Wow. Lots of respnses. Thanks, everyone, for the input. Let me see if I can answer all teh questions.
I'm using a WR set because when I asked for a good set, that's what was sent to me. It was chance rather than intentional. But, as it turns out, the WR set complimented my driving style and I am very happy with it. However, having said that, the WR set that I really like on the Aston track, though a bit faster on Blackwood than my Blackwood set, but not as comfortable to drive there. One thing about WR sets is that I know its not the setup that is causing problems, but driver skill (assuming I can drive the WR set).
I'll save a replay and post it the next time I race (probably Saturday or Sunday).
I do use a Logitech Momo wheel as the controller. There are some settings that I set to zero based upon recommendations in this forum (can't remember what they were right now).
I think one mistake I'm making is turning in too early. I'm often still slowing after the apex and am unable to get on the gas until late in teh turn. I didn't worry about it too much because many of the fast drivers I spectate were doing similar things.
Thanks for the Save proceedure, 96_GTS.
I usually use sets given to me because I suck at doing my own sets. However, I will tweak them a bit to better match my own driving style. I would like to get better at doing my own sets, but that's for another thread.
I do spectate and shadow faster drivers, and that usually does help.
Also, to Gimpster's point, I usually find that I can finish fairly close to the top just by keeping out of trouble. I'll often place higher than drivers that have fast laps that are 1-2 seconds faster than me. By racing clean and consistent, I do pretty well.
Thanks agains for the input. Good stuff. Plenty to think about. Now i just need to put it into practice.