Just something for you guys to know if you dont already... havent seen it mentioned in this thread so thought it would be worth mentioning
The AI will only retain what they learn in practise mode.. i.e.
you must set the race to practise mode then the AI will learn and retain their learning.. if you just race them in races when you close LFS they will revert back to their previous state..
The reason they did it this way was so that you could keep the AI at a level siutable to your own, having said that they still dont learn to a higher enough level for my liking

but they do improve a fair bit.. and i have seen some quite good races with them having battles

at one stage back in S1 when myself and a few other team mates where too tired to race ourselves we would race our AI's against each others AI's :P was quite entertaining at times LOL we would each enter 2 or 3 AI's in a race then on Team Speak we would have a running commentary between each other and bets on who's AI would win, it was a blast actually.. but we had them trained up with over 300 laps in practise mode
The best way to train them is to put a full field in but with 2 or 3 of the cars with a passenger or two to make them a bit slower.. then the AI will learn to negotiate traffic better. The more laps you give them the better they become up untill about 60 laps then they level off, I think they still improve after that point but at a much slower pace. Unfortunately you also have to train the AI for each track and car combination you want them to use.
And for those that find the AI no longer a challenge you could always handicap yourself

ie add a passenger or full tank of fuel when they are running light

depending on how much faster you are than the AI..
What I would love to see in S3 is the AI learn from observing your race line or someone elses (ie WR replay

) Now that would be cool..