Poll : What do you think of the Fragmaster team

What community, didn't know they had one
They only race oval don't they?
Don't like the community, don't like the drivers
Like the community, like the drivers
Don't like the community, like the drivers
Like the community, don't like the drivers
Crazy Harry; I've just read your signature. If you add up all the the non-oval tracks mileage, it smashes the oval.

So it isn't an oval sim, I got the impression you were trying to convince us it was.

Forgive me if I'm wrong...
So THAT'S what FM stands for. Don't see a lot of you because I don't visit the oval (especially on the FM server), and I wasn't even aware of your forums/ventrillos/communitys. Sorry. If the oval junkies server hadn't been mentioned I wouldn't have had a clue who you were. And I was never helped on the odd occasion I joined the junkies server, just told to not be on the track and had a million server messages like "FM-Whocares has set a PB" or "Please clear the track unless you've done 100,000,000 laps of the oval in this car"

I guess oval junkies has a certain notoriety around here.
#28 - Jakg
ok, in all honesty, quite a few are ok, but there are a few arrogant members that give the team its reputation...
Lol Lets All Jump On The Who Are They Bandwagon God You're All So Cool!
Frag...what? Master? Frag Master? Hmmm... name sounds like
an electrical appliance or something....
LOL It Slices! It Dices! It Purees! It's the FragMaster from Ronco!

Seriously, Never really heard of y'all. Which I guess is a good thing seeing how
bad news (reputations) travels faster than good news - lol espescially on these forums

Anyways, good luck with your team
Well, from what I do know about the FM team, is that they have a great community. If you ever visit their homesite, you`ll find forums, and some very nice add-ons, that would improve your game feeling.

People who know me, know that me and the FM hasn`t allways been much nice to eachothers, so I am not going to cry like a kid with stupid arguements just because I got baned. (life time banned in my case).

Yes, there is some spam, but I think that maybe is nessesary to teach, and get the attention from some drivers. But I agree there should be less, but still - some spam is good
The thing about VT (Ventrilo) server, is a very nice idea. The only thing that sometimes bothered me, was that there was like 2-3 people talking german, while 5 others was just silent, because we don`t understand german.

ASwell for the drivers. Some of them are great drivers, fair and fun to race with. But since we all are different, there is some that maybe not allways acts very nice. I am not going to jump on any, because most of the FM team is great guys, I just have problems with some. But lets not start naming people, that leads nowhere and is for no use

So my final oppinion is that FM has a great community, and most of the drivers are great aswell. There are some I can`t stand, but theres allways people that you sometimes can`t get allong with
Quote from Racer Y :Which I guess is a good thing seeing how
bad news (reputations) travels faster than good news - lol espescially on these forums


Well from my time's with [FM] i would have to vote for the option " I dont like the community, but i like SOME of the driver's.

TBH, some of you guy's act like you rule the world!

Ah so what did you make think this is true? I would like to see some reasons here?

It seem's that you dont like to be disagreed with and anyone who come's to your forum and complains about being banned or whatever, they get the same old answer" its our server, if you dont like it **** off".

You should really read stuff before you judge:

http://www.fragmaster.net/fm/i ... ;file=viewtopic&t=477

And dont forget the link inside which goes back into this forum. The idea is to make things clear and you cant tell everybody what he did wrong/ or not and why should everybody do a new post because he got banned when we can give advides in order to avoid situations to enjoy his staying on our server?

IMo, the server is the most poorly ran server in all of LFS, even with a admin there almost 24/7. The server mods are annoying to say the least, and the constant spamming is the worst thing i have ever seen.

Quote from Blackspider : Generally, safety messages/rules are posted at the end of a race (For the start of the next), or periodically during a race, when a violation of rules occours. (Somone crashes, spins in the track, the 'Shift+S or ban' message pops up).

There are 7 rule messages in use on the XSIV server. I'm more than willing to share them with you here, i fyou like.

Why do we show these? To remind people of them. People need reminding, because people forget.. Too quickly. Blue flaggers racing with leaders, sitting on the track because you are too busy saying 'you idiot' in chat... These are unexcusable, and people are removed for it.

Generally speaking, I warn once, force to spectate, then if further offences are made, I kick. Any more, and it's a 24hr ban. If you do it just to give us 'the finger', you get a week ban.


Furthermore, if you are unable or unwilling to obey rules, you should go elsewhere. And if you don't like being reminded of the rules, go elsewhere. And I, for one, am fed up of people saying "These people aren't fair". You do not pay for the use of our server, so bear in mind it is a privilidge, not a 'right'. You have no 'right' to play, we simply allow you to.

We have a regular contigent of drivers on the XSIV server who are fully capable of obeying rules, and enjoy the racing. We run private servers for these drivers, in a pleasent environment, with no mass-rule posting, and no multi-restarts due to incapable launchers. XSIV server is like it is because of the ones who are unable to drive properly. Blame them, not us.

There are many teams who use our server and throughally enjoy the experience. If you don't like it, find another server, and don't waste our time with your complaining about 'abuse of admin'.

all from this thread: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=26815#post26815

I have also joined the vent channel a couple of time's a while back and can honestly say that the FM channel is the very reason i deleted the program.


There is a couple i really enjoy racing with though, Queensheet(spelling? and im not sure if he is even a part of the community) is a awesome guy to race with, fair, clean driver and fast everywhere he goes it seems.

True, he is fast but also he got his own thinking of how to act on the oval and most of the time he overreacted and did not liked our rules.

There are a couple more that are really fun to race with, but names are escaping me right now, and im not sure if they are even a part of the community anymore.

Sure you did forget other names because finding good reasons would not fit into your post at all.

Quote from 510N3D :There is a couple i really enjoy racing with though, Queensheet(spelling? and im not sure if he is even a part of the community) is a awesome guy to race with, fair, clean driver and fast everywhere he goes it seems.

True, he is fast but also he got his own thinking of how to act on the oval and most of the time he overreacted and did not liked our rules.

With respect, I haven't met anybody who likes your rules. I appreciate that it's your server and you're entitled to run it however you see fit, but the scripts make it feel a bit too authoritarian for many peoples tastes.
Quote from thisnameistaken :With respect, I haven't met anybody who likes your rules. I appreciate that it's your server and you're entitled to run it however you see fit, but the scripts make it feel a bit too authoritarian for many peoples tastes.

Yeah but see it this way, the lapper is still VIP and we are betha tester and it will be improved by the creators and by us on our server as well. We dont like to remind people to keep the track clear as well but if we turn it off we cant race anymore because there are, beside some people who know whats going on, people who dont + they forget and this reminder is usefull and helps us so we can race and dont have to tell them what to do. Its not that we want to teach everybody. And for those who think its still not nesseary go on create a server for 23 people and youll see its going apocalypse.
Now the conversation has gone on i've realised which server is being talked about, it's that Oval Junkies one - which I have tried in the past.

Unfortunately I had a few races where I spun and shift-s'd and rather than rejoin I mucked about in the pits waiting for the next race, and promptly got kicked for spinning and not shift-s'ing... "dude - I wasn't spun!" - other similar incidents also occurred, and it was soon evident that completing a race there was nigh on impossible anyway.

It struck me as agressively admined by admins who where racing, which is quite daft really, and consequently it did not give a very positive playing experience and I never returned. How can admins be so aggressive when they really havn't a clue what really happened and are relying on their scripts?

That does not mean I dislike the team, I just dislike racing on the server as it's not my bag. I dont race on drift servers either. Or cops and robbers...
Quote from th84 :There is a couple i really enjoy racing with though, Queensheet(spelling? and im not sure if he is even a part of the community) is a awesome guy to race with, fair, clean driver and fast everywhere he goes it seems.

hmmm ....you must be talking about a different Quietscheente than the one i've known for a long time, lol.
Quote from Becky Rose :Now the conversation has gone on i've realised which server is being talked about, it's that Oval Junkies one - which I have tried in the past.

Unfortunately I had a few races where I spun and shift-s'd and rather than rejoin I mucked about in the pits waiting for the next race, and promptly got kicked for spinning and not shift-s'ing... "dude - I wasn't spun!" - other similar incidents also occurred, and it was soon evident that completing a race there was nigh on impossible anyway.

It struck me as agressively admined by admins who where racing, which is quite daft really, and consequently it did not give a very positive playing experience and I never returned. How can admins be so aggressive when they really havn't a clue what really happened and are relying on their scripts?

That does not mean I dislike the team, I just dislike racing on the server as it's not my bag. I dont race on drift servers either. Or cops and robbers...

Well all i can say is: we do not kick/ban/spec/ or simular randomly. The question is how was your overall behaviour and what else happend besides that and ask yourself where you able to keep control of your car at all and what setup did you used? Im just asking that because people that have a standard set mostly are not able to keep a propper line and therefore its just to dangerous to let em stay on track. We give out setups to them and in 90% it fixes the problem. So i dont know what happend at all and if you say you just had a few races it makes me think you dont have/had enough expierences, and because of that you made misstakes or whatever. And just btw. even if i had many races and have alot of experience i still think im not done with learning and im not in the position to put myself above anyone else. You may think that but thats not true at all.
You just called me arrogant, badly behaved and talentless. Is there anything else or are you going to stop there?

I think i'm starting to form an opinion...
Quote from Becky Rose :You just called me arrogant, badly behaved and talentless. Is there anything else or are you going to stop there?

I think i'm starting to form an opinion...

I had a feeling there might be a quick reply. I admire your calmness.
Quote from Becky Rose :You just called me arrogant, badly behaved and talentless. Is there anything else or are you going to stop there?

I think i'm starting to form an opinion...

Sure i did .... i was asking you ... nothing more. Very objectively reading.

You should know the difference between a question and a statement.
Quote from 510N3D :Sure i did .... i was asking you ... nothing more. Very objectively reading.

It's the old language barrier again.
Quote from Gentlefoot :It's the old language barrier again.

yeah i knew my english Knowledge would break my neck once.
Quote from 510N3D :We give out setups to them and in 90% it fixes the problem.

I haven't seen you ever giving a setup to others. "It's team setup" - you say.

I don't want to offend FM, but when I go to OJ server I feel like going to a demo host, back in the time of S1.
Quote from tristancliffe :So THAT'S what FM stands for.

EXACTLY my thoughts.

Had no idea there was a whole community around these servers. Doesn't change the fact that I'll never come close to an oval server, especially not the Oval Junkies one.
Guess you have to create your own community if the "normal" community doesn't like you :P *runs*
Quote from detail :I haven't seen you ever giving a setup to others. "It's team setup" - you say.

lol...this team setup story is a joke and just btw. look at this:

F08 + BF1 real qualify setups no crap.

And in case i told you this and did not gave you a setup immediately because i was testing some things and that would not be driveable for others in some cases so i finish the race or laps or whatever and give out a propper setup. Btw. how many times are you a guest on our server to make a objectively statement on that ?

And just a thought: is it my duty to give you a setup? No but i do it because its boring to be quicker/have more control then (nearly) everbody else, every race.
510N3D, LOL, you'd better look at my registration time. I'm 3 years in LFS, and know very well what Setupfield is.

I've been quite a lot at your host and have told what I've seen.
Quote from tristancliffe :And I was never helped on the odd occasion I joined the junkies server, just told to not be on the track and had a million server messages like "FM-Whocares has set a PB" or "Please clear the track unless you've done 100,000,000 laps of the oval in this car"

Maybe you should just think about what an oval is like:
You race with more than 300 km/h with some to many cars around you. You have to be really cautious not to hit anybody and make it round there without a crash. Imagine the following situation:
You are driving with 4 other cars, having good fights for the lead. You are driving above 200 mp/h all the time and get a real thrill of the speed., Then you get draft by other drivers overtake them, get overtaken again, start to work together, as you get faster through that and have a higher chance of a win. Then suddenly, after Turn 3 a standing car appears in front of you in the middle of track! You honestly have absolutley no chance of avoiding this car, or even if you manage to avoid it, its more than likely, that you hit another car travelling with you at that speed while you try to avoid that car standing on track. Thats just annoying, when people think they can stand around on the track and chat with other drivers.
Ok, now, what to do??? The easiest thing to do is, create a bind on F1 to F8 saying for example Standing on the track gets u banned (yep, getting banned is the only language some people understand). Now you recognize, that it doesnt help at all, cause people keep ignoring it. Then you install that Lapper program to create automated messages or send people to pits automatically. If you have 20 drivers racing, and only 2 of them dont obey the rules and give a fu**, the race is messed up for every other racer trying to race.
So you tell me (not only the one I qouted) you won't get annoyed if some people keep standing on the track and ruin your race. Its something dirfferent on roadcourses, I must admit, but the oval is just not a roadcourse. Its a oval. And to be honest, if you ever watched NAscar or Indycar Races on the oval, as soon as there is a crash, or a car is standing on the track the pace car comes out. Unfortunately, we dont have that option in LFS, so admins of a oval server have to have an eye on those situations, to avoid mass crashes. And some people just dont get it, even after you told them a hundred times.
If people who join the oval server would spectate for a couple of minutes and just look what oval is like, some of that spam wouldn't be necessary. I mean, if you join the oval server as someone that never raced the oval before and you join a gird of 19 other drivers its more than likely that you dont even survive the start. But if you spectate and see how things go round, you might get an idea on how to beave. And, exiting the pits, turning around 180° to run into the leader of the race is just not how you behave on a race track.
Another thing is our voice chat. I remember me joining the oval the first time. I sat there, smoke my little jo*** and thought, OMG what fast and close racing is going on here?? I exited pits after the race had started and tried to get some laps done. After a while I tried to start with the field, and failed. It was just not possible to get a good start and I ended up messing uop other racers races. BUT: I can read, and I pressed shift + s as fast as I could and started out of the pits again, to get a bit of practice. And after some time Im managed to get good fights with other racers and finish the race in lead lap. Then I got some advice from admins: Go low in corners and wide on straights. That will improve your laptime. Alright, lets try that out...... wow that works, Thank you guys. Then they invited me to their voice chat,, Hmmm, voice chat, I used such progs before, so why not. I installed it, and joined. Man that was a great experience. Even though I wasn't a good or fast driver I was treated with respect, because I obeyed the rules and treat the other drivers with respect. So the FM Guys settled me down with a good setup (yes you have to join voice chat to get a setup from them, but thats just because they want to get you there as it makes racing (esp. on the oval) so much better). Alright settled down with a good set and getting help with drafting from the FM Guys, my laptimes improved and after a few days I even managed to win some races. Being able to draft with the main field or even the few cars trying to excape the main field is just another experience than getting kicked out of the race every freakin time. After a while I was asked to join them and well, I had great times there and enjoyed the company of the guyys on voice chat, I joined the team. So, yeah, I am a FM as well. I dont regret it and had many good times there.
If you just join the oval, try to race one or two races, are confused or even annoyed by the mass spamming I can understand that u don't like the oval. But if you truely would have tried or took the advice admins give (and yes admins try to give advice to new drivers) you would see that it can be fun. Its 8 laps (approx 4,5 mins) of absolut fast driving, fighting for position or working together to get a fast laptime. Its another experience than road courses and that in the same game LFS. Try that experience out, connect to our server, spectate for a few races, come to our voice chat, get a setup and learn how to race the oval properly. But hey if you are afraid, you could enjoy it, then just stay away, but dont call us names.
And just for the notice, we do not race only oval. And we even don't only race LFS. Yes, we even play other games together. And we have a life besides playing games. We are people like everyone else, we just know what fun the oval can be..

Sorry if this got a bit confusing, but there are so many things to say, and my brain isn#t the newest.

Happy racing to ya all, and maybe we meet each other on the track and have a good fight and time together

best regards

Plaztikman, I have stood up for you in some other threads, and you seem really sincere, but can I just say that you are not helping your case here.

When people offer you sincere comments on what their experience of the FM server was like (see e.g., Becky's post above) your replies are always implying that the person was incompetent or irresponsible. This is not the way to win friends.

Sure, as a non-native speaker of English you may miss some subtlety of expression, but I don't think that's the fundamental problem here. You come across as convinced that the FM guys are doing it the right way, and that people who have a bad time on the server are all idiots. If you really believe this, then fine, your call, but there is not a lot of point in communicating this publicly. What do you expect people to say? "Yes, you're right, I was a complete goose and a troublemaker, and I should learn to enjoy the spamming and the hyper-aggressive admin behaviour, please please let me come back to the wonderful FM world"?

Honestly I think what's going on here is that you've dug yourself into a very defensive mindset. I can see why that's happened, and I sympathize with you to some extent, because certainly there are people on the forums who are dismissive of your favourite form of racing. But unfortunately you seem to have reached the point where everyone is an enemy, and you are immediately hostile towards people who are trying to offer constructive criticism or personal opinons.

And if your reply to this post starts by querying the number of laps I've ever driven on the oval, well... just don't OK?
i thought FM stood for "F**king Munkies"
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What do you think of the Fragmaster Team?
(239 posts, closed, started )