ineX Racing
(667 posts, started )
Great stuff.
(juliao) DELETED by juliao

hilip-ellis-joins-inex-racing&catid=34:teamnews" target="_blank">Philip Ellis joins ineX Racing
Sunday 3/6-2011

Philip Ellis, the 18-year old with German and British nationality who currently resides in Switzerland has become the newest addition to the team. Philip started off by playing ice-hockey and paintball as a young kid but found his call in car-racing and is currently participating in Formula BWM in the Formel Lista League. He is planning on moving to Formula 3 next year.

Philip found Live For Speed in November 2009 and didn't waste any laps around Blackwood. He geared himself up with a S2 License after 15 minutes and was showing impressive results only three weeks later in the City-Liga which later put him in the GT2 CityLiga Endurance Team at the MoE 24-hours of Aston. He was also nominated as one of the "Most Improved Drivers" in the 2009 end-year votings.

Philips's future goals under the ineX Flag is to improve his game in iRacing. We at ineX Racing are more than happy to have this energetic German/Britt bear the inex tag!
nice. congratz inex and philipp
Good luck Philip!
thanks guys :3
Waaaat, Nolan Scott 9th in Oval DWC. Gratz man

edit- yeah 9th (just checked)
Oh yeah! :banana:
Saw the whole race, great job Nolan!
Nordic Online enters as a sponsor for ineX Racing

We are delighted to announce that ineX Racing and Nordic Online have come to an agreement about a sponsorship deal. Having Nordic Online on our side, all the work and determination we have put in to trying to achieve our goals since the April 2010, has not been for nothing. Thanks to our newest sponsor, Nordic Online financing our practice servers, we will be able to keep reaching for higher grounds and put our full focus on what we like to do most, to race.
Grats ineX! Well deserved tho.
congratz guys!
ineX Racing wins IGTC season opener

The International Grand Touring Championship or IGTC for short is one of the most prestigious endurance leagues in Live for Speed. Now in it's 5th season, the league is as strong as ever and promises intense action over a period of 4 races. ineX Racing would join this season with two cars, the ineX Racing #1 XRR and ineX #2 FXR.

(JayEyeBee) DELETED by JayEyeBee
(hyntty) DELETED by hyntty : for fucks sake
Why do some people seem to have the unfortunate desire to bring down an article by openly and deliberately mocking its possible mistakes? These comments are obviously not meant to point out mistakes. If this was the case, a simple PM to the person that posted the article would be sufficient, no need for ironical highlighting.

Furthermore, these articles are not meant for anyone's pretentious literature needs, they are meant as informative material. Nevertheless, I agree that professionalism and etiquette must be maintained but posts such as the one above serve no constructive purpose or value. I believe that everyone would be highly appreciative if we can all abstain from making such posts in the future.
I've no idea what you are talking about? Can you pm me further explanation?
It seems that for no apparent reason I am unable to send you a PM. Nevertheless, I'd rather address this here. Your post came off to me as being ironical of a grammar mistake made in the article. If this is not the case then I apologize for misunderstanding you

Consider my post more of a general statement regarding such comments as I have seen a few in the past, each one adding to my annoyance.
k bambo.. thats just to formal for me to understand..
Leave it bambo, since it was written by a one of our british members and proof-read by several others, nobody got trolled by him anyway.
Racer: suzuki94
Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Birthday: n/a
Team: ineX

i'll just leave this here...

ineX Racing
(667 posts, started )