USA: "the land of the freedom", nuff said...
Incorrect, it's The Land Of The Free.

Freedom has another meaning.
Quote from Racer X NZ :And you haven't worked out how controlled YouTube is ?, they control the viewed count but fail dismally on like/dislikes.
Don't worry, they'll get that sorted eventually.

They don't control viewed counts... If you're talking about how it has 301 views and then 2500 likes it's normally because the video is new (within a few days) and has lots of views (10000+) and are a member of the Youtube Partner program.

Talking of that, I bet a lot of record labels are making a lot of money from Ads on their Vevo pages.......
So, apparently, the site owners had 23 cars, including 15 Mercs, a Lambo, a Maserati and a RR Phantom. **** this, I'm starting my own file sharing site and couldn't care less if I get caught after 10 years. Does anyone know of a country without a extradition agreement with the US?
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :So, apparently, the site owners had 23 cars, including 15 Mercs, a Lambo, a Maserati and a RR Phantom. **** this, I'm starting my own file sharing site and couldn't care less if I get caught after 10 years. Does anyone know of a country without a extradition agreement with the US?


We don't know what the bill is yet, but sure if you want to have 10 good years and then many bad years...

Go ahead
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :So, apparently, the site owners had 23 cars, including 15 Mercs, a Lambo, a Maserati and a RR Phantom. **** this, I'm starting my own file sharing site and couldn't care less if I get caught after 10 years. Does anyone know of a country without a extradition agreement with the US?

Somalia. No real government = no official extradition agreement. Have fun with your Rolls!
But when you're in Somalia the word "pirate" has an entirely different meaning.
Quote from Jakg :My pet hate - anonymous is not one person, or even a "group" - it's a bunch of people who join together under an "anti-name"

I understand that. Sure the "leaders" won't get taken down because they are too smart. But the people who helped them and are less experienced will. Obviously anonymous is everyone, so more people will join their cause.
As much as the thought of people of the FBI frantically running around trying to fix there website amuses me, I'm not convinced it was a step in the right direction as fighting fire with fire just results in a flame war.

That Megaupload was targetted was only because it was successful and some people had abused it - Which had aided the success, that the US is holding the owners responsible for the content the users have put on there certainly tells you alot about US's "because we say so" policy..
Quote from tommer : That Megaupload was targetted was only because it was successful and some people had abused it - Which had aided the success, that the US is holding the owners responsible for the content the users have put on there certainly tells you alot about US's "because we say so" policy..

I reckon they've done it this way because if they seize all the assets then even if Megaupload are found not guilty, then it is basically out of business anyway.

If they took the same approach as used against TPB, then the site would still be up and running throughout any court case.
Quote from RiseAgainstMe! :Somalia. No real government = no official extradition agreement. Have fun with your Rolls!

Andorra, with a much more stable government and a quarter of the population speaking portuguese also doesn't have one.
They targeted megaupload because megaupload encouraged piracy as much as possible without actively stating it. The company's business model even offered "uploader rewards" programs.
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :Andorra, with a much more stable government and a quarter of the population speaking portuguese also doesn't have one.

pssshhhh no fun. it's far more amusing to imagine those cars being riddled with bullet holes as they cruise the streets of Mogadishu.
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :Andorra, with a much more stable government and a quarter of the population speaking portuguese also doesn't have one.

Quote from Dennis93 :Chuck Norris liked it.

You want to tell me that Chuck's vote is worth only 2939 likes? Do you want me to give him a call and tell him you said that?
Quote from nathan246 :*sigh* Americans...

referring to Fast Five knowledge which they might have stated that :P

#48 - Vain
There has been a discussion in Germany regarding the prosecution of foreign websites that offer child pornography and the consensus among politicians was that it was apparently completely impossible to have any sort of impact on their operations because they are in a different country, even if the provided content is illegal there.

But apparently dropping the hammer on a Hong Kong registered company from the US and jailing a New Zealand resident at the same time is easy when it's about copyright infringements by the users of a website. I still don't know what exactly the exact allegations are and on what basis the arrest was executed.

I have personally done things that are considered illegal in other countries but that aren't in Germany. Do I have to live in fear of foreign prosecution?

Quote from Vain :There has been a discussion in Germany regarding the prosecution of foreign websites that offer child pornography and the consensus among politicians was that it was apparently completely impossible to have any sort of impact on their operations because they are in a different country, even if the provided content is illegal there.

But apparently dropping the hammer on a Hong Kong registered company from the US and jailing a New Zealand resident at the same time is easy when it's about copyright infringements by the users of a website. I still don't know what exactly the exact allegations are and on what basis the arrest was executed.

I have personally done things that are considered illegal in other countries but that aren't in Germany. Do I have to live in fear of foreign prosecution?


I've made that point elsewhere

Do I get arrested and extradited because I've made a backup .iso of a CD I use a lot which happens to be made by an American company.

Or, seeing as members of my family are in a band, if I copy one of their CDs and give it away for free, would I get arrested, seeing as they've given me permission, yet their label hasn't?
@Vain + DieKolkrabe

This is what I find the most worrying about this case. I understand there are some international agreements concerning handing over criminals, but these apply when someone commits a crime in his country and then flees across the borders. I wonder why there aren't any comments on how could have FBI shut down what was AFAIK a Hong Kong company owned by a German citizen. I found a link to this over 70 pages long indictment, I didn't read it through but it struck me how none of the defendants is/was a US citizen nor any of the companies is registered in US. Apparently, when you're the US gov, the Internet belongs to you and is subject to US laws...