Here's my "hi" as a noob to LFS.
I have been playing racing games on and off some years, most recent purchase (other than LFS license) being DiRT 3. Nothing wrong with the game, it's great fun, especially with a bunch of friends on a Friday night but it lacks any real challenge with the car handling and overall feeling. I want to learn to drive better and a friend pointed me at LFS, both for the simulator aspect and for the nice community. After playing the demo with him for a couple of hours, I got the S1 license. 3 hours after that and I am ready to buy the S2 license ... I want access to those other tracks and the GTRs
I have been using a Logitech G25 for about 3 years and I recently purchased an Obutto cockpit, upgraded to 3 x 24" monitors, and just today decided to try out the TrackIR system (really nice

) so I should be around a bit, when I get over my fear of joining in with some real racers :P
I look forward to seeing you guys on the race track. Cheers!