Yeah but, when your name is Huttu, Weber, Wilke, etc. You say, "I'm Huttu! Go look at my -720 Rank. I got a 5:39 at the Ring."
When your name is Jeangerard you say, "GPL Rank? I think I saw that site once. I... er... I couldn't figure out how to upload my times. Yeah, that's it. I'm not on there. Don't look for me."
Joking aside. Jan Verschueren, Mark Seery, Asgeir Nesoen, Jim Gary, Mike Barlow, Bruce Kennewell, Greg Duncan, Tim Dignan, Greg Renner, Tore Hanson, Art McEwen, Oliver Nikolic, Chaz Wood, Tino Salooman, Trevor Mack, George Smiley, Fulvio Policardi, Uwe Schuerkamp, Ryk Penfold, Pascal Desjardins, Joe Rudynski, etc.
Sure, not all the quickest guys in the world, but every one of them dead solid. And I do remember their names. I remember races and dices, and victory and defeat. Advice and commaraderie still streams through my head.
I started with Slartibartfast from the first LFS download. At that time, for all I knew, it was going to be another F1RS. I guess when I bought my license I didn't think to change it.
Kennewell and his contraption. (He's 82, you know.)