Might as well post about the video before bed since it is fresh in my mind. Definately a thorough video from many different angles, from many different eye witnesses (saying and drawing nearly the same thing), and then one saying false information on purpose to hide from the "big people with lots of money".
I thought it was interesting when they talked about the turn it made, and then how some said it started to look as if it was going up to miss the highway. That was said by a couple people from multiple angles. This could be concluded (along with the other witnesses) that it was the military plane (they showed toward the end with real footage) that could have easily dropped some form of object/missile.
The data, speed, etc that was given to us by the US doesn't add up at all. Now I know what some of the other videos meant when they said that information could never be possible because it was practically impossible, for any pilot, let alone some guy who hadn't flown big planes like that before.
I'm not some conspiracy psycho (I never fully trusted the apollo missions actually, alot of fishy stuff going on there, but thats another topic), but I do believe things definately don't add up with the Pentagon 9/11 attack. This doesn't mean that I don't believe the Twin Towers could be some form of terrorists, but that's a bit too well timed for one to be staged and the other not.
But lets say it all was a big setup. My big question...
tl;dr? Watch the video.
/bed o/