I just got my 212 as well. A bit disappointed with it tbh although I've just played 2 matches in it. Same gun as s-51 with slightly better reload but far worse traverse and mobility. The extra space for ammo is nice. Did run few times out of ammo in s-51 and that should not happen anymore in 212. Haven't got rammer yet and I still have just 75% crew in it (I did convert my t-150 crew into it but failed at that and my one loader is at 75% instead of 80%) so reload is few secs slower than optimal.
Had to use my last pennies to get it though so I'm totally broke now. After my first (lost) match I did not even have enough credits to buy ammo for the 212. Actually did not have even enough money for the better gun either so my first game was with the 155 gun

. People cursed on chat in the beginning of match when I mentioned it

Have been playing with the new kv-1 as moneymaker to get my stuff fully equipped and the kv-1 is kind of nice tank as it is. Not as great as the kv-2 with the derp but still nice. Needs different playstyle with that gun though.
Also playing with my su-152. Using the derp cannon on that and it is really unreliable. Sometimes it's just like 150 and sometimes 700+ damage. The 122 guns look really pointless in it imho as the IS has the same guns plus all the other benefits as well. With the 122s you'd need to get sideshots to penetrate but that thing is too slow for it. To me it feels like the russian td line after the su-85 just gets worse in many ways.
Loving my fully pimped is-3 now though. Just pure awesomeness. It's just the uber brawling tank. Before the patch I was thinking of buying some gold to get the is-4 but in the end did not want to pay 20€ or so for a tank(and the gun). I think I have about 800k unused free experience

. Converting that to usable exp would cost over 100€

. Next tank I'm getting is the kv-4.