I have question. I have tried to get this working but i have failed. I'm running it on local to test it out. server side i type /insim 29999 like you normally would for insim, then i run the app server saids insim-tcp, insim connected, insim guest closed. and when i go back to the app running soon as i click on it the app closes it self out. any thoughts on what is causing this?
I confirm that I still develop ClaViCo AP actively. However, I must also note that ClaViCo AP is just a part of ClaViCo. The past few month I focussed on ClaViCo and left ClaViCo AP aside for a while. Progress is going slowly but surely. A new version of ClaViCo AP could have been released months ago but I decided to develop ClaViCo at my pace in order to present a better version once the LFS patch comes out. Also, I must admit that I long for several LFS improvements concerning the IS_AXM packet which would expand possibilites drastically:
• Precision improvement from 0,25m to 0,05m
• Pitch parameter for objects
• Altitude objects modifiable everywhere
It also is hard to know if LFS developers endorse tools like ClaViCo AP or think they are weird and "undesirable". A few LFS players seem to like layouts made with ClaViCo and as long as that's the case I will keep developing it. Here is a small (badly made) video of a (very rough & unpolished) feature I am working on as we speak: