The online racing simulator
BF3, MW3, Neither or Both
(35 posts, started )

Poll : Which are you pre-odering or picking up on day of release

Battlefield 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
BF3, MW3, Neither or Both

Was talking to some people at work about pre-ordering these and which people are getting so I thought I would see which way lfs-f is leaning.

Personally I have pre-oder cod for xbox and BF3 for pc, BF3 is like LFS for me - its fun because it is hard and needs concentration where as COD is more the sit down and play, have a laugh without too much though. Both fun for differen reasons.

Like both.

Pre-order BF3 already. Might wait for MW3.
#3 - JJ72
Neither, just not a fan of shooters.

btw Deux Ex is unlocking in 4 hours on steam..can't wait!
Battlefield 3.

Why would you even want CoD4.002?
Without Infinity Ward developing the CoD series, I felt like it took a huge nosedive in quality with BlOps. As a long-time CS player, multiplayer in CoD (at least MW and MW2) always felt very disorganized with the random spawn points and multiple spawns per round, too. That's basically the same play style as CSM, which I was not a huge fan of either.

I only played BF2 very briefly and it never quite caught on with me, being so used to the CQB, round-the-corner-and-shoot of CS and not the longer-range engagements of BF.

However, I later picked up BFBC2 and enjoyed that after a brief adjustment period.

So, I'd say I'm looking forward to BF3 the most between the two.
Battlefield went to shit with BF2. If they took jets out again I might want to play BF3, but they'd have to fix the ****ing rubbish shooty guns too.
#8 - Uke
Quote from thisnameistaken :Battlefield went to shit with BF2. If they took jets out again I might want to play BF3, but they'd have to fix the ****ing rubbish shooty guns too.

I think it wouldn't be battlefield if they took out the jets. The horrible random bullet deviation is fixed since bfbc.
Buy Red Orchestra 2. Clearly the best military game for PC!
Quote from JJ72 :Neither, just not a fan of shooters.

btw Deux Ex is unlocking in 4 hours on steam..can't wait!

Mine unlocked 23 hours ago. Its flipping awesome.
Agreed. It definitely feels like the original Deus Ex with another 11 years of technological advancement.
Quote from Uke :I think it wouldn't be battlefield if they took out the jets.

BF1942 didn't have jets (for obvious reasons) and it worked much, much better than BF2. The maps with jets are just no fun for anybody who's not in a jet, which leads to griefing and teamkilling by half your team and makes the whole experience even more miserable. They should either take out jets or massively improve the AA missiles.

Quote from Uke :The horrible random bullet deviation is fixed since bfbc.

Well that's good to hear. I didn't buy the BC games for exactly that reason.
Quote from ColeusRattus :Buy Red Orchestra 2. Clearly the best military game for PC!

Nope. ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead is clearly the best military game for PC
I've pre-ordered BF3 and won't be buying MW3, my brother will be instead.

Don't know if I'll like either of them after experiencing ARMA 2 online's experience.
#15 - Uke
Quote from thisnameistaken :BF1942 didn't have jets (for obvious reasons) and it worked much, much better than BF2.

The jets in Bf3 will be alot slower than in bf2, they are now the same speed as planes were in 1942. It's silly that the jets go that slow, but I think it's going to balance the game significantly.
neither. im not crazy about games,but def will pick up bf3 sometime later
Quote from The Moose :Nope. ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead is clearly the best military game for PC

Except that it's a bloody bugged mess that tries too many things at once, and thus excells at nothing (except the scale of it).

Don't get me wrong, ArmA 2 is a great game, I love it, especially when playing hand crafted large scale coop operations, BUT, and that's a big BUT it has the same problems that plagued the original OFP, plus a few new ones.

RO on the other hand makes up what it lacks in scale over ArmA in both depth (just compare the tanking) and polish, and you can join a good game instead of having to coordinate lot's of people and having somebody to design the missions...
Deus Ex is really cool.

As far as multiplayer FPS action goes, I'm fine with TF2 for now, but looking forward to a new Tribes game.
Both are awesome!

Though I am going to have to upgrade my OS for BF3.
None of that arcade adrenaline rushing. Go milsim, ARMA.
I'm going to wait and see which gets better reviews.

It seems like people here are completely discounting that both games have single player campaigns that look pretty epic.
Neither of them I don't like shooters.
Buying both.
Battlefield for PC cause clearly nothing else matters.
MW3 for 360 so i can bond with the GF while pwning noobs....deadly serious.

BF3, MW3, Neither or Both
(35 posts, started )