The online racing simulator

Ive been a demo racer for some time. Driving on g27. Enjoyed the demo massively once i have learned to get past the wreck in the first two corners.

Also won few races when the server population got low enough.

I want to learn how these guys balance the over steer through every corner and put in a time 3-4 seconds faster than my PB.
Improving your time.
Welcome_To_Hell , try joining one of the Redline Racing Demo servers.

You will usually find someone to help you there, and RedlineGeorge is the current WR holder in XFG & XRG.
Many of the drivers in our servers are in the 1:32.xx to 1:33.xx times in XRG and XFG

I can usually help people improve their XFG times but I'm useless at XRG.

Just be sure to read the server rules before you start driving.
Hi! Just bought S2 license
Howdy Y'all
Howdy Folks, I'm pretty new to all this stuff. I grew up on muscle cars but shoot, I just learned that race cars can actually turn right
Quote from rowdog :Howdy Folks, I'm pretty new to all this stuff. I grew up on muscle cars but shoot, I just learned that race cars can actually turn right

lol welcome to lfs if you need any help while getting used to lfs then dont hesitate to ask either myself by pm on here or or racers on the track
Quote from mikeioannina :Hi! Just bought S2 license

cool you will see how much fun the game is now you can use any car,have fun and maybe see you on the track
Hi everyone, i'm new here on forums.
Demo player, controller: mouse .
I am using LFS demo for a long time and i wonder when s3 is coming out?
And i will buy s2 when i will be done making my sim setup!
Quote from miksg :I am using LFS demo for a long time and i wonder when s3 is coming out?
And i will buy s2 when i will be done making my sim setup!

The date is not announced yet.
Hi, new pilot here.

I'm a pilot ... a plane pilot I mean ... and I just buyed this game since many friends suggested me. I'm a newbie here so be nice

My name is Massimiliano and I'm from Italy. I'm wondering if there's an italian section for this forum or an italian virtual racing team. Thanks in advance.
Hello and welcome!

The Italian Community has a separate website:

See you on track!
New guy here
Waz up all. I would like to know if there is a Teamspeak I can join. thx!
Quote from [CL2]tHEo :Waz up all. I would like to know if there is a Teamspeak I can join. thx!

Hello, You should try the servers, they are pretty popular and they have TeamSpeak, adress:
hi, just joined today after years of console racers forza, gran turismo etc..i am looking for something new, as a noob any advice would be greatly appreciated, many thanks in advance.
Here's my "hi" as a noob to LFS.

I have been playing racing games on and off some years, most recent purchase (other than LFS license) being DiRT 3. Nothing wrong with the game, it's great fun, especially with a bunch of friends on a Friday night but it lacks any real challenge with the car handling and overall feeling. I want to learn to drive better and a friend pointed me at LFS, both for the simulator aspect and for the nice community. After playing the demo with him for a couple of hours, I got the S1 license. 3 hours after that and I am ready to buy the S2 license ... I want access to those other tracks and the GTRs

I have been using a Logitech G25 for about 3 years and I recently purchased an Obutto cockpit, upgraded to 3 x 24" monitors, and just today decided to try out the TrackIR system (really nice ) so I should be around a bit, when I get over my fear of joining in with some real racers :P

I look forward to seeing you guys on the race track. Cheers!
Hi everybody! :)
I am a new member of forum! Today I played lfs first time in my life, and I think it is a great game!
I live in Croatia and i am 13 years old. I hope to a pleasant hanging out with you at this forum.
New demo driver.
Hi my name is WikidHunter! I only have had the game for a few weeks and am trying to get better. I use a Xbox360 Controller. I run a server for fun sometimes. If you want to join some time just send a message. I am learning how to drift but it is hard with only a 140hp RWD that is almost 2600lb.

Hope to see you on the track
hey guys. whats up.

been playing LFS for a while, but just recently bought s1. have to say that is quite different than the demo lol

i like to drift and hang. My IGN is "ITSMILLERTIME!!!!" im normaly found on some drift server. if you see me, say hey
Finally I bought S2 and I must that i don't know what to do first.In demo version 3 cars and one track and know, BAM! so many options.I'm so happy that i got it finally.
welcome to s2 guys and good luck
Pierpower presentation
I do hotlapping with LFS from 2 years, now I decided to buy S2 in order to RACE!!!!!

How can I start to race? WHERE CAN i FIND A TEAM?

hope to See you soon...

Hello, from Pensacola Florida
My 84 year old Mom has gone crazy - first she made me jump out of an airplane with her this past May - Now she wants to take my S2000 to the track - the alternative, since I do not relish paying for new tires just now, is some realistic gaming - I ordered a GT Racing Wheel and unlocked S2 so that I can learn some and then pass it on to her.

My wheel is not here so I was going to play a bit with the keyboard/mouse - the mouse steers properly, left click revs the engine in neutral - I used all the default controls - this is silly but how do I get the car to move forward?

thank you


New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )