I've made a few skins for the XRT, so i collected them and put them into a pic site. Check them out if you want to from
NAMES FOR THE SKINS (to use them online) :
1st the rusty one: XRT_Rustyfxd
2nd Battery skin : XRT_BatteryTBZ
3rd Burp Pizza Service : XRT_BurpPizza
4th Hellaflush skin : XRT_HellaflushTBZ
5th orange driftworks skin: XRT_Driftworks
6th blue rallycross skin : XRT_RallycrossTBZ
7th skin Gulf skin: XRT_Tbz_Gulf
8th skin pinky skin: XRT_PinkyTBZ
9th skin blue Driftworks skin: XRT_Tbz_DRW
10th skin the orange Falken skin: XRT_TbZ_Falken
Thank you