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I just hope we see a good, even match.
Quote from Gerdoner :That awkward moment when posting total bullshit like this

Well he has a point.
The only conciliation for England is if we crash out to the eventual champions. But I agree with what's being said about us being behind the times - very true. However have you seen U21 England play? Completely different to the senior team and that gives me hope that when they come through in the next 1 - 4 years England has a future. I do think Roy has done a good job, I mean we lost to Germany 4 - 1 in world cup and never showed any chance of winning that really, I know we moan and bitch that the Lampard goal was in blah blah blah but it doesn't make much difference in the grand scheme of things - we were awful. I'm not saying we are great now but at least there has been some improvement, and also interested to hear Capello say that Rooney is naff cos he only plays well for Manchester United.

I do hope Italy destroy the jaded Spain otherwise we are in for a boring final.
Quote from gerdoner :well i was really late to watch the game. I was this klose to miss it.

Quote from CSF :England have refused to move with the times in terms of developing players and in terms of tactical innovations, believing that long direct passing can still win you tournaments.

I agree but still, that's basically what the Italians did against Germany. The difference is they've got Pirlo and we've got Gerrard, and they've got Balotelli and we've got Rooney.

Germany looked like they totally ran out of ideas. How many diagonal crosses from Schweinsteiger? Completed approximately none of them. I think if they'd stuck to their passing with Ozil and Khedira they might have got through eventually. Credit to Italy though they were on top form, and they all looked like they were enjoying themselves.
Quote from Intrepid :Italy finish last in their group, shake it off, and reach the final of the Euros.

Of course not, as they wouldn't been qualified, they finished second of their group.
Quote from Lotesdelere :Of course not, as they wouldn't been qualified, they finished second of their group.

I was referring to the last world cup where they finished behind Nz. Just highlighting the turn-around time of total disaster to massive success. Whereas England are in this continual loop of mediocrity.

Quote from thisnameistaken :I agree but still, that's basically what the Italians did against Germany. The difference is they've got Pirlo and we've got Gerrard, and they've got Balotelli and we've got Rooney.

Rooney and Gerrard are both Champions League winners, they aren't total idiots. This is the mystery. While others said England had no hope at this tournament, I genuinely thought they had a group of decent players. Decent enough not to look like they were totally clueless unfit losers as Italy made them look. The fact they then blew penalties when they should have had the mental advantage was also shocking.
I think when Gerrard's fit and on form he's still a world class box-to-box player but he doesn't have the vision of a great playmaker. Also while his passing is accurate, there's nobody up front in the England side with the movement to create opportunities. Rooney is a has-been, he used to have a certain dynamism and looked promising but now his play is oafish and lacking discipline. I honestly don't understand why he's an automatic selection for the national squad - there are more athletic players and better finishers and forwards who at least appreciate that it's their job to bother the centre-backs, not lope around in midfield playing uninspired passes and wondering why no goals are going in. He's shit.
Quote from -NightFly- :Germany, I am dissapoint!

Tbh, it was clear after 10 minutes Germany's going to loose this. Italy's catenaccio styled defense pretty much forced the Germans to play theirselves into the box. The Italians on the other side showed they could have lonesome moments outside of the German box but in scoring range. Germany didn't have the strategic tools to master this defense. My dad and I turned it off knowing they'd loose that and we were confimed by the screems echoing through the neighbourhood.
Well I'd wish Italy to win it, because they have a German player in their squad Also one could say then that Germany only looses against the best teams (2002 WC Final Vs Brazil, 2006 WC Semi-Final Vs Italy, 2008 Euro Final Vs Spain, 2010 WC Semi-Final Vs Spain).
Serbia 2010
Switzerland 5 - 3 in 2012
Quote from Boris Lozac :Serbia 2010

Quote from vipex123 :Switzerland 5 - 3 in 2012


But Serbia did not end Germany's tournament, and Switzerland was a friendly match.
I hate how boring Spain are...fell asleep watching that first half, just couldn't keep my eyes open
Well at least they are going for it now.

Second goal was beautiful.
No pleasing some people, Spain deserved the win more than Italy, they played better on the night and they deserve it still.

Besides, the Spanish aren't the ones getting slightly touched on the pitch and then rolling on the floor in feign agony. Don't blame Spain for the game being quite boring, blame the Italians for breaking down play every 2minutes with their ref conning tactics.
Scumbag Torres joke comes to my head for some reason.
Spain deserved it - score tells the story. Case closed. EURO over - now UEFA please fire your TV team as they declared taped stuff as live stuff throughout the tournament (e.g. Löw pushing the ball out of the boy's hand was happening before the match but it was cut into coverage as if it just happened.)
Alba's pace on the second goal was otherworldly.

Spain deserved to win if they dominate that bad.
Great game. Spain clearly deserving the win - better in every category.

Yeah better in every category with one more player for like 40 minutes..
Quote from Boris Lozac :Yeah better in every category with one more player for like 40 minutes..

Why you so mad?

Did you not watch the first 45minutes?

I simply cannot stand Spain, but anyone who thinks they were not better tonight is simply a moron. That is all.
Offcourse no one will say they were not better.. just, ahhhhhhh.
Spain was great today, thoroughly deserved.

They might be boring at times but they are scary good. In most other teams Valdez, Llorente, Mata, etc would be stars of their team but in Spain they rarely, if ever, get a chance. Manchester United's goalie doesn't even make the cut.
Quote from Boris Lozac :Yeah better in every category with one more player for like 40 minutes..

Because Italy where all over them and winning in the other 60 minutes

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