(1051 posts, started )
Well it sounds sensible. That's what i'd do.
You won't get a girl when you go for her ass first >_<.

Well, at least, not when she has the intention to stay with you for life
Quote from hrtburnout :You won't get a girl when you go for her ass first >_<.

Well, at least, not when she has the intention to stay with you for life

I'm 13 why would a girl stay with me for life.
BTW I was kidding about me saying the ass thing was sensible and thats what i'd do.
Quote from nutty boy :I'm 13 why would a girl stay with me for life.

Because you love, and care about eachother. You can't just get a girl, and dump her when you've had your fun. illepall
Yeah I understand that I wouldn't just get a girl and dump her when i'm done with her it's just I was saying no girl would stay with me for life when i'm 13. I get why you said that now, I wasn't saying I do that I was just making a statement that unless I was extremely lucky they'd be no chance that a relationship from when I was 13 would last for life. (Wouldn't it rule if it did though).

OK No one may have understood that post but I get it.
My girlfriend came over this weekend again, very sudden... She said on msn she was bored, she was home alone... So I said, just for a laugh, why don't you come over? First we were laughing with it... one and a half hour later she was here...

Today we had a bit of a fight about how stuff will go between us, and she wanted to leave this afternoon, instead of tonight... she was doing the whole "It's not going to work out, this isn't right, you'll never see me again" stuff. I told her to look me in the eyes, tell me she didn't love me and she never wanted to see me again... And now she stayed untill the evening untill she HAD to go... I hope everything is finally coming into place now...
Oh is that the girlfriend you had the problems with.
^^ yup... I miss her already It seems to me she just has a huge fight with the other guy, kinda lame if that's why she comes back to me, but now I get all the goodies again We even slept in the same bed again (I feel like I'm an old married man who had to sleep on the couch or something )

We had a good dose of fun today and yesterday, and when I asked her if she'd be back, she said: Probably, even if I say I don't come back... I always come back..
That's kinda my strength at this moment... I know she doesn't want to leave me, I know she loves me and I know she'll miss me when she stays away.
Aw. You to should go out again.

Wow that didn't sound girly at all
Quote from nutty boy :Aw. You to should go out again.

Wow that didn't sound girly at all

I think it's acceptable to sound girly in this thread

And yes... I just have the feeling we are meant for each other, the way we understand each other is just not normal I'll see where this ends (or doesn't end) I just don't get my hopes up too much, I mean, she has seriously dissappointed me before, so I'm just going to wait and see, next time we'll meet will probably be when she's off work, and she doesn't want to tell her parents yet we're kinda back together again...

So I'll just wait and see
Yeah well Kelly (the girl i might be going out with) shes right for me. In fact it seems like we're totally perfect for each other.
She likes bikes, I like cars (and bikes a lil but hey, they both have wheels so it's good enough )
She likes wrestling and I kinda like that (yeah ok I like that)
Everytime we're talking to each other we always have a great laugh and we always seem to have something to talk about.
And also eye contact lasts a long time (I'm 13 so some aspects of relationships I don't get but I hear that's a sign of fancying each other, right).
@sgt flippy...
It might seem odd now but, dump yourself told us that she is coming to you when she's having a fight with the other guy , and that's not normal. I mean if she did this one( dated,kissed, slept.. whatever) with another guy there's a big chance she'll do it again. I can assume you love her since you ( excuse me) take so much BS from her but seriously you shouldn't, and you should stop.
Well about the thread.. i have one..for about a year now, we've had our hard times but it's working out and i see a bright future, but about what i wanted to say... i also had a very big fight with her and she told me she will see another guy the next day, and all i told her was " do what you want and feel but if you do that the door with me is closed forever" so in the end she didn't do it.
Maybe i think differently .. i dunno but i would never accept something like this, not even seeing her holding hands with another guy. God knows i love her and i would do almost anything for her but not cheating and i told her from day 1 "if you screw me we're done".
I'd actually been avoiding this thread as I had someone in mind and didn't want to be thinking about stuff I read here. But anyway, things have changed, and here's my story.

I met this girl about 3 years ago at an indoor pistol range. There was a group of people holding a shooting class for younger people (under 21) that met twice a month and when I first saw her I thought, "Damn, she shoots?!" Now, you have to understand, I've never had a girlfriend before and also didn't talk to girls much. However, slowly but surely, my confidence grew and I found it increasingly easier to talk to her but I was still far to shy to make my feelings plain to her.

The next year I found out she was dating a guy I had also met through pistol shooting. I tried not to let it bother me to much and started looking elsewhere for a girlfriend. About a year later, though, they broke up. However, I still considered her unavailable, perhaps due to how well the guy and I knew each other and the kind of tension it might cause were I to date her immediately after.

Over half a year passed and I went on a trip to the national pistol championship where I had the chance to spend a week with this girl. When we weren't shooting we just hung out, often with other people in a room I was sharing with another guy. A couple days before we were to leave, I decided it was time that she knew how I felt. So, after having a particularly good time hanging out in my room, we both stepped outside. We exchanged smalltalk in the warm summer night air as my mind and heart raced. I'm sure I looked nervous as hell. Then, it was time to say goodbye. We hugged, then I pulled back a little and kissed her on the cheek. We both said goodnight and walked back to our rooms. I lied in my bed and simply couldn't believe I'd done it. Unfortunately, it was also then that I realized she hadn't responded particularly favorably.

A few days later, we started talking a bit. Then I brought it up. She told me, "It was a nice gesture, but we're just friends." I told her I had to go clean my guns and said goodbye. And that was that.

I'm still glad I tried, but also equally upset that she didn't want the same kind of relationship I did. That's the way it goes, I guess. My father told me some years ago, "don't get too attached too early." Good advice, but unfortunately very hard to follow.
Forbin i say don't give up..... . My current relationship started as a friendship in which none of us would show each other what we were feeling even though we liked each other to the brink of desperation . So IMO she is just holding out out of fear, maybe her last relantionship ended badly, so my advice si to be present in her life and compliment her, let her know that you like her, but be laid back and confident . I know you must be shy, this also happened to me until i said" f it , what happens, happens " .
PS: Don't be sad if you don't get any response and try to at least be seen with another girl..that might trigger some response from her..but only after you're tried to persuade her for a period of time
Quote from Forbin :I'm still glad I tried, but also equally upset that she didn't want the same kind of relationship I did. That's the way it goes, I guess. My father told me some years ago, "don't get too attached too early." Good advice, but unfortunately very hard to follow.

How's this one:

"Better to have tried and failed than to not have tried at all."

The number of times I wish I had made a move when I had the chance... I'd rather be shut down than to think I had a chance. Such is life.

Life/love WILL kick you squa in the nuts. Squa. It will hurt, but eventually you'll wake up from your blackout and play ro-sham-bo again. Like a jackass. Like all of us
Cirozel from what I know about girls (which isn't alot) and past experiences, your not giving very useful info.

You say keep trying but if you do keep trying the girl will not actually like you but you keep telling her, then she'll get really irritated with you telling her constantly and will lose interest gradually.

Now the better thing to do would be get great friends with her and then wait for her to realise how nice of a guy you are then tell her your true feelings and if she really liked you, she'll feel the same.

Now, the girl Forbin was waiting for probarbly doesn't have the same feelings as you do because you have waited a long time, you have become great friends with her and when you finally let it out she didn't feel the same. Maybe it is just best to stay friends mate.
Quote from nutty boy :Cirozel from what I know about girls (which isn't alot) and past experiences, your not giving very useful info.

You say keep trying but if you do keep trying the girl will not actually like you but you keep telling her, then she'll get really irritated with you telling her constantly and will lose interest gradually.

Now the better thing to do would be get great friends with her and then wait for her to realise how nice of a guy you are then tell her your true feelings and if she really liked you, she'll feel the same.

Now, the girl Forbin was waiting for probarbly doesn't have the same feelings as you do because you have waited a long time, you have become great friends with her and when you finally let it out she didn't feel the same. Maybe it is just best to stay friends mate.

True, you're right, maybe i did not make myself clear enough.... i did not mean to say that he should irritate her or be a stalker..that would be creepy , if i remember corectly i said "to be laid back and confident" that doesn't meen beeing an ass and invading her life. Sorry if I expressd myself badly

I have to totally agree about the above (and is preety much what i wanted to say in my first post...but somehow the meaning got lost), with one statement, i did not say that he should tell her directly how he feels, I said "let her know" which is a different thing from "tell her" .

In the end i must say that if she's not responsive it's better to move on, I think staying friends would cause him more pain on the long run
Cheers and good luck
You were saying don't give up, which means keep trying. If you kept trying then it would irritate her and she'd gradually hate you more. You may not realise it but yes, you did in a way say keep telling her.
Quote from Forbin :I'd actually been avoiding this thread as I had someone in mind and didn't want to be thinking about stuff I read here. But anyway, things have changed, and here's my story.

I met this girl about 3 years ago at an indoor pistol range. There was a group of people holding a shooting class for younger people (under 21) that met twice a month and when I first saw her I thought, "Damn, she shoots?!" Now, you have to understand, I've never had a girlfriend before and also didn't talk to girls much. However, slowly but surely, my confidence grew and I found it increasingly easier to talk to her but I was still far to shy to make my feelings plain to her.

The next year I found out she was dating a guy I had also met through pistol shooting. I tried not to let it bother me to much and started looking elsewhere for a girlfriend. About a year later, though, they broke up. However, I still considered her unavailable, perhaps due to how well the guy and I knew each other and the kind of tension it might cause were I to date her immediately after.

Over half a year passed and I went on a trip to the national pistol championship where I had the chance to spend a week with this girl. When we weren't shooting we just hung out, often with other people in a room I was sharing with another guy. A couple days before we were to leave, I decided it was time that she knew how I felt. So, after having a particularly good time hanging out in my room, we both stepped outside. We exchanged smalltalk in the warm summer night air as my mind and heart raced. I'm sure I looked nervous as hell. Then, it was time to say goodbye. We hugged, then I pulled back a little and kissed her on the cheek. We both said goodnight and walked back to our rooms. I lied in my bed and simply couldn't believe I'd done it. Unfortunately, it was also then that I realized she hadn't responded particularly favorably.

A few days later, we started talking a bit. Then I brought it up. She told me, "It was a nice gesture, but we're just friends." I told her I had to go clean my guns and said goodbye. And that was that.

I'm still glad I tried, but also equally upset that she didn't want the same kind of relationship I did. That's the way it goes, I guess. My father told me some years ago, "don't get too attached too early." Good advice, but unfortunately very hard to follow.

Mate you have a motorbike don't you, well you don't need a girlfriend just yet. They will suck you dry, use you abuse you and only want you when no one else will put up with them. Bikes are better, you ride em when you choose to, turn em on and off at will and get the wind in your hair as well as feedom.
If you want a woman, don't wear a shirt like this:

However this one gets some intrest from females... or at least, did in Mallorca anyway, over here it just gets a giggle.
Guys, guys guys guys. Guys.

It'll take you years to learn what I have learnt. And that is. . . .

You'll never learn what it is you think you need to learn. The rule book always changes, the boundaries are continously shifting, the horizon is never as close as it seems.

When it comes to women just be yourselves and don't get hung up about it. It's easier said than done I know and you have to learn your lessons your own way.

But. If I have learnt anything from anywhere and anyone is that being yourself is the best way you can ever get through life. There is always someone out there for you it might take a while but hey it's a pleasant enough journey so enjoy the rides that come along. It's amazing when the old adage of 'when you least expect it' comes true. Try new stuff, don't confine yourself to the same routine day in day out. Grow some balls and get out there and do things you have never concidered before. AmDram or fencing. Chess Clubs or horse riding. Turn of the computer and try makingsome real friends in the real world. Working somewhere is great. Get a bar job or restuarant work. Too young then do kitchen duties. Lot's of young waitress's there. But then they are all after the older bar staff. But hey, thats just another lesson you gotta learn. Are those kinda girls who you really want or can you make yourself see that the quiet girl with no makeup and wearing glasses has just as much, if not more, to offer than the pretty pretty girls who know they are.

Just be yourselves guys and you'll be amazed what can happen.
the racing one is funny, the other one isn't that funny.
Quote from nutty boy :the racing one is funny, the other one isn't that funny.

The second is if you're a geek, or if you're in a country which is full of women on holiday looking to grind their loins. It is far from subtle, but what would one expect from an American company. It still gets a few giggles all the same.
Take Funnybear's advice. Be yourself, don't force the issue. If she'll come around, she'll come around. If she doesn't, then she doesn't.

It's not the end of the world if she doesn't.
I actually read this whole thread if you can beleive it :

I've been married for 7.5 years.
My wife and I got engaged after 3 weeks, and three months after that we were married. I was 20 and she was 24. A few months later the first little boy of ours was on the way, and a few years later the second.

I have the best wife in the world (so you guys might as well stop looking for her )) who supports me in everything I do whether it's my job, my side programming / web design, LFS, or other silly hobbies.

Having a family / job and whatnot, I don't have a LOT of time for LFS, although she works some evenings after I come home so once the kids go to bed I can play LFS all I want, although I SHOULD be doing other things :hihi:

The best relationships only get better with time, not worse.

Here's a pic of our lot!
Attached images

(1051 posts, started )