What? My vehicles always have names. My old van was Vanessa, a name given to her by my family and this truck was called Louise because a friend decided it was a fitting name, which has stuck.
It doesn't matter how rubbish your vehicle is, most vehicles deserve a name. They are living creatures, if they were just machines then no vehicle would go wrong and they'd all be exactly the same, but as vehicles are made by humans, none of them are perfect, no two are the same. This makes them all unique and living creatures.
That or I am insane and everything I've just said should be disregarded.
Well, as I stated before, my Hunday Atos Prime is a shitty little car, the only thing positive about it is the low fuel usage and it's name.
If you still insist that we have to give our car a name, mine's gonna be Optimus Prime, or Opium Prime (because the engine is all sluggish and shit).
Oh for sure, not everyone names machines, it is all personal preference.
I had a Ford Escort Van 1.8D, hardly a speed daemon and defiantly wasn't concourse fresh. But her major fault was she'd cut out a lot after either sucking air or crap from the fuel tank. I only got shot of her because it was getting so bad I almost got T-Boned because she died when I was pulling out of a junction. Scary shit.
But yeah, if you don't want to name your car, hairy muff.
I love my car more than most people here love theres but I'd never give it a name. You can care for an inanimate object but no matter how hard you try it does not have a personality.
Yeah, my ex Izh ( http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net ... 9301_715835_6825518_n.jpg ) wasn't a car, but that damn thing definately had an evil mind. The piece of shit would stall without any reason, and and later run like never has happened. If it was angry - it didn't start even after a thousand kicks on the starter. Then the next day, without doing anything to it - the bike would start at first kick and purr nicely. Or sometimes the throttle would stuck open. I checked the cables, throttle slide, everything was good, clean and moved freely. But still, sometimes when i twisted the wrist to the limit, it would just stay there. Good, that i installed a kill switch, i was able to ride trough the town with a fully open throttle without any problems. It was a real communist piece of garbage, but i liked it. I might buy another one. They're like disabled pets - wrong, useless, but adorable.