The online racing simulator
Anyone else having trouble with the dedi server d/l says invalid archive.
tried winzip and win rar and 7zip all same.

what program did you use to zip the files ?

After 30+ d/l attempts it worked
and thanks for the update
Quote from KassadGLA :First of all, good work but...
Scawen... you noticed this?

Where are braking panels in aston? (see the attachment)

Also in KY there are some "holes" in the walls of the oval for example. Shortcuts bumps are missing in the exit of KY1 to KY3 (in the chikane)

A wall in FE is missing into the railroad.

Ramps, if you get down of them slowly from the high side of the ramp, it do a "catapult" or "cannon" effect and bump you with a high speed like the old red barriers walls.

Thanks again for the test patch, i hope my review be usefull

a missing wall here too :S
Blackwood rallycross, second split.

Another "bug" is the not translated Shift+U mode, but the translator should solve it in a sec

Attached images
Thanks dude! LFS is living! I love it.
There won't be braking markers because the game has no way to tell which route you're taking.
The main straight at FE3 is a bit of a white-knuckle-ride now, if you use the shortcut section.
Quote from KassadGLA :Ramps, if you get down of them slowly from the high side of the ramp, it do a "catapult" or "cannon" effect and bump you with a high speed like the old red barriers walls.

I can also confirm that this happens. It's not a "sometimes" thing - it happens every time. If you very slowly fall off the end of a ramp you get rocketed forwards
skids mark is missing in LFS
Quote from Fire-Fly :I can also confirm that this happens. It's not a "sometimes" thing - it happens every time. If you very slowly fall off the end of a ramp you get rocketed forwards

thanks for confirm it

PD: thanks for the word "rocketed" that was the word that i was looking for

PD2: Please, don't troll. Some people is debuging the game, and is hard to find 1 debug report on 20 troll menssages.

Quote from DeadWolfBones :There won't be braking markers because the game has no way to tell which route you're taking.

Yeah, but.. it musn't happens. In Blackwood in both configs (GP and rallycross, open mode) the braking pannels are showed in all the track.

In Aston no panels are showed in any braking zone
Quote from reason0809 :SUGGESTION:

the new long FE straight is very bumpy, same goes for the small straight section on bl1 next to the chicane, its freaking bumpy, is there any chance to make it even ?

Why in the hell would you want to do that?
I hope the open configs stays because of the many bugs
Quote from Fire-Fly :I can also confirm that this happens. It's not a "sometimes" thing - it happens every time. If you very slowly fall off the end of a ramp you get rocketed forwards

replay attached. let the body hang over the high edge of the ramp. i couldn't get it to trigger at first (image attached), but it can happen.
Attached images
Attached files
bunder_AU1_FZR_5.spr - 45.4 KB - 422 views
I got myself a S2 licence, just to try the open tracks.
Quote from Silverracer :Just to verify, is the host Z30 too?

Just realised that the hosting company havnt changed it for us yet. Thanks
My day has gone from good to better!
Yes, yes, yes!

Quote from Denniz666 :thank you very much.
but i keep getting the message from 7-zip that it's not a supported archive. anyone else having the same thing?

Worked fine here.

Edit2: My bug reports (Dunno if reported before)
In one server, a guy said that there is no Spanish translation for SHIFT+U
No skidmarks on open configurations (I was on aston track)
No fence in blackwood open configuration in the dirt, near the lake.
Can something be done about the render distance on the open tracks? I'm getting around 5 fps on open configs, where I would get 4 times in the last patch. I understand why this is happening (having to render everything that is in front of the car / in front of the view), but I think that a draw distance should be ok to ensure that while driving that the system does not choke under the render load.

Thinkpad Z61m
  • CPU: Intel Core Duo T2300E.
  • GPU: Intel Mobile 945 Express Chipset.
  • RAM: 2GB PC-5300
Quote from Dygear :Can something be done about the render distance on the open tracks? I'm getting around 5 fps on open configs, where I would get 4 times in the last patch. I understand why this is happening (having to render everything that is in front of the car / in front of the view), but I think that a draw distance should be ok to ensure that while driving that the system does not choke under the render load.

Thinkpad Z61m
  • CPU: Intel Core Duo T2300E.
  • GPU: Intel Mobile 945 Express Chipset.
  • RAM: 2GB PC-5300

I think that your VC is not "Powerfull" enough to handle the ot, now SC is the track that consume more rig while OT
carsh and fly area in FE
carsh and fly area in FE
Attached images
Scania: i already reported this

Dygear: Your GPU wont handle open track because since its all "open". LFS has more CPU and GPU usage since the patch. Why? The game has to render the whole track, and you have an onboard GPU which has not that good clockings etc.

Finally I see many positive comments. But I hope you guys won't start to annoy the dev's coz of the open holes or many bugs. As he wrote, they will make a Track Update so all these bugs will be fixed, which takes not some minutes. So chill and enjoy the open tracks, untill we get the osom track update too
Once again Scawen, all the cruisers at LsC wish to thank you for the open tracks and more objects as well as barrier fix!

It's like Christmas for us
omg! at last.. well at least i mean, we have something 'new' here
thanks to three of you.. keep it up
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