmanlike behavior! It's not tollerable, when somebody just stands and waits for leaders to take them out.
If any other organizer reads this - be warned about this guy!
efexas16 - I'm sorry,but in internet there's a lot of black sheeps around,you can't identify every one of them. Unfortunately we are racers,I'm organizing this because I want to race,others coming for same reason,it's hard to find people who would like just to come and watch others driving.

Apart from negative sides of this evening - Promile adds himself to the RTFRi winners list to make 8 of them! And the greek K.Nestoras is the 6th driver ever scored a pole position by beating other 2 opponents by just 1 hundredth of a second!
Next race in two weeks we turn back to grip cars,hopefully there will be new patch enabling qualifying in open configs,so we can go and explore some unusual tracks!
Apologise accepted,to prevent crashers, just put a Qualify Limit, and we will loose all those slow crashers ;] see you next time