I had a first date today, it went well and I hope to see her agian.
I did not sleep with her. Do I show respect for women or what!
There was a disaster though, she's showing me around the village i've just moved in too and she needed the loo so she popped into her parents house and her dad comes out and fetches me from the car (her car is a super cool 60's VW Sports car, you guys would love it).
So i've known this girl 45 minutes and already i'm meeting the parents, I meen seriously I know lesbians have this reputation for
uhauling but met her parents before I even knew whether she liked to be called Jo or Joey.
So there I am, meeting the parents, when it dawns on me that i'm wearing a top that has a full front print of a naked woman smoking a joint and touching herself, complete with studded wrist guard and every finger nail painted a different colour and wild multi-coloured hair.
What can I say? Welcome to the 21st century bitches...