hey guys,
today i was messing around with my gadgets and i cant find the weather one... i really liked it. can anyone tell me how to find it again? please my pc is not the same without it. http://www.lfsforum.net/attach ... d=119450&d=1325732269
If it's a Win gadget, then right click on desktop and click on the second one from the bottom, or if it's a Rainmeter one, then right click on one of the rainmeter gadgets, then go to "Rainmeter", then "Skins" and then choose the weather one... (Using it only for a day and I'm already a smartass :razz
You probably downloaded that one from the net, and now somehow uninstalled it or smth...
E: So, I'm having a bit of a problem with the Rainmeter... I changed the HDD gadget to support 4 HDDs, instead of only 2, and it reads the used space corectly, but instead of showing the total partition size, it says "%2B" and I can't seem to find the mistake in there... :/