I consider myself to lean strongly to the left politically but if I hear one more person excuse this behaviour by claiming it's down to poverty and lack of oportunity I'm going to scream !! I'm in Brazil at the moment and I think every single one of the rioting pratts should be flown over here and dumped in the middle of a Rio favella and then told.. this is poverty.. this is lack of oportunity.. what's your excuse? I'm with Itrepid on this one, (not often I can say that), the only "poverty" that people in the UK suffer is one of "poverty of luxury", I don't believe for a second that any of these rioters come from families where there is such a lack of money that they can't afford to eat for example. None of these people are desperate to survive, not a single one of them will sell their stolen goods to buy food or pay the rent or bills etc. I have absolutely no sympathy with their actions, because there is zero justification for them. No jobs? no seriously, there are jobs, just not ones that they would ever consider lowering themselves to do. leave those jobs to the immigrants, working in mac donalds is beneath them despite the fact they may have never done a days work in their lives. For those involved that do have jobs etc all I can say is "shame on you".