The online racing simulator
as i said in our forums already. Nice shots you goit there !
That is simply stunning. Did you do some warping to get the car to cover all of the red one?
Also, how do you get the background to be visible through the windows, but still have the glass effect. Ive tried a few glass effects but all turned up bad for me.
Thanks everyone!

jrd.racer - Use the background given to cover the spots you don't want to see. Nothing is warped, I just copy/pasted some parts of the background on the left and right side to cover the places where the car was seen and I did the same thing to make the background behind the windows. If you look closely, you'll find the same stuff behind windows as on the left side of the car, just copy/paste things and use eraser with low opacity to erase the edges that usually make a clear outline to be seen, once you've erased them there is no outline and it looks good.

About the windows: I select the spots which I need to be visible, I cut them to a new layer. Then I copy and paste multiple times the same layers so that there wouldn't be any outline around the selected areas (which it usually makes). Then I take a color from the seats or whatever was close to the window to make a similar impression as the previous one. I fill the cutted parts with that color, change the opacity to ~60% usually and it's done.

You probably didn't understand a thing I just wrote, well, if you need some more help, just ask in PM and I will try to answer in a more detailed way.

You can have a look at some old tutorial I made how to change background, although it's in Latvian it is also shown with the pictures what to do: (About the windows it starts from point 5. Although I do it in a little bit better way nowadays, it is very similar and you should get the point.)
Yea, I think I understand. Thanks man. I always end up making the windows look like they are tinted lol. Just black them out, but I hafta try that.

Awesome Andris!
Quote from andRo. :Another one for the team:

Astonishing, brother.

I think is your best edit ever made.
Hello!! I started playing LFS in 2009 when one my friends told me. But I started playing online just a week ago. The game is really very realistic with mind-boggling physics
Thought of sharing few of my shots. Cheers!!
Attached images
350 BHP XF.jpg
I gotta say tho Skiper.i like the ads more
"Our semicon ductors is best as tits of this girl. Try it now!"

pics good to
Some shiz with a lot of mistakes

Idea is nice but there is really a lot of mistakes.
i think u better take the fat person out the car
Attached images
meh2 copy.jpg

Edited pics
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