The online racing simulator
Quote from tristancliffe :... but how you can say that Oval racing in LFS requires any skill is beyond me...

Simple. You did´t play oval in lfs a lot so you are "not good". If there is no skill needed, like you sayed, you can easily beat us. But you can´t. So explain this to me. If you have any time to race instead of posting "opinions" here... meet us.

Live for Speed Statistics: Threads: 9,778

British National Party? You suck! =)
Quote from Crazy Harry :Simple. You did´t play oval in lfs a lot so you are "not good".

Quote from Crazy Harry :British National Party? You suck! =)

At least we agree on something.
Quote from tristancliffe :(1) I didn't reply in the other thread because I don't, believe it or not, read every thread, even once I've replied to it. This is one I've missed, and I've just read your remarks. It's all BS. You strike me as clearly NOT stupid, but how you can say that Oval racing in LFS requires any skill is beyond me. In real life it takes skill - of course it does. But the 8 lap races in LFS, with computer controlled kicking to pits, silly messages and rude drivers doesn't make it skill worthy.

(2) I have popped into the oval junkies server once or twice in the not too distant past, but I never have the slightest of urges to drive on the same track as those currently there.

(3) The oval can be driven well by anyone, of any natural skill level, simply by doing a million laps, which as everyone uses the easiest and fastest car, takes about forty five minutes. A road course (maybe AS Club is a poor example above as it only has two corners, but the last is a lot harder than it looks) responds differently. You have the skills of passing, turning left and accelerating just like an oval. You also have pitstop strategy in longer races, just like an oval. But a road course also requires braking skill. Turning right skill. Power application skill.

(4) Does it surprise you that more people go from F1 to oval racing successfully that from oval racing to F1 successfully? The simple fact is that oval racing is easier. It's popularity in LFS is because noobs want to go as fast as possible without learning anything. The oval is ideal for this, but unfortunately some people get stuck in it's trap forever, and never learn racing.

(5) I would pay £100 to have to oval either removed, or removed and replaced with something that isn't flat out with minimum downforce. I quite enjoy Kyoto Ring in the GTR cars, as long as the race is 75 laps MINIMUM, because you have to balance your entry speed with being quick, without wrecking your tyres. That is why, although NASCAR is easier than F1, both are infinitely preferrable to IRL/Champ Car/Whatever it's called this month.

Ok i gave your post some number to keep a clear view on that.

1. Ok i have done lots of races, curcuit & oval and i think its pretty well-balancedly. So from my experience you need skill at everything youre doing. What is skill? A skill is an ability, usually learned to perform actions. So indeed on the oval you learn things and get skills. And the more you learn the more skills you get. I think i dont have to explain anything more on this.
Maybe 8 laps compared to "real life" is really short but its still a game and should provide fun for everybody. We made some Events with more then 8 laps in the past and that again is totally different compared to the short races for sure. See its a public server and we want everybody who wants to learn something, give a change to keep up. You do 8 laps, then you can change something at your setup and then go again and so on. And seeing other servers usually got laps around 5-20 laps. And well as i said we have less time/space to react. The laptime and the topspeed needs cleaner track conditions then at any other track. We try to do this in a professional way as anybody else and we cant tolerate that much compared to curcuit tracks. This things are still VIP and we are working on it to get it more smoother if you get me. I have the feeling you like to generalise things but i can be wrong which brings me to 2.

2. I do not expect that you want to race the oval like we do but we all get experience in different ways with different people. I bet you was just unlucky and raced the wrong persons. I dont know that for sure but it sounds like that.

3&4&5 =). I have to agree on that. Everybody, well nearly everybody can drive the oval but the way someone is driving, acting and interacting is important here and everywhere else. Some needs more some needs less time to master this track at nearly every situation. And yes some skills are not needed here but then the other skills are more important imho. And yes, the oval is the perfect way to start with lfs but trust me those who think its just a oval and needs no skill at all and you dont need to learn anything at all leaves the server themselves or maybe due their actions on track by us. I dont think anybody gets stuck on the oval because theres so much more to discover in LFS thats impossible. Like Victor once said to my mate Crazy Harry: LFS is not a oval simulation which is true but the oval is part of lfs and some may use it and have fun and some like you dont. Thats ok for me as long as you not try to spit on me that way. You dont like it, dont play it. So many combos so everybody should find something and to Live for Speed means for me that the fastes race types should be part of that, which is indeed the Oval Racing. And i would not say Nascar is easier then F1 or any other Series because it may looks like that but i had not the luck to get behind a steering wheel of any of those cars, do you? Sounds generalised for me as well.
one of the problems is that the extra few .x mph the FM guys can wring out of their cars than me is negerted by the fact i can slingshot past them by slipstreaming, which means that n00bs can get to the front and cause massive accidents
Quote from Crazy Harry :Simple. You did´t play oval in lfs a lot so you are "not good". If there is no skill needed, like you sayed, you can easily beat us. But you can´t. So explain this to me. If you have any time to race instead of posting "opinions" here... meet us.

Live for Speed Statistics: Threads: 9,778

British National Party? You suck! =)

I said it needs practice, not skill. I might have the skill, but I sure as hell ain't gonna bother practicing. It's bad enough against mature, sensible, clean drivers, let alone on poorly run public servers.

Live for Speed Statistics: Woopie doo, you can count!

British National Party - this was put into my signature because of a converstaion on this forum a few days ago. Whilst I would not vote for the BNP, nor publically proclaim my support for them, I have to agree that SOME of their policies are in the best interest of England. Unfortuately the Great British Public is so caught up in this political correctness rubbish that can't or won't see that Britain is in massive decline. Not irrepairable decline yet but decline nonetheless. However, this is not a political discussion, and my views on politics should not influcence a discussion on whether LFS Ovalling is easy, if a touch time consuming, which it is. A mature argument can be held without going off the beaten track to use insults or opinions on different topics to improve your position in the current argument (or discussion, depending on your point of view).
I might be wrong, but if you have to practice for something to be good in it, that means you need skill to be good in it. And to run within 0.1 of the wr doesnt mean you are a good LFS Oval, driver, that needs much more, a special overview, which a lot of good circuit drivers allready proofed on the JuNkIeS server that they dont have this.

A wonder that this thread isnt closed yet.
it seems to me that oval drivers aren't very confident in their own "skill". i cannot think of another reason they have to discuss this over and over, everytime it's brought up.

drinking a lot of beer without passing out can be trained too, but is that "skill"?
anyway, if someone wants to argue with me about that, i will say: "you know nothing!! you haven't drunk enough beer to have a clue about skill!"
Why are you talking about oval demo racer laudi?
Quote from laudi :because i need to stay undercover, harry!illepall

? what is your real S2 username if your really have one?
@laudi: Ah, ok, bucket underscore.....
Quote from Crazy Harry :@laudi: Ah, ok, bucket underscore.....

what? illepall
Quote from laudi :one of the problems is that the extra speed the pro´s can get on circuits is negerted by the fact i can brake later or not at all, which means that n00bs can get up to the front in turn 1 and within cause massive what?

or twist what i say... you dont need skill to finish first depending on the conditions, although to be fastest you do, if that makes any sense!
Quote :Does it surprise you that more people go from F1 to oval racing successfully that from oval racing to F1 successfully? The simple fact is that oval racing is easier.

the fact that people go from f1 to oval racing in real life is not that it`s easier! look on juan pablo montoya for example! he`s not going there beause he`s a good f1 driver and thinks oval is easier! he`s going there cauze the publicity there for drivers is much higher then in the f1! if you`re not good in f1 you`re history and no one is talking about you! in oval racing in america it`s more about the crashing! 90% of the people who go there are waiting to see some crashes! and you will have a crash there! sooner or later!

driving the oval on your own is not the "skill" we need (only for the hotlappers(right plaztik? ))! staying alive, react in the right way when people are crashing maybe 20 meters in front of you with over 300 km/h and driving a high speed chase with 4 or sometimes 5 cars in one turn that are the thinks we do and what i calll skill for an oval racer!

but why are we discusing sutch thinks? how about a oval vs. circut? take 10 drivers from a oval team and 10 drivers from a circut team! let us go to the oval and drive don`t know 100 or 150 laps with us and then we come to a circut track and race there!? how about that? wouldn`t it be fun? and please don`t come up with skill and no skill let`s race!!!!

@laudi: get your own username, mister bucked underscore!

@jakg: i remember times with you on the oval and circut tracks! and trust me that are not good ones!
Quote from Ecret666 :90% of the people who go there are waiting to see some crashes! and you will have a crash there! sooner or later!

I would really like to know where you get this information from? Did you read this in a book? I go to alot of nascar races every year, and myself and most of the people sitting aroung me hate crashes just because of what it does to the quality of the race and the $150 ticket to see it. . Of course there are some who like the crashes, but 90% is a bit high.

Quote from 510n3D : Ok i have done lots of races, curcuit & oval

Not according to your lfsw stats. :P
@th84: ok maybe there aren`t about 89%? just jocking you`re right!
LOL, i think 89% is a bit high too :P

I wouldnt want to see another oval in lfs unless it was a bristol or martinsville style oval. Something that required a little more skill and practice to get good at, and maybe even the need to use the brake's.
Quote from th84 :I would really like to know where you get this information from? Did you read this in a book? I go to alot of nascar races every year, and myself and most of the people sitting aroung me hate crashes just because of what it does to the quality of the race and the $150 ticket to see it. . Of course there are some who like the crashes, but 90% is a bit high.

Not according to your lfsw stats. :P

hmm where do you think did i got my pbs then? Driving alone on my own server? Nope.
It was just a joke. I didnt even look at your stats.
i won`t go deeper then 88% maybe 87% if you paying me good and say that you want to have another oval in lfs even when it is the nardo highspeed track! come on say it! :chair::haha:
Back to Plaztik´s main idea.

+1 for Nardo
Quote from th84 :It was just a joke. I didnt even look at your stats.

i was hoping 2 of those buddies would be enough to make clear i understand it and i was joking as well
Quote from tristancliffe :I said it needs practice, not skill. I might have the skill, but I sure as hell ain't gonna bother practicing. It's bad enough against mature, sensible, clean drivers, let alone on poorly run public servers.

Live for Speed Statistics: Woopie doo, you can count!

British National Party - this was put into my signature because of a converstaion on this forum a few days ago. Whilst I would not vote for the BNP, nor publically proclaim my support for them, I have to agree that SOME of their policies are in the best interest of England. Unfortuately the Great British Public is so caught up in this political correctness rubbish that can't or won't see that Britain is in massive decline. Not irrepairable decline yet but decline nonetheless. However, this is not a political discussion, and my views on politics should not influcence a discussion on whether LFS Ovalling is easy, if a touch time consuming, which it is. A mature argument can be held without going off the beaten track to use insults or opinions on different topics to improve your position in the current argument (or discussion, depending on your point of view).

+1 for everything you have said about the British National Party.

+0.95 for everything you've said about Oval racing. I think to race well and to get those last couple of hundredths you need a little bit of skill.
interesting looking/sounding track. however i do indeed think the novelty would wear off extremely quick. at least on KY oval you have to turn the wheel, if you didnt have to turn on this i would rather watch grass grow
Lets clarify the true nature of ovals.

Yes, they look vastly oversimplified compared to even the simplest road courses. But look again.

IRL, each oval, rioval or any circuit of such nature has its very unique characteristics. Every bump, every imperfection, every nuance... the technicalities are infinite. This is one place where winners and losers are defined by hundredths of a second or mms. The dedication, the discipline, the perfection of the racing line...

So, before ANYONE bashes ovals, think of the above statements.
no one is bashing oval-racing IRL. it's just about the oval racing in lfs.

Nardo Highspeed Test Facility
(205 posts, started )