The online racing simulator
Quote from roadrash17 : [...]the skidmarks aren't shown in the mirrors. Not a big deal but still a bug...

Not a bug. Turn them on by going to Options > Graphics > Draw Rubber > + mirror
Quote from Tango :im using z30 and was on the cargame s1 server,south city chicane route when i seemed to momentarily hit a hole in the road and it lifted my nose in the air after i passed over it,pic attached.

Quote from Kid222 :I have suspected Z30 glitch. Happened in one endu race at AS5R last week to one of the participants _twice_. I tried to get some info from him, as what version was he running, but he told me only that his antivirus was updating, no answer since then, so i'm posting this, because it's at least funny to look at.
In case you want to look at it, watch the 002 car towards the end of the replay, approx. 1:25. Exactly at the place, where the tarmac turns dark-ish, he's shot in the air and flies out of bounds. The second case was also exactly at the same spot, happened only to him.

Looking at both of those replays makes me suspect they are very similar. In the first, the car is flipped up and to the left, and the second the car becomes airborne a couple of times before wiping out. They both have similarities in that it happens at a join in the track (or at least a change in texture) and they appear during a multiplayer session only. The first incident does not appear to have any forces involved, but the second definitely does when forces are viewed.

I postulated before that this might be caused by dropped packets or other networking problem causing a loss of sychronisation, and the report that an antivirus update was also happening during the second incident reminds me of a couple of similar incidents I have had while testing on my LAN. I have noticed in the past that some background processes can severely impact LFS during a multiplayer session, particularly where it coincides with network activity and high disk use. An antivirus update might just qualify in this regard, and even more so if it involves possible firewall changes or activity. The answer is to make sure no other applications or other background processes are running while playing LFS, but its interesting to note the problem appears at joins in the track.

My opinion is that this has possibly been a problem for some time, and has only just been noticed, or because of the recent changes to physics detection the problem has been exacerbated. In my case, I have dismissed this problem as I already knew that my system was under pressure and it didn't warrant further investigation, but it might catch some others unaware. I'd also hazard a guess that both of the systems in those reports are single core too.
Quote from Silverracer :Not a bug. Turn them on by going to Options > Graphics > Draw Rubber > + mirror

OHHH....that makes so much sense...Thanks
Quote from pezia :I've found a little open/non-open track inconsistency with Z30 (could not unlock Z31 yet, i don't have internet on my racing machine ).
Track: Kyoto

Check KY1 in SHIFT+U at the same place. The open configs only removed barriers and objects that are not common to all possible configs.

There is an exception, and that's at Blackwood where the chicane barriers have been specially removed by common request.

If you have access to a USB Wifi device, you could also connect to your network to unlock your machine. The use of a GPRS/3G mobile phone would also work.

Just to clear this up as it has also been mentioned before in this thread. The unlock only works on the machine and OS combination that it's performed on. It is not possible to unlock on one machine and expect that it will work on another. To do so would completely remove the purpose of unlocking, and we'd have people distributing unlocked LFS all over the place.
There are still some issues left with unmovable objects (see attached replay).
You can notice only the tyres are taken into account (or at least, the bottom of the car is not). Then the rear tyres can't bear the weight of the falling car and... we know what happens next.
I think you should add a collision detection to the bottom of the car, so the doesn't just fall through the ramp

Nothing more to add except that Z31 does its job properly^^
Attached files
ramp collision issue.spr - 12.7 KB - 341 views
Quote from Bokujishin :There are still some issues left with unmovable objects (see attached replay).
You can notice only the tyres are taken into account (or at least, the bottom of the car is not). Then the rear tyres can't bear the weight of the falling car and... we know what happens next.
I think you should add a collision detection to the bottom of the car, so the doesn't just fall through the ramp

Is that reasonable?

Putting the ramps at that angle are hardly by design, and I believe they are the height and angle for a reason.

Adding more collision surfaces will increase the number of computations to detect collisions. LFS is very good at cutting these computations down to the bare minimum, and gives us the tight network coding that allows many drivers at once. There are compromises that we must suffer to enjoy this. No very steep ramps are one of them.

PS. How do you do that anyhow?
Quote from Squelch :I'd also hazard a guess that both of the systems in those reports are single core too.

Running core 2 duo,e6400 @3.2 ghz,nvidia 8800gt and 6 gig memory
This update makes me play LFS much, much more. So fun with all the new configurations of the tracks and finally, if you hit a barrier you don't go flipping like crazy (most of the time). The only thing I would need to have it completed for a while is... Weather, like Rain and Lightning. Also a Day-to-Night transition while cruising. Those would be 2 things I would absolutely love, but I think I am far fetched, so don't listen to me

Quote from shortay1325 :Weather, like Rain and Lightning. Also a Day-to-Night transition while racing.

Fixed that for you Though of course that's for the "Improvement suggestion" sub-forum.
Quote from Tango :Running core 2 duo,e6400 @3.2 ghz,nvidia 8800gt and 6 gig memory

That blows that theory out of the water then.

Thanks for replying. I guessed at single core as this kind of thing might show more with a single core, and a multicore machine could possibly hand off the other activity to a non LFS core. Pure conjecture, but worth exploring all the same.

What about any other possible processes at the same time for you?
Quote from Squelch :What about any other possible processes at the same time for you?

AVG running but it only updates when i boot system,pc been running several hours and auto scanning switched off.Once win7 `settles` after booting i have no probs whatsoever except when avg does its scheduled scan,which i switched off after it once started mid race,a while ago and created lots of dropped frames.
Quote from Tango :AVG running but it only updates when i boot system,pc been running several hours and auto scanning switched off.Once win7 `settles` after booting i have no probs whatsoever except when avg does its scheduled scan,which i switched off after it once started mid race,a while ago and created lots of dropped frames.

AVG was one of the worst offenders for me, but this was prior to ver 11 where they introduced the suspension of scanning for full screen games. Other anti malware tools that check for suspicious file activity can also cause stuttering in my experience.

Rather than dwell on this and hijack the thread, is it plausible that the jump/skip problem during a multiplayer session could be caused by some other process/network activity? I would ask anyone that experiences this to double check, and at least include this in their report.

Scawen is intimate with the code and might be able to identify the exact mechanism here, however, unless its specifically looked for, it might have just gone unnoticed thus far. The graphical "join" where this happens makes me suspect this could be true, and the new collision changes might just have highlighted it more.
Openconfig blowed my PC videocard. I can't play anymore. Joined one server, and bang, PC blocked and i should restart PC. Tried again and the same happened. Then joined normal server track-all was OK. Then joined again Fernbay(FE1x) openconfig track, looked OK, but after T1 there happened this again. Closed LFS and started to surf on internet, but saw some spots on screen, and it blocked PC, and then screen turned off. Today reinstalled PC, but when i installed videocard drivers, same spots appeared on screen. Uninstalled those drivers and now I can't play LFS anymore. OK, my PC is just old.
Now we need somebody to say that YOUR PC JUST STINKS.

Normal procedures here.
ffs, it was goind very well these years, but now it happened.
Burn some candles. Might help.

Anywayz, need you on OT server! Airio test version with path node thingie support.
Quote from Litro :Openconfig blowed my PC videocard. I can't play anymore. Joined one server, and bang, PC blocked and i should restart PC. Tried again and the same happened. Then joined normal server track-all was OK. Then joined again Fernbay(FE1x) openconfig track, looked OK, but after T1 there happened this again. Closed LFS and started to surf on internet, but saw some spots on screen, and it blocked PC, and then screen turned off. Today reinstalled PC, but when i installed videocard drivers, same spots appeared on screen. Uninstalled those drivers and now I can't play LFS anymore. OK, my PC is just old.

Depending on how old your video card is and if your willing to try it, try the oven baking trick, placing your video card in the oven for 10 mins to fix it, iv done it befor on a old card.

Or just buy new lol
Hi Scawen,

this update is pretty cool, but the new possible configurations need more placeble objects like curbs, 150-100-50m signs, bumpers (like in Kyoto chicanes)....
Maybe in a spinoff discussion? I would make a list with suggestions then.
Quote from Squelch :Is that reasonable?

Putting the ramps at that angle are hardly by design, and I believe they are the height and angle for a reason.

Adding more collision surfaces will increase the number of computations to detect collisions. LFS is very good at cutting these computations down to the bare minimum, and gives us the tight network coding that allows many drivers at once. There are compromises that we must suffer to enjoy this. No very steep ramps are one of them.

PS. How do you do that anyhow?

Yeah I know, that was just some random fun to put them like this (you can do it by placing them on the chicane kerbs).
That's why I tried with a properly placed ramp. Conclusion: less chance of this happening, and only happens when trying (see replay).
And I'm well aware of the problem of improving the detection of collisions that would require more CPU, but I think that's the main reason the barriers still send you flying, and also causes all of the strange collisions.
Attached files
ramp collision issue 2.spr - 21 KB - 391 views
ramp collision issue 2.1.spr - 31.5 KB - 370 views
scawen can you fix the rendering lag issue (i know my graphic card sucks) but seems to be needed i think?
I just noticed that this thread is becoming a requesting than reporting lol...

And Scawen have said he will not add anything until patch is released (what patch it is then, is a mystery)
Quote from Bokujishin :Yeah I know, that was just some random fun to put them like this (you can do it by placing them on the chicane kerbs).
That's why I tried with a properly placed ramp. Conclusion: less chance of this happening, and only happens when trying (see replay).
And I'm well aware of the problem of improving the detection of collisions that would require more CPU, but I think that's the main reason the barriers still send you flying, and also causes all of the strange collisions.

I've been thinking about this some more, and also understand your reasoning for the extreme angle demonstration.

My theory is that the problems lies not with the cars collision areas, but with the ramp in your example, and barriers in general. I'm pretty involved with, and familiar with another game (non driving) where there is a similar problem to this. It all revolves around the cross sectional area of the object being collided. Anything thinner than 200mm (scaled) suffers from collision geometry problems. I'm not suggesting the exact same process is happening here, but it looks too familiar.

Perhaps the ramp object could be made into a more solid object. Right now, the deck can be passed under, but if it was to be made into a wedge, the physics detection might have more success. The same goes for barriers - Armco ones in particular now - where the cross section appears only as thick as the actual rendered texture. If the whole barrier had a larger cross section, it would be interesting to see the results.

I'm aware I might be completely talking out of my arse here, but even the wackiest of suggestions can sometimes prompt enlightenment.

Quote from UnknownMaster21 :I just noticed that this thread is becoming a requesting than reporting lol...

And Scawen have said he will not add anything until patch is released (what patch it is then, is a mystery)

I've noticed the same. There is a list of the problems and enhancements that this patch addresses in the first post, can we all please try and stick to replies that involve them only? There is an improvement suggestion sub forum for other stuff.
We have enough forum police around here already.
This thread is closed