The online racing simulator
Thanks guys!
funny skin
No free rides!

made by me
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gas or ass xD.jpg
Has been a long time since I have made any skins to LFS but here's two.

This "turboshakers" is a private one I actually did some time ago but didn't post about it.

This another one is public, I kinda felt I had to do it after I stumbled upon this old thread, while trying out the lfs search thingy.

Yes there are lots of similarities, but I have a very valid reason for it. Which is laziness.

And here is the skinfile in 2048x2048.
Hello! Here's my first skin
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XRG_Turbo Skin+.jpg
Skin screenshot.jpg
fredric aasbo xrt
only e mod from xrr to xrt found on page 218
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poor.... .

you deleted the credits lol.
And copiing skins or stealing isnt cool mate...
Quote from jarnis :only e mod from xrr to xrt found on page 218

may i ask why you have scribbled out the daloonie kit and the master skinners text?
Oh I see! Thx mate.
Quote from jarnis :only e mod from xrr to xrt found on page 218

Gosh. Pro job of erasing credits :doh:
My Private personal team skins i made.


My other private skin.


I've made a few skins for the XRT, so i collected them and put them into a pic site. Check them out if you want to from HERE

NAMES FOR THE SKINS (to use them online) :

1st the rusty one: XRT_Rustyfxd
2nd Battery skin : XRT_BatteryTBZ
3rd Burp Pizza Service : XRT_BurpPizza
4th Hellaflush skin : XRT_HellaflushTBZ
5th orange driftworks skin: XRT_Driftworks
6th blue rallycross skin : XRT_RallycrossTBZ
7th skin Gulf skin: XRT_Tbz_Gulf
8th skin pinky skin: XRT_PinkyTBZ
9th skin blue Driftworks skin: XRT_Tbz_DRW
10th skin the orange Falken skin: XRT_TbZ_Falken

Thank you
XRR Beats by Dr. Dre

> Full resolution preview <

Requested by Litro
- Beats by Dr. Dre livery for XRR,based on Mount Zion's created livery for BMW M3 3D skin in TrackMania.
So I took this challenge and fullfilled the request,since the paint scheme looks really cool,so here it is,I hope you like it!

Thanks to:
  • Daloonie for his XRR bodykit and Master skinnerz for their skin kit,
  • Litro for this idea,as working on this I improved my skills and learned something new too,
  • Mustang for these cool preview renders - original render here in FullHD
  • and of course - Mount Zion for original design! (whoever you are )
Skin is uploaded to LFSWorld,if you prefer smaller resolution,use the file with 1024 (but remove the 1024,as the skin name will be too long anyway).
Attached images
XRR Beats by Dr small.jpg
XRR Beats by Dr. Dre.jpg
XRR Beats by Dr. Dre render.jpg
Great work Rony
YEAH one of your best works so far.
You improved a lot even it is just a replica. But nice painting.
Made a simple blue and carbon drift skin with perfomance part logos on it, for XRT.

EDIT: Added an preview image
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Quote from Eclipsed :

> Full resolution preview <

Requested by Litro
- Beats by Dr. Dre livery for XRR,based on Mount Zion's created livery for BMW M3 3D skin in TrackMania.
So I took this challenge and fullfilled the request,since the paint scheme looks really cool,so here it is,I hope you like it!

Thanks to:
  • Daloonie for his XRR bodykit and Master skinnerz for their skin kit,
  • Litro for this idea,as working on this I improved my skills and learned something new too,
  • Mustang for these cool preview renders - original render here in FullHD
  • and of course - Mount Zion for original design! (whoever you are )
Skin is uploaded to LFSWorld,if you prefer smaller resolution,use the file with 1024 (but remove the 1024,as the skin name will be too long anyway).

cool skinning
My xrg skin
xrg skin
Attached images
Nice, Rony! Thank You!
Le Skon

Another one from me

XRR Takata - Render by Bose321


XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )