lfs is the only sim with specialized input code for digital inputs. its been tested and deved for around a 2 year cycle and went thru many iterations, votings, testings and its been settled as it is.
the perfect balance was achieved imho, making it hard enuff not to be frustrating /easy enuff while not being overassisted and not allowing better times than wheel configs for not so good drivers...
also the assistance to key code was deved as if a real car maker was forced to make a car with key input. no funny tricks occur, all could have been done irl.
I bet 100$ that you cant beat me with wheel if your pad has digital axes (digital = either maxlock or 0 deg steering, same for throttle/brake)
even keyboard no help is faster
Hmm as we have the "quick start" feature... what about a "quick close" feature. i don't really need that "do you really want to quit lfs" and the credits screen ^^
While you're in the mood of making changes to the control setup menu, how about being able to alter button control rate when using a wheel, without having to switch to mouse/kb mode and back again.
I get the message 'unknown key function'. If I type:
/button 3 ctrl_f1
it does correctly assign ctrl+f1 to controller button 3. If I assign shift_up command to key 3 it works fine. Are the ctrl_F# not allowed to be assigned to keys?
it seems with the new patch i get ALOT of disconnects, not as much now with u14 but still its annoying, i have a 8meg connection so dont even go there with my connection lol
It's almost certainly something to do with your connection - either at the ISP or the cables or the computer or your router.
It's nothing to do with your download bandwidth. Just having an 8 mbit connection does not mean that your ISP or your computer is immune to packet loss.
You should search threads or ask in technical assistance. There are websites and programs dedicated to analysing packet loss.
Also there is often someone who installs a patch and claims that it makes them lag or lose conenction more - even though I change nothing in the multiplayer code. But it's just a coincidence. People get connection issues occasionally. And sometimes that happens to be at the same time a patch comes out.
I have just tested this and cannot reproduce. It seems to work fine.
Try to debug it by adding an "echo" command in your script, so it writes a message to your screen.
For example, before your "button 2 horn" line add a line "echo about to set horn" and on the line after it add "echo just set horn". Then you'll know for sure that LFS did run those script lines.
Also, remember, it won't run if you are already sitting in your car. You must actually do the action of "getting in the car" to run the script - either by leaving the pits, or entering the game from the setup screen, or taking over someone's car.
ALT-F4 is a universal way of force quitting an application in Windows, it isn't LFS specific. It works on LFS too, as it's a Windows app. I don't think a "fast close" is necessary though. It would save you 2,3 seconds or something. Not worth time and effort (if it's even possible)
EDIT: hmmm, I was wrong it seems. It doesn't work in LFS. Could've sworn it did, oh well
with all these new patches i sometimes couldnt connect master server, then i retryed and worked.
now witch patch u14 i can hardly connect. i have to like retry 10 times before i can connect master server to get the server list.
before i allmost never had this problem...
not so fun, now i'm playing on U normal and i really would like the new little addons
Seeing as we can spin the wheels at silly speeds and get the speed measured, I thought I'd point out the standard digital speedo disappears once you pass into 4 digit numbers. The speedo on the F1 simply goes back to 100 once you hit 1000, and then goes even weirder once you hit 10,000. Yes, I can get the wheels to spin at 10,100km/h
Not exactly something you'll always notice, but does it qualify as a bug?
Ok, I am not an expert on hardware but I think you just need to replace your memory. Open your computer and remove the memory, buy some new ones that fit in the same slots, and put them in instead - problem solved.
If you have Windows XP, make sure you get at least 512 MB memory - as if you only have 256 MB you will then find your PC works better after that.