I've made project, where i'm going to make LFS graphics more realistic without files ingerention...
Mod is made with ENB Series, and that's really serious project
Facebook Album:http://www.facebook.com/media/ ... 57264960961026&type=3
DOWNLOAD: http://speedy.sh/Vfvg9/LFS-G.Override-1.0.rar
Demo Videos: Video 1- what is B.A.O.C , Aston Lap
In version 1.0we have:
-DirectX8 to DirectX9 conversion with Shader support 3.0
-Color correction, raised saturation, color gradiation
-HDR, Bloom, Blinding Efect (desaturation+ brightening)
-BAOC (Bloom Ambient Occlusion Color- my,,technology")- Fake Ambient Occlusion
-Shader implementation
-Added Shader- PostEffect Color depth controler, looks like SSAO on edges
-Added 2nd PostEffect- Picture softening, color noise
-More sunlight coloring
-Darkness Corection
-Cars are more reactional for shadows
++++++FPS Fall 0,5-3% (20 cars on screen)++++++
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I've made project, where i'm going to make LFS graphics more realistic without files ingerention...
Mod is made with ENB Series, and that's really serious project
Facebook Album:http://www.facebook.com/media/ ... 57264960961026&type=3
DOWNLOAD: http://speedy.sh/Vfvg9/LFS-G.Override-1.0.rar

Demo Videos: Video 1- what is B.A.O.C , Aston Lap
In version 1.0we have:
-DirectX8 to DirectX9 conversion with Shader support 3.0
-Color correction, raised saturation, color gradiation
-HDR, Bloom, Blinding Efect (desaturation+ brightening)
-BAOC (Bloom Ambient Occlusion Color- my,,technology")- Fake Ambient Occlusion
-Shader implementation
-Added Shader- PostEffect Color depth controler, looks like SSAO on edges
-Added 2nd PostEffect- Picture softening, color noise
-More sunlight coloring
-Darkness Corection
-Cars are more reactional for shadows
++++++FPS Fall 0,5-3% (20 cars on screen)++++++
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