World Of Tanks
(520 posts, started )
You need to be really really quick now. Basically when the code comes up you need to be able to use it within minutes or you miss your chance.
Finger dexterity over
9000 reached! I got one of those codes from teh chat
WOWP or WOT code? I'm hoping to get the WOT code, no luck so far
It was wowp code apparently. I put it on the wot site which means it was just burned. Don't care about wowp at all though. Just went with the code as soon as it appeard. Maybe better luck next time. My system is flawless though
Quote from Hyperactive :I got three emails and each one gave me 200 gold. Those two I posted here gave 200 each and one I spotted earlier gave me 200 more. I have no idea why you did not get 200gold for each link...

Edit: apparently the QR codes now appear randomly so you need to watch the stream all the time.

Lol, I just realised that I had accidentally opened the same email twice so I still had one unread bonus code email in my inbox. Used it now and got the missing 200 gold.
Quote from Joku123 :Lol, I just realised that I had accidentally opened the same email twice so I still had one unread bonus code email in my inbox. Used it now and got the missing 200 gold.

Joku123, pls.
People are super fast with these one use codes today
qr code apparently coming...
And not working anymore...
Got both QR codes, still trying to get WOT bonus code, 1000 people watching the stream...
Those bonus codes are just impossible to catch...

Got a qr though, which is better than nothing.
There is 2 minutes for QR, but for the codes... less than one second
Got the WOT Bonus code! What a fuhyn relief :banana_ra
Finally managed to catch a bonus code. T2 LT, 300gold and 1day premium! :woohoo:

Downloading now.
Forever 0 dmg pen.
Finally installed xvm. Did not install it earlier because I wanted to make my own look but then I tested the online config creator for it and it was super easy to make it exactly like you like. You can even create own otm with the editor.

Kind of scary how many red players there are in lower tier games. And even at higher tiers it is pretty amazing how bad some people are

Anyone of you tried the new physics yet? What do you think?
Holy crap the test build is amazing. It looks GORGEOUS, and not just new lighting - new textures, and they've not just 'dressed' the old maps, they seem to have upped the resolution of the heightmap as well as add LOADS more fidelity and natural undulation to the ground - no more fields that could be a LFS circuit... They also have realised that people will want to climb all over the maps like mountain goats - there are lots more sneaky places that are accessable to the more nimble tanks who are prepeared to experiment.

As for physics -anyone with a T-50-2 is in for a treat (big pics, so I've just put links) ... 212047- <-- spot the BT-7

Just had a game where both teams got in a long train behind the T95 and PUSHED to see how fast we could get it going
Ooh, new [size]tyre[/size] physics. Definitely going to try this. Anyone else getting russian text even when it's set on English? For example joining queue, graphics options.
yeah, it's kind of a test-test-server so it's all in russian, and the only button that works in the garage is 'Battle' and the ones to select a tank.
Umm... When I pressed button 'battle' it got greyed-out (bacame unpressable) and nothing happened.
Did you make sure you installed it in a separate folder, not over the top of your original installation?

Also, make sure your graphics drivers and DirectX are up to date.
Well here is easy 1000 gold:

To win as artillery, you must destroy 3 or more tanks.
To win as a tank, you must destroy 3 or more artilleries.
Each valid entry will be rewarded with 500gold

World Of Tanks
(520 posts, started )