The online racing simulator
Romanian translation
(85 posts, started )
Quote from Scawen :Hi, thanks for the progress with the Romanian translation.

1) The flag can only be displayed when I release a patch that includes the finished translation. The language will then be an official language in LFS, which it recognises and assigns a number to it. Then it will use the flag which I'll add to the special flags texture.

2 to 4) These cannot be translated at the moment, although they have been requested by other people as well (also the interface options page).

Ok, thank you for answering my questions.

I found another problem. In Options/Audio/Channels menu, I have translated the word Channel (Lista), but the first one remains untranslated and its name can't be changed (Can't rename the setup channel). Should I leave them in english?
Attached images
Ah yes, that can't be translated, it's just the same in all the other languages.

How are you doing with the translation? I see there are still 117 lines to be translated. I am planning a new update soon, with some multiplayer improvements. It would be good to include the Romanian translation.

I hope to release a test patch later this week. Please let me know if you can get that done, or if pigmeu, apo3d, luchian should have access as well so they can help?
(underline015) DELETED by dekojester : offtopic / spam
(Specht77) DELETED by dekojester : replying to offtopic / spam post
Quote from Scawen :How are you doing with the translation? I see there are still 117 lines to be translated. I am planning a new update soon, with some multiplayer improvements. It would be good to include the Romanian translation.

I hope to release a test patch later this week. Please let me know if you can get that done, or if pigmeu, apo3d, luchian should have access as well so they can help?

Unfortunately, we didn't made any progress in the past 3 months (or more). I spoke with Luchian and he said that he will help me finish the translation as soon as posible.
We have a Google docs spreadsheet that we use to make the translation and everyone (pigmeu, apo3d, luchian) has access to it, so there is no need for access in the LFS system.

If we finish it and you include it in the next patch, will we be able to update it after? I ask because at the moment there is not much feedback from the romanian comunity and maybe we will receive improvement ideas after the translation is official.

Also, there is a line that is longer than the maximum number of characters. Can we have some (not many) exceptions? I can only think of one right now, but maybe there will be more.

BTW, now I receive emails from LFS Forum.
NO SPAM please (kitu_gudu) DELETED by dekojester : related to offtopic / spam that was deleted
Quote from kitu_gudu :If we finish it and you include it in the next patch, will we be able to update it after? I ask because at the moment there is not much feedback from the romanian comunity and maybe we will receive improvement ideas after the translation is official.

Yes, you can always continue to update if after it is released. Sometimes there are some new lines added and we send an email to all translators.

I hope we can put the translation into a test patch, that is one way to get more feedback from Romanian people. I'm aiming to release a test patch on Friday afternoon, to get some good weekend testing.

Quote from kitu_gudu :Also, there is a line that is longer than the maximum number of characters. Can we have some (not many) exceptions? I can only think of one right now, but maybe there will be more.

In some cases I can add some more length, but in some cases they are limited for screen space reasons or technical limitations such as text buffers or packets. You can post the string id here and how many extra characters you need and I can have a look.
(USRacer) DELETED by dekojester : post too useless (spam)
Hey Scawen, since you asked for feedback from Romanian people I am one and ever since I heard about this last year I thought it's the most useless thing you can be bother with, to have pink wheel nuts is more useful than this. It's great to see you back working on the game but I cannot emphasis how much I don't want this language pack and if you do decide to put it can you put in the post how to remove this option.

There is a point to have Japanese or Coreen translation for example but this Romanian translation is bigoted and isolationist in my opinion.
Quote from mitza4rally :Hey Scawen, since you asked for feedback from Romanian people I am one and ever since I heard about this last year I thought it's the most useless thing you can be bother with, to have pink wheel nuts is more useful than this. It's great to see you back working on the game but I cannot emphasis how much I don't want this language pack and if you do decide to put it can you put in the post how to remove this option.

There is a point to have Japanese or Coreen translation for example but this Romanian translation is bigoted and isolationist in my opinion.

In LFS there is Croatian translation, but I use English version. You just select English in options
Quote from mitza4rally :Hey Scawen, since you asked for feedback from Romanian people I am one and ever since I heard about this last year I thought it's the most useless thing you can be bother with, to have pink wheel nuts is more useful than this. It's great to see you back working on the game but I cannot emphasis how much I don't want this language pack and if you do decide to put it can you put in the post how to remove this option.

I'd just like to make sure you know that adding this translation will not take much of my time at all - there's no special code support for it.

Of course you can select any language you like in the options.

Quote from mitza4rally :There is a point to have Japanese or Coreen translation for example but this Romanian translation is bigoted and isolationist in my opinion.

Why is that - what's wrong with Romanian?
Glad to know that it doesn't take a lot of your time and there is nothing wrong with the language, I acknowledge the fact that some don't know other languages but this is more like for those that requested that to feel important not that they actually need it.
Quote from mitza4rally :Hey Scawen, since you asked for feedback from Romanian people I am one and ever since I heard about this last year I thought it's the most useless thing you can be bother with, to have pink wheel nuts is more useful than this. It's great to see you back working on the game but I cannot emphasis how much I don't want this language pack and if you do decide to put it can you put in the post how to remove this option.

There is a point to have Japanese or Coreen translation for example but this Romanian translation is bigoted and isolationist in my opinion.

That is just a selfish and egocentric way of thinking. If it's useless for you, it doesn't mean that it's useless for everybody.

If you want to give feedback, use the translation and find mistakes or make improvement suggestions, if not, your feedback is useless.

@ Scawen
When did you add the posibility to translate de menus in Options -> Display -> Interface?
Quote from kitu_gudu :When did you add the posibility to translate de menus in Options -> Display -> Interface?

Today :

EDIT : I just looked at that section in the Romanian translation. I noticed some funny strings nearby in the Mip Bias options. Is it some kind of copy and paste error? I have not looked around to see if the same problem comes up in other places.
Very nice to see progress, and therefore seeing that you guys really still are alive. (Which means you've got to be working towards S3 somehow..)
(mp5cod) DELETED by Scawen
Quote from Scawen :
EDIT : I just looked at that section in the Romanian translation. I noticed some funny strings nearby in the Mip Bias options. Is it some kind of copy and paste error? I have not looked around to see if the same problem comes up in other places.

I noticed that too and only on the words that are translated recently.

There is a problem with ș and ț. It's not because of a copy-paste problem. I enter this characters manually and after I push the Save whole translation button, I have Č™ instead of ș and Č› instead of ț. I hope this problem will be fixed.
Well since you requested some translation feedback I've attached a txt file in UNICODE format ! so it has comma-letter (ANSI doesn't). A lot of it is quite well translated but as I looked dipper some really big grammar mistakes are in and that brings me to to why I raged in the first place, it's because a kid that hasn't finished school or people without medium to advanced knowledge of both languages translating a game, if you want to do it do it properly.
Daniel you might be very pissed but I hate half-assed jobs, especially those that can't be modified after.

Scawen if I may recommend to wait until it's properly made, checked twice and released once.
Attached files
ro_lfs.txt - 6 KB - 575 views
Quote from mitza4rally :Well since you requested some translation feedback I've attached a txt file in UNICODE format ! so it has comma-letter (ANSI doesn't). A lot of it is quite well translated but as I looked dipper some really big grammar mistakes are in [...]

I wasn't expecting this. I want to thank you for your feedback and to admit that my english is far from perfect. Your english is better than mine. That beeing said, your help would be greatly apreciated. We can give you access to the Google docs spreasheet that we work on so that you can help us.

Quote from mitza4rally :[...]and that brings me to to why I raged in the first place, it's because a kid that hasn't finished school or people without medium to advanced knowledge of both languages translating a game, if you want to do it do it properly.
Daniel you might be very pissed but I hate half-assed jobs, especially those that can't be modified after.

Scawen if I may recommend to wait until it's properly made, checked twice and released once.

FYI, I finished school 2 years ago.

Yes, we are not perfect and that is why we could use some help. The only reason that "people without medium to advanced knowledge of both languages are translating a game" is because people with advanced knowledge of both languages aren't.

I don't consider this a half-assed job.
Quote from kitu_gudu :I noticed that too and only on the words that are translated recently.

There is a problem with ș and ț. It's not because of a copy-paste problem. I enter this characters manually and after I push the Save whole translation button, I have Č™ instead of ș and Č› instead of ț. I hope this problem will be fixed.

you are using characters that are not part of the 1250 codepage.

You are using ș, where it should be ş
Also, you use ț where the 1250 character is ţ
That is why weird stuff happened because my codepage detector and converter didn't recognize that character.

PS, it does convert them properly now though, so it doesn't matter wether you use ș or ş. But I don't know if there is a difference in meaning in the Romanian language (ie. if one or the other is the right character to use)
Quote from Victor :you are using characters that are not part of the 1250 codepage.

You are using ș, where it should be ş
Also, you use ț where the 1250 character is ţ
That is why weird stuff happened because my codepage detector and converter didn't recognize that character.

I used the same characters before and there was no problem. I have them on my keyboard. How can I replace them with the correct characters (on my keyboard)?
Quote from kitu_gudu :I used the same characters before and there was no problem. I have them on my keyboard. How can I replace them with the correct characters (on my keyboard)?

it does convert them properly now though, so it doesn't matter wether you use ș or ş. But I don't know if there is a difference in meaning in the Romanian language (ie. if one or the other is the right character to use)
Quote from Victor :it does convert them properly now though, so it doesn't matter wether you use ș or ş. But I don't know if there is a difference in meaning in the Romanian language (ie. if one or the other is the right character to use)

Quote from Scawen :I've found a slight problem in the Romanian translation, but there is a solution and I've emailed Victor about it.

It seems to be a sort of deficiency in code page 1250 - it doesn't properly support the S-comma / s-comma / T-comma / t-comma Romanian letters. But what it does have are S-cedilla / s-cedilla / T-cedilla / t-cedilla, which look similar, and although they are technically wrong they are used in many Romanian texts as a replacement.

Wikipedia :

So I think with LFS that's what we have to do. But please don't go through changing them yet - I think Victor can make that conversion automatic so that you'll automatically see ş in LFS instead of ș (and similarly for the other three).

EDIT : OK, Victor has done that now. The S/s/T/t "with comma" are now converted to S/s/T/t "with cedilla" in the translation system, so they should appear OK in LFS.

alrighty then
Victor has fixed those comma characters that got saved strangely. They should now appear as cedilla characters, the nearest approximation in code page 1250.

You should be able to enter as comma or cedilla characters and the result should be cedilla characters. Please let us know if you find any more problems.
I finished all th green lines from this page ... _viewer.php?lang=Romanian, i.e those that weren't translated and the file with them and other correction are in the attachment. This weekend I'm pretty but next week I'll give an overhaul to the hole file and then... will see
Attached files
ro_lfs.txt - 10.6 KB - 512 views
Quote from mitza4rally :I finished all th green lines from this page ... _viewer.php?lang=Romanian, i.e those that weren't translated and the file with them and other correction are in the attachment. This weekend I'm pretty but next week I'll give an overhaul to the hole file and then... will see

I changed the visibility of the Google Docs document on which we collaborate and sent you the link via PM accompanied by a "clarification" message. You can see that part of the suggestions you made are already present.

As stated before on this thread the online translation is not the current translation. We only need kitu_gadu to update the list, which by now is probably to late for this update (Friday afternoon).
Quote from mitza4rally :A lot of it is quite well translated but as I looked dipper some really big grammar mistakes are in and that brings me to to why I raged in the first place, it's because a kid that hasn't finished school or people without medium to advanced knowledge of both languages translating a game, if you want to do it do it properly.

The first line in your .txt is wrong. (REÂNCEPEREA)

It's correct the way I wrote it (REÎNCEPEREA) and here is why:

Pe scurt, regula zice că â se foloseşte în interiorul cuvintelor,
iar î se foloseşte la început şi la sfârşit.

Ca în: c[B]â[/B]ntar,[B] î[/B]nceput, a hotăr[B]î[/B], hotăr[B]â[/B]t, hotăr[B]â[/B]nd, a ur[B]î[/B], ur[B]â[/B]t, ur[B]â[/B]nd.

Numai că: [B]dacă un cuvânt care începe cu î primeşte un prefix[/B] (adică
alea 2-3 litere de le pui uneori în faţă, de genul pre-, ne-), [B]atunci î
rămâne î, deşi acu’ apare în interiorul cuvântului[/B].[B]
î[/B]nceput – ne[B]î[/B]nceput; [B]î[/B]ndoielnic – ne[B]î[/B]ndoielnic.

Sources: ... 06/15/i-din-a-si-a-din-i/

You say that we have made big grammar mistakes and yet the first word that you translate is wrong. You see now how easy it is to make a mistake? That's why we need to work together. When one makes a mistake, the others can correct it.

I will check the rest of your list today.
Quote from pigmeu :As stated before on this thread the online translation is not the current translation. We only need kitu_gadu to update the list, which by now is probably to late for this update (Friday afternoon).

I didn't update it because I wasn't sure it's correct. I prefer to update after I talk to the other translators.

Altought we updated a lot of words these days, the translation isn't finished and it can only be used for testing purposes for now. I will try to update I as much as I can today.
(USRacer) DELETED by Scawen

Romanian translation
(85 posts, started )