The online racing simulator
Quote from BlueFlame :The guy was against immigrants and viewed muslims as terrorists, then he uses muslim generic terrorist tactics and kills white, Norwegians.... Yea, he REALLY made his point didn't he? What an ****.

That's what's ridicolous with fanatic freaks, killing your OWN people, kids that just went there for the free drink perhaps, not intending to be a member of that rulling party.. Same case with Talibans, blowing up their own civilians or police, how is that proving a point? Prove a point by killing the 'bad guys' in your mind..
Quote from Sir moi 407 :Interesting to see how similar he is with the Islamic terrorists. They claim to fight against Occidentals but almost only kill Muslims (apart from some rare terrorist attacks in Europe and USA...)

You couldn't be more correct.

+1 to you and Boris.

It's odd that these people seem so passionate about ONE particular movement, and basically go against that by harming their own people...
#253 - CSF
Looks like the anger has set in on the fake AroX dead page.
The christian war on islam does not surprise me one bit. Every time I read on some forum about finnish multiculturalism there is always some nutcase who thinks you can "fight" islam by being a christian. Like for example Finland being strong christian country would in some way make it harder for islam to get here or something...

I haven't read the guy's manifesto but imho his whole agenda is definitely against islam and not against multiculturalism. If his worst fear comes true and in some time we are all living under islam then that's the end of multiculturalism right there. Because (like he says) if everyone are living under islam then what's the multiculturalism about it. If he wants to fight against multiculturalism then aggressive islam might work better for him.

I think multiculturalism is a politically correct taboo. And his attack will make it even more politically correct than ever. Instead of open discussion of the topic he stigmatized it by killing almost hunded innocent people. If anything that will just accelerate the conflicts between different cultures in nordic countries because some tools have now been taken away which could have helped us to ease the differences between different groups. Instead of opening the discussions about the problems of multiclulturalism he just made damn sure with that horrible attack that any kinds of solutions are just further away than ever.
Disgraceful pictures imho.
Is there some info I'm missing in that link?
I don't understand how that could be considered disgraceful. You understand the concept of photojournalism, right?
yes, now instead of people not trusting people who don't look like them, he has succeeded in making sure that citizens (even in largely homogenized communities) cannot trust people who do look like them.

Surely his actions will bring up the topic of multiculturalism and its inherent failures in western society, but christ there are an infinite number of ways that his beliefs could have been heard and rationally discussed, not like this...
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Disgraceful?

I will never understand photojournalism if showing pictures of people bleeding is it. Or pictures of kids lying dead under blanket with their feet showing.

The last thing I want is to see picture myself covered in blood in cover of some "newspaper" after bomb going off near me. Or pictures of my wounded kid.
Quote from Hyperactive :I will never understand photojournalism if showing pictures of people bleeding is it. Or pictures of kids lying dead under blanket with their feet showing.

The last thing I want is to see picture myself covered in blood in cover of some "newspaper" after bomb going off near me. Or pictures of my wounded kid.

then don't look at pictures of bombings. Photojournalism tells a story through images, you can't really tell the story of a bombing or a massacre without pictures of dead and wounded people.

The pictures aren't mocking what happened in any way, they are highlighting what a terrible event it was.
(RiseAgainstMe!) DELETED by RiseAgainstMe! : the frack? triple post?
(RiseAgainstMe!) DELETED by RiseAgainstMe! : internet effing up
Quote from flymike91 :multiculturalism and its inherent failures in western society


As opposed to the infallible monoculture, I assume.
Quote from RiseAgainstMe! :then don't look at pictures of bombings. Photojournalism tells a story through images, you can't really tell the story of a bombing or a massacre without pictures of dead and wounded people.

The pictures aren't mocking what happened in any way, they are highlighting what a terrible event it was.

"Do not like don't look then" does not apply to every situation.

All what those picture highlight is the competition between news publishers who has the "guts" to put the bloodiest pics on their site.
Anyone saw the prank towards Arox in facebook? Someone created "R.I.P Jarl Teien" page, saying he was killed in that camp...
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Heh.

As opposed to the infallible monoculture, I assume.

I seriously don't get what is the big deal that people have to crown a -ish behind it at....people from different ethical and cultural background living together, what like that's anything new?
Quote from TexasLTU :Anyone saw the prank towards Arox in facebook? Someone created "R.I.P Jarl Teien" page, saying he was killed in that camp...

Reading the thread might help.
Wolf if you want to talk about multiculturalism I could make a thread about it. I think its worthy of discussion as its success or failure will most likely define the 21st century and all.
Quote from flymike91 :Wolf if you want to talk about multiculturalism I could make a thread about it. I think its worthy of discussion as its success or failure will most likely define the 21st century and all.

please don't... I prefer my palm not continuously battering my forehead as I read what you write.
I guess its easier for you to write me off as an idiot. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean I'm some back country hick. I was born and raised in San Francisco, I'm educated and I strive to learn more every day. You may not believe it but my views on various issues have changed from debates on this forum, and if you've learned anything from me I hope it is that not everybody thinks like you do, and those people are not automatically retarded.

sorry for the rant I just hate being discredited, and I don't do that to anyone on this forum regardless of their beliefs or how they've treated me. I have respect enough for everyone to hear them out.
Quote from flymike91 :I guess its easier for you to write me off as an idiot. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean I'm some back country hick. I was born and raised in San Francisco, I'm educated and I strive to learn more every day. You may not believe it but my views on various issues have changed from debates on this forum, and if you've learned anything from me I hope it is that not everybody thinks like you do, and those people are not automatically retarded.

sorry for the rant I just hate being discredited, and I don't do that to anyone on this forum regardless of their beliefs or how they've treated me. I have respect enough for everyone to hear them out.

I don't want to dirty up this thread about Norway's suffering with a discussion of the American right's fear of brown people, sorry.
Quote from flymike91 :I'm educated and I strive to learn more every day.

Why not improve yourself even more by visiting and maybe even living in another country for 10-20 years? While it's still allowed and all.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I don't want to dirty up this thread about Norway's suffering with a discussion of the American right's fear of brown people, sorry.

It's hip to tolerate whatever black/muslims do, good or bad. So you must be a hipster.
Always good to have your decision to add someone to your ignore list reconfirmed...
Quote from BlueFlame :It's hip to tolerate whatever black/muslims do, good or bad. So you must be a hipster.

Heh. In a thread talking about a white guy who shot a bunch of white guys...