The online racing simulator
Quote from MadCatX :@Vain + DieKolkrabe

This is what I find the most worrying about this case. I understand there are some international agreements concerning handing over criminals, but these apply when someone commits a crime in his country and then flees across the borders. I wonder why there aren't any comments on how could have FBI shut down what was AFAIK a Hong Kong company owned by a German citizen. I found a link to this over 70 pages long indictment, I didn't read it through but it struck me how none of the defendants is/was a US citizen nor any of the companies is registered in US. Apparently, when you're the US gov, the Internet belongs to you and is subject to US laws...

The problem in this case is that New Zealand, just like Sweden, are US' little bitches when it comes to internetpiracy. Because some of the charges made concern the conspiracy to commit copyright infringement (which is a crime anywhere in the world, basically), it was very easy for the US to get those clowns arrested.
I wonder too how this all could happen.

They even took properties away (cars'n'stuff).. The trial didn't even started yet :S
Quote from MadCatX :@Vain + DieKolkrabe

This is what I find the most worrying about this case. I understand there are some international agreements concerning handing over criminals, but these apply when someone commits a crime in his country and then flees across the borders. I wonder why there aren't any comments on how could have FBI shut down what was AFAIK a Hong Kong company owned by a German citizen. I found a link to this over 70 pages long indictment, I didn't read it through but it struck me how none of the defendants is/was a US citizen nor any of the companies is registered in US. Apparently, when you're the US gov, the Internet belongs to you and is subject to US laws...

Of course we are US's bitchs, just check our PMs history.

But the relevant point is please don't carry out blatant illegal activity, cover your ass and don't be a target !

And don't believe that everyone here supports what's happening, we do however believe that if you are going to behave like an idiot and be a target then that's going to be your issue !

Please be careful out there people !!!!
Hmm, this isn't where I left my FTP indexers -.-
#58 - troy
This is getting interesting... I suppose we will end up with file sharing sites in China and Russia which will block access from US IPs. Well done USA, if that's what you were after...
then the US will shut them down because they dont allow access to US citizens
Quote from el pibe :then the US will shut them down because they dont allow access to US citizens

and we have a nice magic circle here...

Been using it for replays, videos, etc. Will most likely have the same thing happen to it soon. had a lot of files on MU for example. All that going to waste
what next, dropbox shutting down? I do hope not...
I used to watch Top Gear at MegaVideo, then it took an FBI to the knee.
Quote :MegaUpload Loses Top Lawyer After ‘Outside’ Pressure

A few days after top lawyer Robert Bennett announced he would defend MegaUpload vigorously in their upcoming trial, he has been forced to withdraw from the case. A source says that this drastic decision was made because the case conflicts with the interests of another client of Bennett’s law firm Hogan Lovells. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that the pressure most likely came from the entertainment industry.


Quickly after the raids and arrests, top attorney Robert Bennett announced that he would lead the defense for MegaUpload. The New York lawyer has defended many prominent clients in the past but is best known for defending President Bill Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal.

Well yup it's all about money. I think that would have been a brilliant thing for artists, especially up and coming ones..

Shame, although it's by no means dead.
Hi all

Tried to find the right thread for this and this seem's to be the most relevant.
Flame away if I'm wrong.........

Many readers will recall that nearly one year ago, the U.S. government launched a global takedown of, with arrests of the leading executives in New Zealand and the execution of search warrants in nine countries. Canada was among the list of participating countries as the action included seizure of servers located here. While the failed attempt (thus far) to extradite Megaupload mogul Kim Dotcom to the U.S. has attracted the lion share of attention, the U.S. government has quietly been working to obtain access to all the data stored on seized computers in other jurisdictions.

Last week, an Ontario court rejected a request to send mirror-imaged copies of 32 computer servers to authorities in the U.S., indicating that a more refined order is needed. Megaupload did not contest the seizure of the computers. It did argue, however, "that there is an enormous volume of information on the servers and that sending mirror image copies of all of this data would be overly broad, particularly in light of the scantiness of the evidence connecting these servers to the crimes alleged by the American prosecutors." The company added that the volume of data on the 32 servers was equivalent to 100 laptop computers and that a review of the content by the court was appropriate.

In NZ, our 'Security Farces' just gave it to them, against a judges direct instructions, and are now facing legal action for doing so........

Meanwhile, back in NZ.....

The new court filings say the courts need to examine closely the evidence submitted by the FBI when it sought seizure warrants as part of its investigation into Megaupload.
It pointed to a "pattern of governmental misconduct plaguing proceedings" in New Zealand and said the FBI secured judicial backing to go after Megaupload by misrepresenting help the file-sharing company had given during the investigation into an internet pirate.
"This is huge," Mr Dotcom tweeted, announcing the filing. It was proof of the "US government acting in bad faith" and the Department of Justice "misleading". Mr Dotcom and three colleagues are facing extradition to the US on charges of criminal copyright violation, which they deny. ... d=1&objectid=10857179
All they need to do is find one image of CP that was uploaded to the site and they can arrest and prosecute all the founders for setting up a worldwide chidl prongraphy ring which is illegal in every country. They are responsible for that they created. I guess the money was nice enough for them to forget that fact.

This is not censorship and I don't see the connection. Censorship would be the FBI not allowing anybody to listen to Beyonce's new single. In actuality, anyone who pays for it is free to listen to it. It is horribly disrespectful towards artists to decide that their work is not even worth $0.99 of enjoyment. Or a movie that cost $5,000,000 to make should be free to you because you're so special.

Racer X: That is a ridiculous argument by Kim. There were a lot more than 36 pirated movies on Megaupload. Even if he was instructed to keep those files, it doesn't excuse the thousands of copyrighted files that were uploaded during and after the initial investigation.
Quote from flymike91 :All they need to do is find one image of CP that was uploaded to the site and they can arrest and prosecute all the founders for setting up a worldwide chidl prongraphy ring which is illegal in every country. They are responsible for that they created. I guess the money was nice enough for them to forget that fact.

Are you saying that the uploader takes no responsibility of the content being uploaded at all? This doesn't make sense.
Quote from flymike91 :All they need to do is find one image of CP that was uploaded to the site and they can arrest and prosecute all the founders for setting up a worldwide chidl prongraphy ring

Do you have a source for this bizarre piece of logic?
Who is going to hold them responsible? It is obvious that dotcom was benefiting enormously by looking the other way.