Quote from Boris Lozac :You're a bit late eh

I can finaly step into the used cars dealership, how often does it updates, daily? I need that Yellow Bird.

Just go to any A-spec race,(I recommend Suzuka, since the rolling start, takes the least time here before You cross the Start/finish line.
Start a race, once the race is started and You can take control of the car, just quit the race. Do this 5 times(start quit) and then go visit UCD. The car cycle will be completely updated. You can do this in less than 3 minutes.
There is more DLC incoming based on a hint Kaz dropped....
awesome PM pic

As far as physics go, I find the cars behave much better with ABS off now. You don't get that sudden lurch like they used to from the weight transfer if your wheel is off centre
Physics feel different. It seems like a small change but it makes a world of a difference. The tires all feel grippier. Well not really but the transition between grip and slip feels much more gradual. It makes the cars feel noticeably less twitchy, especially when drifting. It seems like I can "feel" the wheel more as well when I'm using my DFP. Also, it feels like the cars have more body roll or something. I've actually jumped off the hill of Eiger Norwand crooked (as in one wheel landing first) quite a lot, which has almost never happened before before the update.
I don't know if i'm trippin' but i notice some changes to the physics, it's more detailed on the feedback side..
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
I just can't believe that we don't have proper leaderboards in GT5, it's a joke.. doing some hotlaps is what would make me put that wheel every night but most of the time i just can't be bothered.. Simple cockpits for standards are great though, and so is Spa.. but i don't have many reasons to play it, i can't play A-spec, Online is rubish compared to LFS..
Quote from lamerr :Just go to any A-spec race,(I recommend Suzuka, since the rolling start, takes the least time here before You cross the Start/finish line.
Start a race, once the race is started and You can take control of the car, just quit the race. Do this 5 times(start quit) and then go visit UCD. The car cycle will be completely updated. You can do this in less than 3 minutes.

This works, thanks. But shouldn't it update daily, i had the same cars as two days ago..
It seems it never updates, unless You do some races.

Online racing works fine for me, I only hang around in quality lobbies with quality people, and we only race road cars on Nordschleife, its great fun actually.
Quote from Scatter :Physics feel different. It seems like a small change but it makes a world of a difference. The tires all feel grippier. Well not really but the transition between grip and slip feels much more gradual. It makes the cars feel noticeably less twitchy, especially when drifting. It seems like I can "feel" the wheel more as well when I'm using my DFP. Also, it feels like the cars have more body roll or something. I've actually jumped off the hill of Eiger Norwand crooked (as in one wheel landing first) quite a lot, which has almost never happened before before the update.

indeed i feel this too, with dfgt, heck even with controller i play with +7 sensitivity and in all aspects of racing, its nice to have a progressive roll out of the corner now rather then a somewhat jerky Tear from one side to the other of the apex ( upon entry or exit )
Yeah what does that sensitivity doo, should i change it for the dfgt, it's currently at 0.
I started playing around with AI and track settings and did a 24 minute of Le Mans with Max Aggression AI. Heck they are aggressive but they're good too (they were Professional)! They seem to close the door all the time when I want to pass and when they pass, they come out from nowhere and sometimes they just overcook the controls! The race was epic, with many R8 race cars and a Bentley Speed 8 were on my tail for most of the race until someone decided to rear end my R10 that my engine was critically damaged (I set mechanical damage to HEAVY) at the end of the Mulsanne straight, last lap too
Other than that it's amazingly fun, I might try driving my Schulze GT-R for a 24 minute race at Nurburgring 24 hour layout

Settings I used for a 24 minute Le Mans:

Laps: 7 (This should take 24 mins)
Time at start: 12:00
Weather at start: 100%
Weather changeability: 10
Water on track: 10%
Grip reduction on Wet/Track edge: Real
AI Difficulty: Professional
AI Aggression: 10 (This must be set on Options menu)
Quote from Boris Lozac :That sucks.. btw drop your PSN i'd love to do some Ring with LFS people.

And here's Spa..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... ;feature=player_embedded#!

That looks pretty good actually. From memory quite close to iracing. Although PD's suzuka was pretty accurate as well. And even PD's nordy seems close.

Only small graphical error in that. At 1:11 you can see the skyline through the trees in the hills. Having made some tracks in btb that kind of stuff is something you do not let into final releases imho.
Can't wait - such an awesome track no matter what game it's in
I want to drive al my group c cars on it.
Quote from Hyperactive :That looks pretty good actually. From memory quite close to iracing. Although PD's suzuka was pretty accurate as well. And even PD's nordy seems close.

Only small graphical error in that. At 1:11 you can see the skyline through the trees in the hills. Having made some tracks in btb that kind of stuff is something you do not let into final releases imho.

It's not a bug I think it's meant to be like that, because of the altitude difference, on some trees there's no leaves at the bottom, thus given the right situation you can see through the entire forest
I logged in and recieved my X1. Very quick. wow is all I can say, very hard to get used to especially as I've not played GT5 for a month or so !!
I'm currently 56 in the Redbull event, it's really really hard to get my time down...
Quote from ACCAkut :it took me quite some time to realize thats ingame

Who would shift like that in real life?
Quote from Stefani24 :Who would shift like that in real life?

I looked only at the track at first. I mean real mountains don't disappear in your mirror either
Code not working for me

Gran Turismo 5
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