Event rating and other statistics finally udated,was too lazy to do it yesterday...

I'm still leading though!
Anyway,since one year is over,so I though I make a little statistical recap:
27 races have been organized where a total of 176 drivers have taken part in at least one race,95 have finished at least in one of those. Most active driver (beside me with 100% attendance of course) was my teammate Carbon,who took part in 21 events,finishing in 19 of them,but the most active non-latvian drivers are Estonian Reno and Flame from Czech Republic,both have taken part only in 5 events and both have finished 4 of them.
15 drivers have won at least 1 race,6 of them are multiple winners,most wins have 2 drivers - Reno and Troy with 4 wins each. 14 drivers have managed to be the fastest in qualifying,best of them is Litro with 6 pole positions. 17 drivers have scored the fastest lap of the race,both Reno and Troy sharing the top here too with 4 fastest laps each. Latvian driver Kars has finished more then everyone else in top5 - 10 times,3 of them are wins. Also let's mention some streaks - only 2 drivers have achieved back-to-back wins - Kars and most recently Reno,who will have a chance to make it 3 in row,as his streak is still open. 3 poles in row have been taken by N.Ðaković,he also has a chance to extend this streak in next race. Interesting that noone has made fastest lap 2 races in row,Niki at the moment has the best chance to be the first. Most top5 finishes in row have been made from the one,who has most of them - Kars,who finished in top5 in first 6 RTFRi races.
A total of 34 countrys have been represented (2 drivers had put "other" to their profile),most drivers from single country of course was hosting nation's - Latvia with 30 drivers (not that we can gather at least half of them together in one race for some serious national race

),followed by Finland with 19 and Germany with 17 drivers. 7 countrys have a driver,who has won at least one race,Latvia is leading with 15 wins,followed by neighbours Estonia and single driver (guess who?) country Switzerland with 4 wins a piece. Also pole position and fastest lap charts are quite dominated by Latvia.
Now about other stats - the longest race in terms of distance was held yesterday - the Formula V8 race at Aston Historic was 121.5km long,since all races are calculated to just exceed half of hour length,it was also the fastest race,averaging 226km/h from the race winner Reno. Shortest and slowest race was held with MRT at custom track in Autocross area - 37 lap race around 1.4km long Rony's AU Course 1 had only 51.8km total distance and race winner Vincper finished with a average speed of 97km/h.
The most attended race was 25th RTFRi,held with XRT at custom track - Aston Grand North Reversed Alternate,featuring 2 custom chicanes - a total of 27 drivers qualified (even more tried to),24 started and 21 finished. This race was also streamed live from
Thilo's perspective. Some races weren't that much attended - 2 of them had only 5 drivers qualified,2 - just 4 finishers. In 3 races have finished all drivers that started,unfortunately 7 is the biggest amount of drivers in 100% finisher races. The lowest rate of finishers was in the most messy race,held with UFR at South City Chicane Route Reversed,where only half of 16 starters finished.
The closest finish was (of course) in the only oval race,held with XRG - A.Jonaitis beat Invecs only by 0.09 of a second at the finish line,the closest finish at road course was held with other XR car XRR at Aston Deep North Speedtrack,where C.Kistner was just 0.72s ahead of Juris. Interesting that both next closest finishes were with LX4 cars,who knows is this some pattern or just coincidents.

The biggest win margin of victory was 1 whole lap,when Reno beat all the slow asses at first ever open configuration race with FXR at Fern Bay Oldskuul,a partially gravel track.
In all 27 races a total of 563 laps were run,83 of them (14.64%) have been led by Litro,followed by Reno with just 2 laps less. 23 drivers have led at least one lap.
Well,that's about in terms of various statistics,thanks to everyone for participating,see you in next year!