S2 license to the best statement of development
This will be the very last S2 license from me to a member of LFS.
Gathering what you know from this year.
What do you know and what do you think about the future releases.
This could be all speculation.
Do not mention the developers.
Speculation on the state of development on the game without mentioning the developers, whereby the.. best(?) speculation wins an S2 license?

What's the metric on deciding a winner? Not asking for myself obviously, just curious on the thread itself. Unless I've completely misunderstood it
There is no development.
Scawen had a child. He started a family.
A project like this can't be done half heartedly, nor can starting a family.
Even the likes of the original Gran Turismo, with Sony behind them, and lots of employees, was a massive strain on the developers, and the lead guy slept at the office more than he did his own home. I hope he didn't have a family waiting for him.

Maybe in a few years, when the child is doing its own things, or even taking an interest in it all, it could all kick off again, from where it left off, with fresh enthusiasm and ambition, and I bet the LFS codebase is primed for that. Scawen hasn't just hacked it all together. If he had, he'd probably carried on developing at the same rate already up till now. The fact it *seems* to have ground to a halt, to me seems like a refusal to let anything sloppy creep in, or reduce standards and lose love for the project, or any hopes of taking it further.

Personally I play other things now, but not out of spite, and not instead of LFS, although I haven't played LFS for a long time. I also think the likes of iRacing has done multiplayer right. With official races at set times.

I check back here every 6 months or so waiting for it all to kick back off again. I do like this sim a lot. I don't think Scawen is stupid, or mean, or written it all off, or lying, or trying to scam anyone.

I do hope it does all kick off again soon, but it just *has* been dead for the last few years now.
#5 - col
Quote from EeekiE :
but it just *has* been dead for the last few years now.

Yet another statement that LFS is "dead".

Rather than get annoyed, I want you to define what you mean by "dead". I understand that the meanings of words can change in usage, and as so many people are using this word to describe LFS, I'm starting to feel that maybe this one has changed without me picking up on it.

If LFS was "dead" by the usual accepted definition of the word (and my understanding of it, there would be:
No development at all.
No posts by any of the devs.
No website.
No forum.
No master server.
You would not be able to play the game onliine.

None of these things are true, so either the word "dead" has a new meaning which you are going to helpfully define for us, or you don't have the vocabulary or intelligence (or are just too plain lazy) to explain what you really mean more clearly.

Whatever happened to no more contribution to the community Cheerio? All it seems to me that you are doing is spreading negativity about issues everybody is already well versed with and trying to attract as much negativity and attention as possible. As stated time and time again, it will come when it is finished.
#7 - col
Quote from vipex123 :Whatever happened to no more contribution to the community Cheerio? All it seems to me that you are doing is spreading negativity about issues everybody is already well versed with and trying to attract as much negativity and attention as possible. As stated time and time again, it will come when it is finished.

Yep. He's also trying to buy legitimacy and support for his negativity by throwing money around. The angle seems to be - "it's OK to repeatedly encourage negative discussion of LFS because I support it by buying a handful of licenses for demo users".
By merely lurking in the irental thread to check what is going on on the other side of the pond, I am rather pleased that the LFS-NTM thingy that was announced in 2008 is still on hold.
The current model is dated, has known flaws, but at least it works without tweaking every other week...

I'm waiting for RF2 to hand out free demos, to check if my laptop can run it and see what it is like - while still hoping for LFS to step in front of the competition and prove all the negative beings around here wrong.

I do not understand why you, CheerioDM, need that much attention. This debate has been going on forever as complaining has never brought us any good - rather the opposite. I do not expect that you can create a constructive discussion any more on a topic that has been trodden bare years ago.
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