Making LFS movies #2 (new tutorial)
(262 posts, started )
The sound works for me The solution i posted above has failed for others i have read about
Quote from Velocity. :The sound works for me The solution i posted above has failed for others i have read about

I ve just tried that ...for now youtube doesnt complain but I will have to wait for a few days to see how it goes... I can let you know then
I also found another video about this...but it always differs only in the statement you put into the second field
to me it sounds logical that if you dont use the copyrighted material for your own profit or to harm the original work there is no reason to delete it...they can be happy that someone is using their work but lawyers are special illogical kind of humans whose thinking we cant understand
Exactly I see it as free advertising for whatever music people use in there video`s. On the odd ones that i`ve done in the past Youtube even advertises the name /artist of the music and an itunes link to download it. But like you said Lawyers are ilogical. And are just trying to make more money for themselves
Recently I ve run into a problem which I somehow cant solve...I want to make moving text in the video using crop/pan tool but when I render the movie (using sony vegas, uncompressed avi) the text is illegible because of interlacing
what I have discovered so far is that as the text moves during the 1/25 (I record at 25fps) in one frame it is rendered as starting position and end position which causes the unwanted effect
The only solution I've come out so far is to make the motion, then split it into frames and remove pan/crop event which for a 4 second part of video is 100 actions (quite a waste of time).
I tried to find some help on google but I might not be able to name my problem properly in few words

PS: after two weeks the copyright info is still gone so I guess it worked perfectly. Thanks Velocity.
usually clicking "optimise stills" and "deinterlace the video" removes all interlacing, Bavorak. Why didnt it work for you - I got no idea
Quote from squidhead :usually clicking "optimise stills" and "deinterlace the video" removes all interlacing, Bavorak. Why didnt it work for you - I got no idea

I've watched dozens of tutorials and nothing seems to be of any help...the main video is captured by lfs record and is rendered nicely without any interlacing...but the text is so interlaced it is hardly legible... now I figured it out by splitting the text into single frames and removing motion on those single frames...that helped and everything is smooth just took me huge ammount of time
A few questions about Fraps, Virtualdub and Windows LIVE Movie Maker:

1. Fraps:
Lock framerate (V-Synch) on or off ?

2. Fraps:
Force lossless RGB capture ( my be slower) on or off ?

3. Fraps:
As my PC only can fraps record with a 20FPS, I do half speed and double it to a 40 FPS in virtualdub later on. Is there a visual difference to see, between a "normal" finalized 30 FPS movie and a 40 FPS movie ? Any disadvantages here, wanting to upload it to Youtube later on?

3. Virtualdub:
Can Virtualdub only save as .avi and not right away in some HD format?

In case it can´t.
Should I choose under Video>Compression something like " (Uncompressed RGB/YCbCr), resulting in a huge .avi file - or fx. choose Xvid MPEG-4 Codec, resulting in a minor file ? (At the very end, both raw .avi input files will become the same size as .wmf files, finished off with Windwos Live Movie Maker in a HD format)

5. Virtualdub filters:
How to apply a filter on only SOME frames selected in a sequence? Looks like I can only apply a filter on the hole .avi clip right now.

6. In order to reduce quality loss: Should I become better frapsing, avoiding Virtualdub at all and right away turn .avi in HD format via Windows Live Movie Maker or doesn´t it matter at all ?

I´m aware of that I´m not using the most fitted prg´s. here - it´s just what I a kind of got used to. Thanks for your info´s on the subject.
Quote from R.Kolz :A few questions about Fraps, Virtualdub and Windows LIVE Movie Maker:
I´m aware of that I´m not using the most fitted prg´s. here - it´s just what I a kind of got used to. Thanks for your info´s on the subject.

1 - If you can't record at higher than 20fps, it won't make a difference (vSync locks it to your monitor hz, which is usualy 60hz, making it 60fps... personally, I use this setting off)

2 - If you already choose to capture "full" resolution on fraps, by selecting "lossless RGB" the quality difference will not be noticeable (specially if you upload to Youtube). Personally, I've never seen the difference (apart from video size which gets noticeably bigger). Also, may be slower.

3 - I used to to this when I had a FX5200, I would record at half speed then speed up on video editor 2x. For me, there was no quality difference, but the resulting video after that was butter smooth. Good thing that LFS actually samples the sound at the speed you choose, so you don't have to separately record audio and video, and it will always be in sync.

I never managed to save in other formats using VirtualDub so I can't help here.

6 - Movie Maker will most likely get you quality loss, whereas VirtualDub saving in .avi will get you a lossless resulting video (and huge file, too). By default, VirtualDub resulting files are lossless. The best (lossless) quality you can get: record with fraps, render/speed up with VirtualDub. Then edit on your preferred video editor and choose your own compression options (it will not be lossless after that point, but you can't do everything lossless because file sizes are huge!).

A suggestion of great (and easy) video editor is Sony Vegas... there's a 30 day trial on their website if you want to download it. I use it a lot, actually all of my projects/videos/works have been done with Vegas.
That was very useful. Thanks a lot.
(Slovakia ring) DELETED by Slovakia ring
Camera work, better colors, registered fraps and you are done!

And a better music ofc.

I have few problems, for me.. those are big problems. Im dealing with this from now about half year. My english isn't perfect one but im tryng to be as detailed as i can.

First, i have some issues with setting my resolution in Lfs, im tryng to use 1280 x 720 for Youtube and for me it's also suitable for recording (going over it might cause a lag) but the problem is when i set that resolution it's like, i have to stretch Lfs window manuali, it wount go automaticli to 1280 x 720 also you can't stretch it to precise size , after recording with fraps and previewing this clip i can see under propertis actual resolution of this video and it's always bigger or smaller , example: right my Lfs is set to 1280 x 720 in setting's menu, but fraps recorded size was 1272 x 694. And after test saving it in Vegas pro i see quality loss and blurryness because Vegas will stretch this video to 1280 x 720

Second thing, i used this video to set up my Vegas pro, also codecs ( )

But still after rendering i see some color problems, red color seemed orange on some points. It's just so fustrating.
Hi, about the resolution...why dont you use fullscreen (shift + F4)? then you can be sure that it will have the desired resolution
about the has nothing to do with color adjustments so if you dont like the colors try to change contrast, brightness, saturation, color balance etc.
Hopefully I helped you at least with some of the issues
I know about the shift+F4 but that dosen't work neither, that was first thing i tried. But this color issue must be some sort of codec issue, because my old videos didn't had this problem, also if i watch that rendered clip in vlc, everything looks fine, but other programs i see that color missmatch again. Still right now my goal is to get rid of my resolution probleml, re-installing didnt help.

Edit: Tried again with fullscreen and shift+F4 and i cant still get right rsolution, also i have those black borders on both sides.. Ingame resolution while taking this screen was 1280x720 but fraps shows after recording it's 1272 x 694
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Hi there,

Can't help you with the other problems, but with the resolution, here's a possible solution:

Short version:
Just edit the "cfg.txt" in your LFS folder, and replace 5th line with this: "Window 100 100 1380 820".

Long version:
Go to your LFS folder, look for the file "cfg.txt", and open it for editing. In the 5th line or so, you'll find a line starting with "Window" and followed by some figures. Well, those figures, represent:
1st - X coordinate of window's upper left corner position
2nd - Y coordinate of window's upper left corner position
3rd - X coordinate of window's lower right corner position
4th - Y coordinate of window's lower right corner position

Consider the origin in your screen's upper corner; all positive values will just take further away from it.

Example (these figures can be anything you wish, according to the resolution you are trying to obtain):
Window 100 100 1380 820

This means that in wondow mode, LFS window will start at x=100, y=100 pixels from your monitor's upper left corner and will end at x=1380, y=820 from your screen's upper left corner (thus, giving you the desired resolution: 100+1280 = 1380, ...)

Hope that helps.
Thank you luchian and Nadeo4441 for helping, it did work and resolution problem is now in the past, now i just need to search solution of this color issue.

Edit: Have to bother again, one problem is gone and new one is here.. I finished my video, problem is it's 1,09 GB, a bit too much for uploading it to youtube. Divx convertor gives me error 91 all the time while converting that video from avi to divx, so i need some other solutions.

Heres my render settings:
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Quote from CrutZ :Thank you luchian and Nadeo4441 for helping, it did work and resolution problem is now in the past, now i just need to search solution of this color issue.

Edit: Have to bother again, one problem is gone and new one is here.. I finished my video, problem is it's 1,09 GB, a bit too much for uploading it to youtube. Divx convertor gives me error 91 all the time while converting that video from avi to divx, so i need some other solutions.

Heres my render settings:

Try using Virtual dub is quite simple software...I always use it to compress video after I render it uncompressed in vegas
Quote :When you’re done editing in Vegas, you can either compress and export the video from the software, or use a better method : export raw uncompressed movie (be ready for a very big video file) and open it with virtual dub. Go to video>full processing mode, and then Video>compression (I recommend Xvid codecs (found here ), and select compression level. Also, don’t forget to compress the audio by pressing Audio>full processing mode and then Audio>compression, selecting a codec there and setting the compression level....[the whole instructions are in the first post of this topic]

I hope it works for you
Thanks bavorak, it seems i allready have Virtualdub but didn't know how to use it. So right now for testing i used your quote and my video wich still was compressed and avi because quote warned a big size, so to save time i used my other video.

Now, i did everything by the quote, but dont know what to do now How it starts to compress ? (edit: Save as AVI)

Second thing, in quote it says '' export raw uncompressed movie (be ready for a very big video file) '' Does it means by exporting that i still have to do Render As (i dont have export option) :

Save as type : Video for Windows (*.avi)
Template : Default Template (uncompressed)
Quote from CrutZ :Thanks bavorak, it seems i allready have Virtualdub but didn't know how to use it. So right now for testing i used your quote and my video wich still was compressed and avi because quote warned a big size, so to save time i used my other video.

Now, i did everything by the quote, but dont know what to do now How it starts to compress ? (edit: Save as AVI)

Second thing, in quote it says '' export raw uncompressed movie (be ready for a very big video file) '' Does it means by exporting that i still have to do Render As (i dont have export option) :

Save as type : Video for Windows (*.avi)
Template : Default Template (uncompressed)

So you are in Sony vegas...Your video is finished so you click File->render as and choose format *.avi and "customize" the the "video" tab you want to choose:
"video format" -> "uncompressed"
"frame size" -> "(use project settings)"
"pixel aspect" -> "1.0000"
in audio tab be sure that you have chosen "include audio"

then you render the whole video...few-gigabyte file will be this file in virtual dub...choose Video -> compression...there you choose Xvid MPEG-4 codec and click OK...that's you just need to go to file->save as avi and a compressed render of your video will be created
Now, i did like you said and after rendering in vegas i got avi file wich was 79gb

Video was recorded in 1280x720 and is 3 minutes long. Next step, i tried to open it with Virtualdub and also installed those codec's but virtualdub gives me some sort of error:
Attached images

Making LFS movies #2 (new tutorial)
(262 posts, started )