The online racing simulator
Quote from kitu_gudu :Could you upload your engine sounds that you are using to "underline" (LFS/data/engine)? Or are you using default settings?

I mostly use DEFAULT and set it to very quiet, just to "underline".
Please Help

User green and aktivate. Sound is copy in the CSR-File. When we take the right car, the Sound in not there. The following instuctions we make them

OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 35555
OutGauge ID 0

@echo off
cd CSR
start/AboveNormal CSR.exe
cd ..
start LFS.exe

1. in 64-bit Win7, the file needs to be put in Windows\syswow64 instead of Windows\system32
2. start, write "cmd" to search, right mouse click, "run as administrator", answer Yes
3. write this:
cd c:\windows\syswow64
cd c:\windows\system32
(press Enter) and then:
regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx

Can you help me

Do you need the "mscomctl.ocx" file?
there comes no waring
where do I add the file ?
If you just need the file for Win7, do this:

- click: ... X/6.01.9782/download.html

- and click "Click Here to Download MSCOMCTL.OCX" for download!

- when done, copy the file into C:\Windows\System32 with 32-Bit Windows. Use C:\Windows\SysWOW64 for 64-Bit Windows!

- Press "Start", choose "Run" (in german: "Ausführen"), type "cmd" and press ENTER. The command window opens.

- type:
1. cd..
2. cd.. (stop when it just says "C:\>")
3. cd c:\windows\system32 (now you are in this folder) or
cd c:\windows\syswow64 (now you are in this folder)
4. regsrv32 mscomctl.ocx

- done
Component 'MSCOMCTL'
Component MSCOMCTL or one of its dependencies not correctly registered; a file is missing or invalid

Quote from deking235 :Component MSCOMCTL or one of its dependencies not correctly registered; a file is missing or invalid


the answer is in post above!
Hello! Anyone have an update 2010/2011 of CSR car sounds? i cant edit very well with this tool... it's too difficult!
Here is my latest update:

The FZR sounds like a Porsche 911 RSR 3.0 from the 70s/80s
The XRR sounds like a Ford Capri 3100RS from the 70s/80s
The other cars have it's "own" sounds ;-)

You need to put LFS ingame sounds to the following values for best quality:
Car: 10.0
Tyre: 1.0
Wind: 1.0
Echo: 1.0

Set the original LFS engine sound down to about 10% of it's normal value. (just to "underline" CSR)
Set the original LFS dump valve muffler to the most quiet value.
Set the original LFS gear shift sound to the most quiet value.
nice sounds man!
anyone have XRG/XRT pro drift engine sounds? heheheheh!
lol wt sound!! omg
Quote from eddy678 :I thought demo users were only allowed to drive Xfg Xrg and Fbm...

don't worry for me is anyone will be able to give something
fake vid
Hello guys,

For some reasons I can't get CSR working with 0.6B... Dunno why.
Here is what I've done :
- downloading CSR
- extracting in ../LFS/CSR folder
- changing cfg.txt as stated in the installation guide (outgauge things)
- Running CSR and clicking on the "i" to switch ON the green light
- running LFS with FZR.

As far as I remembrer, when you pick a car in LFS, it says what car you have, in CSR, right ? (because I've installed it many years ago, and then removed it). Because actually it does not show up in CSR..

Something might be wrong, but I don't know what. I've also tried to download this script :
But for some reasons it won't work either. the command prompt shows up and then disappear in like 1 second. Apparently it's due to a "syntax error" on "% len(FORWARD_TO)" at line 120.

Do you have any idea on how to make CSR work ? I am running out of ideas...

EDIT : I am running on Windows 7 Pro 64bits, if you're wondering..
Not sure, but think this is outdated and may not work at all...
Quote from Impreza09 :Not sure, but think this is outdated and may not work at all...

:munching_ On the contrary, it works just fine.
One or two sound effects are no longer functional, but other than that ...

:beady: - I have no idea what could be wrong with Liberto's install though ...
So you may not know what will be wrong with mine tho...
I've found a way to make it work ! Here's how I managed to do it :

- launch CSR, click on the "i" to switch ON the green light (as mentionned in the guide)
- make also sure the sounds you want to hear are clicked (the grey boxes in CSR)
- Copy the content of your "User files" into the "Sounds" folder (that makes backfire and some other sounds work for me)
- run LFS "as administrator"
- you will need to unlock LFS again (only this time)

Note that if you are using a Strobe software or something, you will need to run them as administrator also, or it will not work.

And you're done !
Hope this helps !

(827 posts, started )