Anyone playing Legend of Grimrock?

I stumbled over this game recently- basically it's a return to the old D&D dungeon crawler formula which was so popular in the 90s (Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder series, etc). This new game recreates the spirit and feel of those earlier games incredibly well while updating for current technology. It's quite amazing.
Anyway, having a blast with Grimrock. Anyone else remember and love these old games and are enjoying Legend of Grimrock?

I stumbled over this game recently- basically it's a return to the old D&D dungeon crawler formula which was so popular in the 90s (Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder series, etc). This new game recreates the spirit and feel of those earlier games incredibly well while updating for current technology. It's quite amazing.
Anyway, having a blast with Grimrock. Anyone else remember and love these old games and are enjoying Legend of Grimrock?