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I think probation is the right call for that incident.
Probation is a formal warning the way I look at it. It's a serious thing, but it's not uncalled for in this situation I don't think
Another Pole from Power as it looks like Franchitti has found hes grove again.

I feel sorry for Bourdais, a driver like that shouldn't be driving a car which is equalivent to a virgin or HRT in indy terms.
Power is just too good. Flatspots his tire and still gets pole easily.
What's the idea of not enforcing a 10 spot grid penalty in the Indy 500?
Quote from Cornys :What's the idea of not enforcing a 10 spot grid penalty in the Indy 500?

Indy is a special event, an event for its own with lots some single race entries. Due to that it is inappropriate to add those penalties. I mean the Indy500 win is as important if not more important then the IndyCar championship. The 10 spot penalty will be carried to the next event though.
Quote from TFalke55 :Indy is a special event, an event for its own with lots some single race entries. Due to that it is inappropriate to add those penalties. I mean the Indy500 win is as important if not more important then the IndyCar championship. The 10 spot penalty will be carried to the next event though.

Yes of course it a special event, but why should a special event be treated in a special way. Single race entries can switch engines at will and won't be penalized if they don't race in the rest of the series.

It's not important to keep down the cost of competing in the Indy 500, but it is for every other event?
Quote from Cornys :Yes of course it a special event, but why should a special event be treated in a special way. Single race entries can switch engines at will and won't be penalized if they don't race in the rest of the series.

It's not important to keep down the cost of competing in the Indy 500, but it is for every other event?

Well as far as I understood it, the penalties that would be carried from Sao Paulo to Indy are carried to Fort Worth instead. But if there needs to be an engine change within the Indy 500 event, it would have an effect. It is just that present penalties are delayed.
Quote from TFalke55 :Well as far as I understood it, the penalties that would be carried from Sao Paulo to Indy are carried to Fort Worth instead. But if there needs to be an engine change within the Indy 500 event, it would have an effect. It is just that present penalties are delayed.

If that is the case then it's a good call, but I didn't understand it that way.. . I hope you are correct.
Pretty cool race again today.

Great result for Takuma! Weird behavior from Franchitti on that last restart... he was miles behind, not sure what happened there.

Barrichello got a huge break from the pileup. He gained like 7 spots, I think. Too bad he couldn't get around Viso at the end (good season for Viso so far, though).

Broadcast was ok. Brazilian camera dudes didn't really seem to be on the ball, but whatever. Worked out ok.
First race this season i got to watch fully from flag to flag, and i must say the camera work is Tragic every time there is an incident they show a little bit then cut away to something of no significance and never cut back to it.

Power was never Challenged, Takuma driving epicly with the unusual conclusion of finishing the race.

Franchitti seems to be back on hes game again though so maybe he can come back to mount a challenge later in the season.
The camera work was what I always had a problem with with NBC.. I'll take NBC's announcers and ABC's camera work
Quote from Cornys :The camera work was what I always had a problem with with NBC.. I'll take NBC's announcers and ABC's camera work

NBC didn't have control over the cameras this time though, TV Bandeirantes was the one producing the pictures.
Quote from TFalke55 :NBC didn't have control over the cameras this time though, TV Bandeirantes was the one producing the pictures.

Oh.. well that would explain that... They did poorly on the other street race that had done, but this one was worse. That would be why
Camera views are going to be restricted on street courses anyways, so it will never be good. When going to the St.Pete GP it was clear how the cameras were going to be placed. There's simply not enough room for more. Sure you can get in some places where you see more, but unless you want to have 3-4 cameras per corner, you won't be catching everything.
The most annoying thing about the broadcast was that the Brazilian cameramen clearly weren't accounting for the "ticker" at the top of the screen on the American broadcast, so the tops of cars were routinely getting cut off by the position list.
Quote from Mustafur :I feel sorry for Bourdais, a driver like that shouldn't be driving a car which is equalivent to a virgin or HRT in indy terms.

Just playing the devil's advocate here, but are we sure that Bourdais would have been on the grid if it wasn't for Lotus?

Here's my point: Lotus has been very supportive to their customer teams, by paying them chassis, and other expenses. Dragon has come a long way during the winter, basically going from a 1 car part-time operation, to a 2 cars full-time team. Without Lotus' help, would have they been able to have 2 cars this year? Let's not forget, unlike Katy Legge, Bourdais is bringing no cheque - even if his presence probably helped Jay Penske to get the 2nd TEAM money program.

But yea, wherever you look at it, this whole Lotus saga is very painful to watch. What a shame to have such talented, likeable teams and drivers wasting their time and their money, due to an outside factor they can't control. Definitely a big black mark on what has otherwise been an excellent season start.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :The most annoying thing about the broadcast was that the Brazilian cameramen clearly weren't accounting for the "ticker" at the top of the screen on the American broadcast, so the tops of cars were routinely getting cut off by the position list.

At least you had a ticker. I had no idea where Rubens ended up after his last pit until the pileup at the restart!
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Just playing the devil's advocate here, but are we sure that Bourdais would have been on the grid if it wasn't for Lotus?

Here's my point: Lotus has been very supportive to their customer teams, by paying them chassis, and other expenses. Dragon has come a long way during the winter, basically going from a 1 car part-time operation, to a 2 cars full-time team. Without Lotus' help, would have they been able to have 2 cars this year? Let's not forget, unlike Katy Legge, Bourdais is bringing no cheque - even if his presence probably helped Jay Penske to get the 2nd TEAM money program.

But yea, wherever you look at it, this whole Lotus saga is very painful to watch. What a shame to have such talented, likeable teams and drivers wasting their time and their money, due to an outside factor they can't control. Definitely a big black mark on what has otherwise been an excellent season start.

I understand in that regard, but you would think a Driver like that could of Landed an Andretti or KV seat or something.

but yeah he has no money so i get it, hopefully he can show enough(to sponsors) to get in a better team for next year.
Quote from Mustafur :I understand in that regard, but you would think a Driver like that could of Landed an Andretti drive

Michael's driver picks are a bit strange sometimes. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but when you go from Dario/TK/Dan/Herta, to Marco/Danica/Mutoh, you can't expect to stay on top, surely?

Quote from Mustafur :but yeah he has no money so i get it, hopefully he can show enough(to sponsors) to get in a better team for next year.

I'm slightly more pessimistic... He's not going to impress many sponsors with 22nd places.

The problem with Bourdais is that he clearly made it clear that he's not going to seek for sponsors by himself... He's around because he's been hired, and he won't move his ass to get money if he needs money to stay around, but who can blame him? He's a 4 time champion after all.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Michael's driver picks are a bit strange sometimes. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but when you go from Dario/TK/Dan/Herta, to Marco/Danica/Mutoh, you can't expect to stay on top, surely?

Micheal could of Got Bourdais for Danica's seat as that ride had been fully payed for the 2012 season anyway, i know Hinchcliffe is doing pretty good but i think Bourdais would of been good enough to Challange Power considering the car is basically at Penskes level.
Quote from Mustafur :Micheal could of Got Bourdais for Danica's seat as that ride had been fully payed for the 2012 season anyway, i know Hinchcliffe is doing pretty good but i think Bourdais would of been good enough to Challange Power considering the car is basically at Penskes level.

I fear that Bourdais was not choosen due to his Peugeot involvement. He would have missed a couple of races if Peugeot hasn't pulled out of FIA WEC. I could think of combining their payments to have just one driver throughout the season.

Hinchcliffe was announced on January 11th. Peugeot pulled out of LeMans racing on January 18th.
Quote from TFalke55 :I fear that Bourdais was not choosen due to his Peugeot involvement. He would have missed a couple of races if Peugeot hasn't pulled out of FIA WEC. I could think of combining their payments to have just one driver throughout the season.

Hinchcliffe was announced on January 11th. Peugeot pulled out of LeMans racing on January 18th.

You could of bet he knew way before that though.
Quote from Mustafur :You could of bet he knew way before that though.

It was a rather suddan move by Peugeot. For Jan 20th - 22nd they booked Sebring. The car was already on its way to Sebring when the decision was announced.

Also Hinchcliffe was not directly announced after signed. Andretti said he wanted the have his driver signed before Christmas, but preparing for a propper announcement to come a few weeks later.

2012 IndyCar Series
(957 posts, started )