Scawen had a child. He started a family.
A project like this can't be done half heartedly, nor can starting a family.
Even the likes of the original Gran Turismo, with Sony behind them, and lots of employees, was a massive strain on the developers, and the lead guy slept at the office more than he did his own home. I hope he didn't have a family waiting for him.
Maybe in a few years, when the child is doing its own things, or even taking an interest in it all, it could all kick off again, from where it left off, with fresh enthusiasm and ambition, and I bet the LFS codebase is primed for that. Scawen hasn't just hacked it all together. If he had, he'd probably carried on developing at the same rate already up till now. The fact it *seems* to have ground to a halt, to me seems like a refusal to let anything sloppy creep in, or reduce standards and lose love for the project, or any hopes of taking it further.
Personally I play other things now, but not out of spite, and not instead of LFS, although I haven't played LFS for a long time. I also think the likes of iRacing has done multiplayer right. With official races at set times.
I check back here every 6 months or so waiting for it all to kick back off again. I do like this sim a lot. I don't think Scawen is stupid, or mean, or written it all off, or lying, or trying to scam anyone.
I do hope it does all kick off again soon, but it just *has* been dead for the last few years now.