ignoring klutch because he is a whiney kid...
but not sure if i explained it well here, or just to my friends; i was in this for almost 5 months, she was literally never free, terrible at communication, and got mad at me without even asking me if what was accused was true. i put these aside, figured i would be a good boyfriend, and see if it would get better.
april vaca in school came, not better because she had to work every day.
out on internship, she was in the hospital the whole time with untreated pnemonia, leaving that whole time frame un-usable (diddnt even tell me she was there, ignored me until she 'felt too bad about it'

internship ended, and she is out of school and internship responsibilities, she is busy with god knows what at this point
finally she graduates, and at this point she is thinking im cheating (even though im not)
each time the break in our schedules diddnt work out, i looked forward to the next one for the relationship to get better, i diddnt have anything else better to do, so why not? i did have feelings for her, may not be the strongest, but she can put a smile on my face.
at the end i was at this point looking for an answer whether she was completely done, or willing to try to work it out for a
real relationship (i was done with hoping for the next break at this point). that is why you see alot of "me's" in the conversation, it doesnt show the time gap between those...it took 2 weeks for what seems like took a day or two...
still had some feelings for her, not too strong, but i could deal with her without preferring being single. with that in mind, i decided if i can fix this and basically start again it would be the best case scenario. if not then im single...not going to fuss.
as that went on in my mind, i started to get the "i dont think this is going to work" texts. i assumed she was thinking with how it had been previously, not thinking we could change that, so i tried to make sure she diddnt have any feelings for me. if she had feelings, we could fix things and enjoy the relationship...if she did not (she never said she diddnt, just repeated "i dont think its going to work"), then we would break up.
after asking like 4 times, still no actual answer, i decided to stop trying and 'accept' that we are done. not too sad, had been expecting that the past 2 weeks. not what i wished for either...but what you gonna do..