Poll : What do you think of the Fragmaster team

What community, didn't know they had one
They only race oval don't they?
Don't like the community, don't like the drivers
Like the community, like the drivers
Don't like the community, like the drivers
Like the community, don't like the drivers
Quote :And just a thought: is it my duty to give you a setup? No but i do it because its boring to be quicker/have more control then (nearly) everbody else, every race.

And you called me arrogant...
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :i thought FM stood for "F**king Munkies"

Wow, now thats a construcitve comment. GREAT
reply for your added text:
no, it's not your job, but you've told earlier about your welcomeness and that you DO GIVE SETUPS to people with problems. Again, I haven't asked for a setup, neither complained this time. It's about other people.

It's quite a strange reaction: in figurative sense, you say you're so kind, I say you're rude. Then insead of insisting that you're really good guys, you tell "but why should we be kind?!" This really reveals your attitude. It looks like you take critics for offence.
What I would like to point out to you FM guys is....

You created this thread to recieve feedback about your team and community, correct?

I would like to suggest then that you at least have patience in reading and digesting what people have written. At the moment all you seem to be doing in this thread is immediately responding with rebukes and denials about how your server is run. I think you should take a step back and let comments and criticisms be made.

What is the point in asking for comments if you reject them on almost every occasion? By the ammount of negative comments on here (ignoring the blatant oval bashing) I would say there are definately aspects of your community and servers you need to look at more closely. Despite your team's experience etc etc, you do not know it all and you should take some of the comments as constructive criticism and do something about it. THAT would make you a better team and far more respected for admitting the problems you have and rectifying them.
Quote from mrbogeyman :What I would like to point out to you FM guys is....

You created this thread to recieve feedback about your team and community, correct?

I would like to suggest then that you at least have patience in reading and digesting what people have written. At the moment all you seem to be doing in this thread is immediately responding with rebukes and denials about how your server is run. I think you should take a step back and let comments and criticisms be made.

What is the point in asking for comments if you reject them on almost every occasion? By the ammount of negative comments on here (ignoring the blatant oval bashing) I would say there are definately aspects of your community and servers you need to look at more closely. Despite your team's experience etc etc, you do not know it all and you should take some of the comments as constructive criticism and do something about it. THAT would make you a better team and far more respected for admitting the problems you have and rectifying them.

Its true that we wanted opinions (constructive ones) but when people post such things like "I thought FM stood for Fu**ing Munkies", I mean why post such things at all. Thats ridiculous. Go get a life.
Quote from Torben :Its true that we wanted opinions (constructive ones) but when people post such things like "I thought FM stood for Fu**ing Munkies", I mean why post such things at all. Thats ridiculous. Go get a life.

Its upto you guys to filter out the obvious crap and take on the proper criticism. What forum doesn't have spam and abuse? Don't be disheartened by some of the stuff posted here, just ignore it and take on board those people who are genuinely trying to help and providing proper feedback.
thats it i will not reply here again. people do not read or understand what i try to say and nearly only negative facts are picked up to reduce us to a certain level. In MOST of the replies there is no objectivity at all, things get mixed up, words and situations get turned around and thats why it is useless to keep/have a normal conversation.

all the best to everybody and enjoy the things you do.

Quote from mrbogeyman :Its upto you guys to filter out the obvious crap and take on the proper criticism. What forum doesn't have spam and abuse? Don't be disheartened by_ some_ of the stuff posted here, just ignore it and take on board those people who are genuinely trying to help.

Alright, true that in every forum is spam and stuff. But in my humble opinion, people just read FM and/or Oval and thats it. For many people Oval is just skillles crap. But you cant make an opinion by doing 2 races. As I said before my first hours on the oval server where crap as well. But I was willing to learn and now I am enjoying this. Most people posting here cant make constructive comments, they just state, that the spamming is evil, FM is evil and arrogant. But that the spam is necessary to have at least one good race out of 5, they just dont wanna hear it. We run this server for quite a while now, and believe us, we tried it without that spam, it just didnt work out.
If someone can tell me, how to tell new drivers not to stand on the track other than repeating it over and over again, I am willing to try it out, but to be honest, there is no other way on such a track. Its fast and intense. Its different to road courses. Its an oval. And its part of LFS even though some people wish it wouldn't.
Quote from mrbogeyman :You created this thread to recieve feedback about your team and community, correct?

I would like to suggest then that you at least have patience in reading and digesting what people have written

Thats what I am trying to do, but drivers feel the need to get their point accross, so they reply to specific comments....

I am trying to get an overall view of our team, and I think we all know what that view is, but as Torben said (Somewhere in that post) we aren't all oval racers, so we will keep that seperate. The main problem people seem to have is the spamming on the servers, and Admin's who are too quick to ban? Take a look at our circuit servers and you will find a far different place to race.

You will also find a hughe community willing and eager to help other on our ventrillo sever (http://www.fragmaster.net/vt)
learn to ignore silly comments like mine!
if i started a thread sayin 'what do u think of me' there would be endless silly comments, basically u have done the same thing and u have been lucky thus far!

but seriosuly, ive had some problems wit u guys in the past, lets just forget it and i wanna say, good luck to the fag master team
Quote from 510N3D :thats it i will not reply here again. people do not read or understand what i try to say and nearly only negative facts are picked up to reduce us to a certain level. In MOST of the replies there is no objectivity at all, things get mixed up, words and situations get turned around and thats why it is useless to keep/have a normal conversation.

all the best to everybody and enjoy the things you do.


Im sorry but you did ask. How can you expect it to be all flowers and butterfly replies?

I suggest you ignore the obvious abuse and take on the constructive criticism, if there is any
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :learn to ignore silly comments like mine!
if i started a thread sayin 'what do u think of me' there would be endless silly comments, basically u have done the same thing and u have been lucky thus far!

but seriosuly, ive had some problems wit u guys in the past, lets just forget it and i wanna say, good luck to the fag master team

How about learning to just not post such unqualified comments??????
#63 - DeKo
personally i dont like FM anyway, i had a few good races on the server yeah, but one of the admins was on his period. next thing i know i get accused of "blocking, breaking rules and being rude to the admins" and i get lifetime banned. nice one.

Also, i went onto there little banger server and got a lifetime ban from that just as i exited the pits. seems like somebody has a grudge
Torben, - read what the other has wroten. Filter it out, some people write crap, but you cannot start judge our other comments, and people - just because there is one that can`t be constructive.
I am not going to attack ya, or anything like that, but serously, listen on what people has to say, and filter the bad things out.
Quote from Torben :How about learning to just not post such unqualified comments??????

sorry but u get nutters on the internet. i can say some silly comments are justified, ive learned to avoid your server but i know many people who have had bad experiences.

theveryends post above is good advice tho
Quote from Torben :Alright, true that in every forum is spam and stuff. But in my humble opinion, people just read FM and/or Oval and thats it. For many people Oval is just skillles crap. #1 But you cant make an opinion by doing 2 races. As I said before my first hours on the oval server where crap as well. But I was willing to learn and now I am enjoying this. Most people posting here cant make constructive comments, they just state, that the spamming is evil, FM is evil and arrogant. #2 But that the spam is necessary to have at least one good race out of 5, they just dont wanna hear it. We run this server for quite a while now, and believe us, we tried it without that spam, it just didnt work out.
If someone can tell me, how to tell new drivers not to stand on the track other than repeating it over and over again, I am willing to try it out, but to be honest, there is no other way on such a track. Its fast and intense. Its different to road courses. Its an oval. And its part of LFS even though some people wish it wouldn't.

#1: You are right in saying you can't make an opinion by doing 2 races. BUT, you cannot keep disregarding people opinions about the oval racing because they have little milage. I myself will have a tiny ammount of oval milage compared to yourself, but my experience of LFS on all the other tracks allows me to learn quickly about how things operate on the oval. I would consider my self easily experienced enough to race oval perfectly well, as I have a couple of team mates who occasionally also join in - thus we learn how to race as a team etc and the strategies that can be used. So I would say most people DO have a valid opinion here as experienced racers. Oval is NOT so alien that they are so inept to make comments about it.

#2: I think by calling it SPAM yourself you are proving the point. SPAM is a hate object in the internet world and will NEVER be accepted. Im glad to hear you have tried not using it, but in my experience all the important messages just get lost in the sea of spam.
Quote from DeKo :Also, i went onto there little banger server and got a lifetime ban from that just as i exited the pits. seems like somebody has a grudge

Yeah, banger server, good you mention it! We stated the rules in order to have fun. One of the rules is, dont pit. It takes the fun out of it. Its about banger racing to have cars lying around and not pitting and reentering the track. If you lie around on the banger track sooner or later some car will hit you, we even do it on purpose to get others back in race. Its about fun.
And yeah, by the way, I was on a banger server where u got an instant kick as soon as u hit shift+s.. now is that better????
Better than a lifetime ban, yes.
You put your hand in a hornets nest and are wondering why it hurts.
#70 - DeKo
Quote from Torben :Yeah, banger server, good you mention it! We stated the rules in order to have fun. One of the rules is, dont pit. It takes the fun out of it. Its about banger racing to have cars lying around and not pitting and reentering the track. If you lie around on the banger track sooner or later some car will hit you, we even do it on purpose to get others back in race. Its about fun.
And yeah, by the way, I was on a banger server where u got an instant kick as soon as u hit shift+s.. now is that better????

I didnt mean pit like that, i just joined and left the pits. you lifetime ban for that now?
Quote from mrbogeyman :#1: You are right in saying you can't make an opinion by doing 2 races. BUT, you cannot keep disregarding people opinions about the oval racing because they have little milage. I myself will have a tiny ammount of oval milage compared to yourself, but my experience of LFS on all the other tracks allows me to learn quickly about how things operate on the oval. I would consider my self easily experienced enough to race oval perfectly well, as I have a couple of team mates who occasionally also join in - thus we learn how to race as a team etc and the strategies that can be used. So I would say most people DO have a valid opinion here as experienced racers. Oval is NOT so alien that they are so inept to make comments about it.

Wow, I wouldn't consider myself experienced enough to race the oval perfectly well. To race a track perfectly it takes ages in my opinion. And yes the oval too..

Quote from mrbogeyman :#2: I think by calling it SPAM yourself you are proving the point. SPAM is a hate object in the internet world and will NEVER be accepted. Im glad to hear you have tried not using it, but in my experience all the important messages just get lost in the sea of spam.

I called it spam because if I called it anything else people wouldnt have known what I meant. Some "spam" is avoidable alright, but some spam result from the fact, that we are playing a beta game and for example the Lapper program is beta as well. We test it and try to improve it. And if you travel around the track and a car stands on the track and you hit you F-Key "standing on the track gets u banned" and next lap that cart is still there, I hit that button 5 times. If that doesnt help, the driver gets a kick.. Thats the way people learn...
#72 - DeKo
another one, one of the FM Members talks using so called "wigger" speak.. "how dare ya do dat".. "da no wai!"

OH NO! better not join a FM server, you get a Lifetime Ban the first time you leave the pits :O
Quote from DeKo :I didnt mean pit like that, i just joined and left the pits. you lifetime ban for that now?

Hm.. cant remember that situation. Dont know if I was around either. But, and thats a non offensive advise, save the replay and post it in our forums. If the replay shows that you got banned for no reason you will be unbanned. Yes admins are human too and make mistakes.
Quote from DeKo :another one, one of the FM Members talks using so called "wigger" speak.. "how dare ya do dat".. "da no wai!"

OH NO! better not join a FM server, you get a Lifetime Ban the first time you leave the pits :O

wigger speak, please qoute where I used that so called speak. Sorry that I am german and my english isn't as perfext as yours
#75 - DeKo
Quote from Torben :Hm.. cant remember that situation. Dont know if I was around either. But, and thats a non offensive advise, save the replay and post it in our forums. If the replay shows that you got banned for no reason you will be unbanned. Yes admins are human too and make mistakes.

I know why i got banned, hence why i put "seems like somebody has a grudge" in my post. Yes i got banned for nothing, but judging by the other people requesting to get banned, ill just get a reply "its our server, F*ck off" as usual
This thread is closed

What do you think of the Fragmaster Team?
(239 posts, closed, started )