one thing that would help is if people bothered to thank the backmarkers that allow them to pass.
when im going to be lapped i try to time it so that i can run wide off the racing line into a corner and let them through or pull to one side before a bend if theres space and i can do it without the risk of the faster car going for the same part of track and theres nothing more anoying than when, after you've made the effort and pulled into the gap at the entry to the first or last bends at ascot club and let them through, they cant be bothered to give a thank you.
other anoyences are when you let someone pass after you leave the pit only to discover (s)he's 2 or more secs slower a lap and he wont let you repass him, over a couple of laps its not a problem but if its a 20 + lap race the time your loosing could allow you to catch them up at some circuits. also why are people so impatient? i had one "idiot" hit me and almost put us both off even though it was the lasp lap and he was leading race by 20 secs.
if you are being passed, what ever you decide to do, do it positivly and early so the faster car can see whats going to happen, if your going to slow on straight do it so it's obvious to the other car before they find themselves disappearing up your exhaust pipe. if your pulling to one side, make it a pull that gives as much room as practicle for the faster car and not just as they are commiting to pulling to one side to pass you, i've lost count of how often ive gone to pass after the bridge and before turn 1 at south city only for the backmarker to try and pull over into same part of track and hit me ( unless of course they were trying to block me, perish the thought

if you passing make it obvious to the back marker what your going to do, pull to one side earlier not last minute, in the above sit at south city i stcik really close to left wall under bridge and stick well to left afterwards and use my "excuse me may i pass" key bind.
in sumary have consideration to others if your passing or being passed, mistakes and missunderstandings will still happen but manners and tollerance go a long way to making the proccess more pleasent for all