Been playing a lot lately. With the derp gun every game is great. Even against tier 9 opponents you can deal enough damage to make them think twice before assaulting and instakilling me. My KV win ratio has risen from 49% to 54 just because of the derp gun.
Just had an epic match. Me in a KV plus some arty on our side against t-34-56-3455647567whatever, tiger1, Jagdpanther and hetzer. And we won with my shot literally on the last second. The enemy tiger was total numpty and lost a duel against our arty while I one shotted the t-lotsanumbers.
Then we go def homebase but decide to attack anyways because draw is double loss. Just as we exited our base the 2 enemy tds cap. Arty goes back to scout while I take shooting position. I one shot the jadgpanter from behind (while it's moving) with the derp from 300m

. Arty gets killed by the enemy hetzer and I go finish him off. So much win!
Been playing the vk3001p too some much. Win ratio 61% and I hate the damn thing. Total win rate is just 51% so kind of surprised with the 3001. Gun does not have punch, it's slow and it plays against opponents that all can hit and penetrate... Just played like 70 games with it though...