The online racing simulator
Quote from Cornys :I don't see why they wouldn't... when was it's last repave?

partial repave 06 iirc
Meh, where's the challenge in racing on smooth tracks.
Quote from Cornys :I'd go to Indy if it wasn't for those stupid grandstands in the inside of the front straight . They might get me to come out for a night race though anyways if I happened across the money to do so. The same applies for the Indy 500 too, but I wouldn't like to see it at night. It's a day race and should remain that way..

Attendance was listed at 125,000, so it was exactly half empty, which is about right if you count the people on the inside of the track

Definitely don't change the Indy 500, lights might just be nice for Nascar to make their race a little bit different and get the fans out of the heat of the sun. Could always do some Indy practice at night just for the hell of it. How about the Indy cars go back there a second time later in the year and race the road course at night? That could be a hit.

Quote from Dennis93 :Meh, where's the challenge in racing on smooth tracks.

The Glen is super smooth anyway, I've done track days there. I think they want to repave because they've had problems off and on with parts of the track coming up, I know the turn coming out of the boot was falling apart during the Grand Am race last month.
I don't think Penske wanted him in the car next season before all of this anyways
My run of 3 races in 4 weekends starts in a couple days. Going to Pocono, the Glen, and Bristol. My brother was going to try for number 4 at Atlanta the weekend after Bristol, but last I heard the wife was shutting that down haha.
Pocono will be good, or it was to watch
Quote from UncleBenny :My run of 3 races in 4 weekends starts in a couple days. Going to Pocono, the Glen, and Bristol. My brother was going to try for number 4 at Atlanta the weekend after Bristol, but last I heard the wife was shutting that down haha.

haha I'm just going to be going to Bristol I got our seats changed to E-21 on the front straight (just past the s/f line on the turn 1 side). Much better seats there and just about the perfect height

Should be a near sell out on the 25th
Quote from JackDaMaster :Todd Bodine is the worst driver I have ever seen, even if his own mothers life was on the line for him not crashing anyone he would still fnd a way to do the dumbest stuff and cause the stupidest crashes.

Still true 5 months later
Todd Bodine is amazing.

Amazingly stupid of course.
that sucks. In good news, Gordon on wildcard spot #2!
Quote from Cornys : ... k-by-lightning/index.html

Everybody on here who was at this race get back okay?

Yup. That storm was ridiculous, we knew it was coming though so we were packed up and ready to go when it started raining, sucks about the lightning strikes though. I do actually remember one huge strike going off right in front of us when we were in line to get out of the infield, that was over by gate 3 where they said the person got killed.

Quote :"Spectator Sandy Terronez said she followed what other fans were saying on Twitter, but heard nothing over the public address system.

"Everybody was just running for their lives," Terronez said. "Every time a lightning strike hit everybody was just screaming and running everywhere. It was scary. We're still shaking from it.""

That's crazy if that's what it was like over in the main parking lots, we couldn't really see over there because it was raining so hard so I didn't know there was that much lightning.
We're the 3 trucks in the middle here, actually have two other platforms that had prior obligations and couldn't make this race haha.
Attached images
Same storms hit us, i jumped when a lightning bolt came down in the street 30 meters or so from me ... st-less-weight/index.html

it sounds like NASCAR is moving in the direction of putting softer tires on the cars for 2013. They even took 100lbs out of the right side of the car at yesterday's Martinsville test in order to run a softer tire. Also, I beleive that they will be making the spoiler smaller as well as the downforce on the front end if they find ways of doing it.

It sounds like NASCAR knows the problems that have plagued the racing this year and will make an attempt to fix it

We'll see moving forward if they do though
Well, Montoya on the pole for tomorrow. I don't look for him to do too much tomorrow though.. maybe a top 10 car

Watch for Brad and Johnson to be towards the front

JR might be a little stronger than expected on the road course, but still a top 20 car at best
Blaney now driving for Brad Keslowki Racing, Kligerman full time at Red Horse in CWTS
Lolololol kile boosch plz

2012 Nascar Thread for Rednecks
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