The online racing simulator
@aerolive: mph/kmh scale's ratio is wrong.

1 mph = 1.609344 kph......I won'tpretend to teach you, but here's how I do fto get mph speedo lined up with kmh:

Take the angle between 2 steps (the angle for like 10 kmh, or for any step used in between) then multiply by 1.609344 & voilà(!) you have your mph's magic multiplier.

This said, nice start .
Quote from 1303s_vortech :@aerolive: mph/kmh scale's ratio is wrong.

1 mph = 1.609344 kph......I won'tpretend to teach you, but here's how I do fto get mph speedo lined up with kmh:

Take the angle between 2 steps (the angle for like 10 kmh, or for any step used in between) then multiply by 1.609344 & voilà(!) you have your mph's magic multiplier.

This said, nice start .

The mph scale was the first what I made. Since then, I moved the main kmh scale. But some way I forgot the another. Thanks for warn me that.

If you notice any mistake, let me know.
Sorry for bad english

I started the project of my volkswagen panel, but managed to make the rpm. someone could finish what fault (turbo, fuel, lights warning marker speed)? marker in place of temperature, could put pressure turbo? I'm using the txt file attached. if someone can still be thankful ... also goes to the image panel vectored
Gauges Configuration.txt

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Gauges Configuration.txt - 2 KB - 419 views
Ill do it happily if you give me all the images Im sure youve allready made them all, ya know, the needles, gauges, everything separetly.
hope they will be tomorrow
Thank you , I hope a long time them ...
So sorry I couldnt finish yesterday.. had some things to do.. Will really try to get them today.
no problem, I hope! we have lives outside the lfs ... can not live only for the game LOL
Ive been working on them, made kmh and rpm, just fuel and turbo left.
hmm .. is giving a lot of work?
Sorry for being so late, but a part of my pc broke and had to wait until now until the new one (and better one!) arrived. Today i have some time, and this is what I managed to do...
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GaugesFOX.rar - 312.3 KB - 535 views
Hi! I've made Daewoo Leganza gauges some time ago and I think they're good enough to post them here

Hope you like it!

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GaugesXRG.rar - 670.4 KB - 878 views
Quote from Darecki :Hi! I've made Daewoo Leganza gauges some time ago and I think they're good enough to post them here

Hope you like it!


Excellent work-out, thank you!

I posted a while ago a Civic SIR gauges. I'm done with the kmh and rpm gauges, but there's no fuel and background. I have no time to finish. If someone would finish it, I will upload.
I had a nice day today and felt like making some gauges..
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FXO_Delstastyle_Gauges.rar - 267.2 KB - 472 views
Anyone like it? Is beta. It works for all cars btw.
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can somebody please tell me, why when i put d3d8.dll in my lfs folder, lfs stop working....when i have win xp, that is not happening..
Hmmm that hasnt happened to me, but do you have other apps running?
...back in the living world
CL1 Accord euro-R 1.0 for FXO (metric only...yet)


Wow! These are some excellent gauges, 1303s_vortech!
Hope to finish this simple set soon, that is, when I get a new hard disk ... (old still works, but is damaged)

@vortech - Awesome set... as always.
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Quote from helium66 :bonjour serait'il possible d'avoir un nouveau compteur svp pour la FXO

celui de la clio rs 2004

Quote from 1303s_vortech :Je vais voir ce que je peux faire...

edit: a discuter en fr, on va se faire remercier par un modo....

Hello 1303s_vortech, I wanted to know if you have abandoned the gauge of the clio rs?

Thank you
Got A New Hard Disk! Hoping to find my Win XP CD soon, meanwhile...

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Humphhh, how do they look?
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Quote from didou4413 :...

No I didn't, but I agree it's been a d*mn while since it start. But remember this is not a lucrative hobby, this sadly means there are more important (& also time consuming) things to care about .

...This said, I've to admit being very bad with scheduled works and also manage to get lost in my own folders (the CL1 for ex. was laying there for several months, although it was near completion..!).

Thank for your understanding,

@Impreza09: Nice & clean (...fuel gauge looks strange yet, but it's certainly 'cause it's unfinished )

New Analog Gauges in LFS (Alpha)
(788 posts, started )